[OSGeo Oceania] OSGeo Oceania board meeting 7 June - minutes

John Bryant johnwbryant at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 19:49:54 PDT 2024

Hi all, the minutes from our last board meeting are posted on the OSGeo
Oceania wiki <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania#2024>, and attached here
for convenience. Apologies for the delay in posting them, I was traveling
for work; thanks to Ewen Hill for stepping in to help finalise them.

One of the big items this month was finalising a budget for the upcoming
financial year (1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025). The budget is posted on the
wiki <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Oceania#Documents_.26_policies>, and
attached. Some of the main points:

   - The net income from the Hobart conference is estimated at AUD $30k.
   It's our main form of income and underpins our investment in the community,
   but we have historically not been that great at estimating this amount with
   accuracy. However, at this early stage, things seem to be on track, and
   some feel it's a conservative estimate... fingers crossed.
   - Operational costs are relatively fixed but there may be some
   opportunities to reduce them. Volunteer time is a factor here ("eg we could
   do this more cheaply if someone put in the time to seek alternatives".
   - Notably, the bottom line is significantly negative. This is chiefly
   due to the effect of a commitment to ~$23k in "seed funding" for the FOSS4G
   2025 event in Auckland, and no known corresponding revenue in the financial
   year. It's yet to be seen whether this expense will be realised. It should
   be noted this amount is a loan, and is intended to be repaid before
   calculating profit/loss for the 2025 event.
   - Our intent is to maintain a strong level of community investment, and
   we've put this in a distinct section in the budget to highlight it. After
   all, it's the main reason for our existence as an organisation! We've
   separated Grants and Sponsorship, and will aim to focus our sponsorship
   within the Oceania community.

Other highlights of the board meeting include:

   - FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2024 is well on its way, with a confirmed sponsor,
   and a growing number of registrations and talk/workshop proposals coming in.
   - Well done to the Comms Working Group for the recent website & social
   media highlighting the work of our Grants Program!
   - We are looking for someone to represent the Oceania chapter of OSMF -
   Ewen will share more details via newsletter and Discord.

As always - please let us know what you think!

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