[OpenGeoscience] EGU 2017: Townhall + Reception

"Peter Löwe" peter.loewe at gmx.de
Tue Jan 17 02:25:10 PST 2017

Dear opengeoscience committee list,

regarding EGU 2017, the conference organizer (Corpernicus) has suggested an option to complement the annual OSGeo Townhall:

A "reception" could be arranged right before the Townhall event. Until now, such receptions are being hosted before Medal lectures. This would allow the make OSGeo specific updates & announcements, talk about the option to have a "OSGeo-price for scientific software in EGU", etc. before we have the "open for all" Townhall itself.

- Pro: this would allow double the overall timeslot "to talk/preach OSGeo" in one location. 
- Pro: People interested in OSGeo, but having a time collission due to obligations in other Townhalls, can attend (just) for the reception
- Con: this will require additional funding for refreshments.

The deadline for Townhalls is January 20th. There is no hard deadline for receptions, but the organizers need our feedback by end of January for the room allocation planning.

What do you folks think ?


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