[GeoForAll-UrbanScience] Diversity building in our collaborative 'urban science/city analytics' efforts

Antoni P�rez Navarro aperezn at uoc.edu
Mon Jul 6 06:50:50 PDT 2015

Hi Charlie,

sorry for the delay in answering and sorry if my answer is not apropriate. Probably I missunderstood the message, but I find strange the folowwing item:
Annual Open Geospatial Science for Urban Vulnerability Doctoral Consortia

The other items are generic activities, but this is a very focused item. Is there any reason for staring this topic? If not, we can wide the topic and talk about Open Geospatial Science for Urban Health, and also talk about other topics, like city management, utilities, etc.

As I said, probably I missundersood you. If it is the case, please, forget the message.

Thank you, very much.

Best regards,

Antoni Pérez Navarro 
Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació [Responsable de les assignatures de Física i Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica] 
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya 
aperezn at uoc.edu 
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (edifici B3)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5. 08860 Castelldefels

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Abans d'imprimir aquest missatge electrònic penseu en el medi ambient.

--- Missatge original de "Mueller, Thomas" per a "geoforall-urbanscience at lists.osgeo.org" ,Charles Schweik enviat el 05.07.2015 23:25


I like all the ideas.  I am not sure when this would be a appropriate, but a webinar series might be helpful as the project completes sub parts


From: geoforall-urbanscience-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [geoforall-urbanscience-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] on behalf of Charles Schweik [cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 7:26 AM
To: geoforall-urbanscience at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [GeoForAll-UrbanScience] Diversity building in our collaborative 'urban science/city analytics' efforts
  Hi GeoForAll Urban Science folks   I'm working on 'activities' section for our 'Open Geospatial Science for Urban Vulnerability' NSF RCN proposal. The vast majority of this proposal will be asking for funding to send people in our network to either FOSS4G NA or the FOSS4G global to participate in several activities that will be co-located there:    1) Annual ?Train the Trainer´ workshops on open access educational material (FOSS4G NA and FOSS4G global); 2) Annual Open Geospatial Science for Urban Vulnerability Doctoral Consortia at FOSS4G global;  3) Coordinated regular ?Academic Track´ paper submissions to these conferences on Open Geospatial Science for Urban Vulnerability; 4) Annual 1-day ?collaborative paper or grant sprints´ co-located at the FOSS4G NA and global conferences; and, 5) Hold regular bi-monthly RCN steering committee meetings, and subgroup meetings via an online conferencing system
If anyone has any reactions to any of the above or other ideas I should consider, let me know. 
But here's my question:
NSF ENCOURAGES EFFORTS TO HELP BUILD A DIVERSE COLLABORATIVE NETWORK. Are there things we can specifically do to encourage more women in this effort or a more diverse participant pool in general? One idea I have is to build a larger participant pool from the African Continent somehow. Thoughts, reactions? I could use some ideas on how to build diversity. 
Thanks, Charlie   
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