[OpenDroneMap-dev] Georef

Bruno Oliveira bruno.manata.oliveira at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 08:20:47 PDT 2015


I have been digging on the Georef code and found this, after the Bundler
file parsing, and creating a pose matrix (concatenating the Bundler's R and
t matrices,

*  pose = pose.inverse();    // Column negation    pose(0,2) =
-1.0*pose(0,2);    pose(1,2) = -1.0*pose(1,2);    pose(2,2) =
-1.0*pose(2,2);    pose(0,1) = -1.0*pose(0,1);    pose(1,1) =
-1.0*pose(1,1);    pose(2,1) = -1.0*pose(2,1);    if (pose_ != NULL)
{        delete pose_;        pose_ = NULL;    }    pose_ = new
Eigen::Affine3f(pose);    rot = transform.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>();
    // Calculate translation according to -R't and store in vector.    t =
-rot.transpose()*t;        transform(0,3) = t(0);    transform(1,3) =
t(1);    transform(2,3) = t(2);*

Why would you estimate inverse pose, do the "column negation" and after
that do the *t = -rot.transpose()*t;  *(This is actually documented in the
bundler file, what I dont' understand is why would you invert the original
pose matrix and do the "column negation")
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