[OpenGeoscience] OSGeo Open Geoscience award

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon May 28 06:33:53 PDT 2018

Maybe the "unforenseen costs" in the budget can be used for this award; 
so the prize could be 500 USD instead?

My logic is that otherwise, 1000 USD eats up a lot of the budget.


On 2018-05-25 12:13 PM, Massimiliano Cannata wrote:
> Dear Open geoscience Community of OSGeo, I'd like to ask you to access 
> 1000 usd as part of the committee budget for an Open Science award in 
> the geospatial field for young scientists.
> The award will be assigned during the OGRS conference 
> (http://2018.ogrs-community.org) had in Lugano in October where the 
> conference  motto is "open science in action".
> Please let me know your feedback.
> Best
> Maxi

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