[OpenCitySmart] FW: Cities and Regions: Managing Growth and Change - Regional Studies Association Conference 2016 Abstract Deadline 28 Feb.
Suchith Anand
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Feb 4 23:10:08 PST 2016
Might be a good opportunity to present our OpenCitySmart work. Anyone in US willing to lead this submission and present on Geo4All behalf.
From: Economic Geography Research Group [ECONOMIC-GEOGRAPHY at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Clark, Jennifer J [jennifer.clark at GATECH.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:52 PM
Subject: Cities and Regions: Managing Growth and Change - Regional Studies Association Conference 2016 Abstract Deadline 28 Feb.
Cities and Regions: Managing Growth and Change<http://www.regionalstudies.org/conferences/conference/rsa-north-american-conf>
Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th June 2016
Georgia Institute of Technology<http://www.urbaninnovation.gatech.edu>
Historic Academy of Medicine Building
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Abstract submission deadline: 28th February 2016
In the wake of the global financial crisis, cities have searched for new policies and practices capable of addressing major shifts in socio-economic relations at the urban and regional scale. These divergent and differentiated efforts have led to the intensification of underlying problems in some cities and a return to growth in others.
Regional policies, particularly in the North American context, responded to economic challenges by adopting new technologies and new institutional and organizational forms to manage growth and change at the city scale. The result is a complex and uneven landscape of public and private actors delivering financial services, scaling-up supply chains, coordinating firm networks, diffusing process and material innovations, and organizing new forms of civic representation and participation.
This conference provides a platform for researchers to address the effects of these policy, organizational, and institutional innovations and their impact on work, identity, governance, production networks, infrastructure investments, technology diffusion, and ultimately place. The conference will focus on the policy implications of emerging forms of governance and policy delivery relative to uneven development and inequality in a post-crisis era of ongoing market liberalization, financialization, and global competition.
The inter-related processes of industrialization, urbanization, and regional and local development are complex. These processes pose a major challenge for regional policy, firstly for our conceptualizations of regional and urban development and, secondly, for specifying appropriate policy-fixes to provide the conditions for sustainable, smart, and equitable economic growth.
The 2016 RSA North America Conference, in the 51st Year of the Regional Studies Association, is an opportunity to discuss these issues, to chart future research imperatives, and to address concerns and challenges confronting policymakers and practitioners. The conference organizers are keen to attract papers and sessions addressing a broad research and policy agenda, including contributions from disciplines that offer relevant insights associated with recasting our cities and regions.
Plenary Speakers
Professor Susan Christopherson<https://aap.cornell.edu/people/susan-christopherson>, Cornell University, USA
Professor Karen Chapple<http://ced.berkeley.edu/ced/faculty-staff/karen-chapple>, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Dieter Kogler<http://www.ucd.ie/research/people/geography/drdieterkogler/>, University College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Robin Leichenko<http://geography.rutgers.edu/people/faculty-core/44-people/faculty/87-faculty-leichenko>, Rutgers University, USA
Professor David Rigby<http://www.geog.ucla.edu/people/david-rigby>, UCLA, USA
Professor Matthew Zook<https://geography.as.uky.edu/users/zook>, University of Kentucky
Conference Themes
A: Smart Cities, Smart Regions
B: Regional Innovation: Theory, Methods, Practice
C: Territory, Politics, Governance
D: Sustainable Cities and Regions
E: Emerging Community, Urban and Regional Identities
F: Labor Markets in Cities and Regions
G: Regional Economies: SMEs, Scale-Up and the Future of Production Networks
The organisers welcome proposals for special sessions, themed workshops and innovative forms of networking and collaboration. If you would like to organise or offer a session to the conference please contact:
Academic Organisers: Professor Jennifer Clark<http://www.iac.gatech.edu/people/faculty/clark>, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
RSA Organiser: Lesa Reynolds: lesa.reynolds at regionalstudies.org
For further information please visit: www.regionalstudies.org/conferences/conference/rsa-north-american-conf
Regional Studies Association – 25 Clinton Place, Seaford, East Sussex, BN25 1NP, UK
Tel: + 44 (0)1323 899 698 –Email: events at regionalstudies.org
Reg. Charity No. 1084165 – Reg. in England and Wales No. 4116288
Dr. Jennifer Clark<https://gatech.academia.edu/JenniferClark>
Associate Professor, School of Public Policy<http://www.spp.gatech.edu> and
Director, Center for Urban Innovation<http://www.urbaninnovation.gatech.edu>
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts<http://www.iac.gatech.edu>, Georgia Institute of Technology<http://www.gatech.edu>
DM Smith Building
685 Cherry Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345 USA
tel. 404.385.7224 email. jennifer.clark at gatech.edu
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