[OpenLayers-Commits] r11500 - in sandbox/jennier/openlayers: build examples examples/img img lib lib/OpenLayers lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes lib/OpenLayers/Control lib/OpenLayers/Handler lib/OpenLayers/Layer lib/OpenLayers/LocalTileStorage tests tests/BaseTypes tests/Control tests/Handler tests/Layer theme/default/img tools

commits-20090109 at openlayers.org commits-20090109 at openlayers.org
Fri Feb 25 09:14:53 EST 2011

Author: jennier
Date: 2011-02-25 06:14:52 -0800 (Fri, 25 Feb 2011)
New Revision: 11500

merge with trunk

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/README.txt
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/README.txt	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/README.txt	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1,14 +1,43 @@
+The OpenLayers build tool supports several different
+forms of compressing your javascript code, and a method
+of describing build profiles to create customized 
+OpenLayers builds with only the components you need.
-## HowTo: Build & deploy "Shrunk" Single File Library version of OpenLayers ##
+When building a file, you can choose to build with several
+different compression options to the Python-based build.py
+script. The following is an example script:
- * Build:
+python build.py -c closure full OpenLayers-closure.js
-     cd build
-     ./build.py
-     cd ..
+This script selects the 'closure' compression mechanism,
+uses a config file called 'full.cfg', and writes the output
+to OpenLayers-closure.js.
- * Upload the result to the server: e.g.
+The options available for compression are:
-  scp build/OpenLayers.js openlayers at openlayers.org:openlayers.org/htdocs/code/
+ * closure
+   This requires you to have a closure-compiler.jar in your
+   tools directory. You can do this by fetching the compiler
+   from:
+     http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip
+   Then unzipping that file, and placing compiler.jar into tools
+   and renaming it closure-compiler.jar.
+ * closure_ws
+   This uses the closure compiler webservice. This will only work
+   for files source Javascript files which are under 1MB. (Note that
+   the default OpenLayers full build is not under 1MB.)
+ * jsmin
+   jsmin is the default compiler, and uses the Python-based
+   jsmin script to compress the Javascript. 
+ * minimize
+   This is a simple whitespace removing Python script, designed
+   to fill in when other tools are unavailable.
+ * none
+   None will leave the Javascript uncompressed.

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/build.py
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/build.py	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/build.py	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -3,44 +3,62 @@
 import sys
 import mergejs
+import optparse
-def build():
-    have_compressor = None
+def build(config_file = None, output_file = None, options = None):
+    have_compressor = []
         import jsmin
-        have_compressor = "jsmin"
+        have_compressor.append("jsmin")
     except ImportError:
-        try:
-            import minimize
-            have_compressor = "minimize"
-        except Exception, E:
-            print E
-            pass
+        print "No jsmin"
+    try:
+        import closure
+        have_compressor.append("closure")
+    except Exception, E:
+        print "No closure (%s) % E"
+    try:
+        import closure_ws
+        have_compressor.append("closure_ws")
+    except ImportError:
+        print "No closure_ws"
+    try:
+        import minimize
+        have_compressor.append("minimize")
+    except ImportError:
+        print "No minimize"
+    use_compressor = None
+    if options.compressor and options.compressor in have_compressor:
+        use_compressor = options.compressor
     sourceDirectory = "../lib"
     configFilename = "full.cfg"
     outputFilename = "OpenLayers.js"
-    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-        configFilename = sys.argv[1]
+    if config_file:
+        configFilename = config_file
         extension = configFilename[-4:]
         if extension  != ".cfg":
-            configFilename = sys.argv[1] + ".cfg"
+            configFilename = config_file + ".cfg"
-    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
-        outputFilename = sys.argv[2]
+    if output_file:
+        outputFilename = output_file
     print "Merging libraries."
     merged = mergejs.run(sourceDirectory, None, configFilename)
-    if have_compressor == "jsmin":
-        print "Compressing using jsmin."
+    print "Compressing using %s" % use_compressor
+    if use_compressor == "jsmin":
         minimized = jsmin.jsmin(merged)
-    elif have_compressor == "minimize":
-        print "Compressing using minimize."
+    elif use_compressor == "minimize":
         minimized = minimize.minimize(merged)
+    elif use_compressor == "closure_ws":
+        minimized = closure_ws.minimize(merged)      
+    elif use_compressor == "closure":
+        minimized = closure.minimize(merged)      
     else: # fallback
-        print "Not compressing."
         minimized = merged 
     print "Adding license file."
     minimized = file("license.txt").read() + minimized
@@ -51,4 +69,14 @@
     print "Done."
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  build()
\ No newline at end of file
+  opt = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%s [options] [config_file] [output_file]\n  Default config_file is 'full.cfg', Default output_file is 'OpenLayers.js'")
+  opt.add_option("-c", "--compressor", dest="compressor", help="compression method: one of 'jsmin', 'minimize', or 'none'", default="jsmin")
+  (options, args) = opt.parse_args()
+  if not len(args):
+    build(options=options)
+  elif len(args) == 1:
+    build(args[0], options=options)
+  elif len(args) == 2:
+    build(args[0], args[1], options=options)
+  else:
+    print "Wrong number of arguments"

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/mobile.cfg (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/build/mobile.cfg)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/mobile.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/build/mobile.cfg	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/accelerometer.html (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/accelerometer.html)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/accelerometer.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/accelerometer.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/>
+    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>
+    <title>OpenLayers Accelerometer Usage</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css"/>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="browser.js"></script>
+    <style type="text/css">
+        .olControlAttribution {
+            bottom: 5px;
+        }
+    </style>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        function init() {
+            if (isEventSupported('deviceorientation', window) || isEventSupported('mozorientation', window) || isEventSupported('devicemotion', window)) {
+                if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
+                    window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function (event) {
+                        document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = '';
+                        if (typeof(event.alpha) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML + "Alpha: " + event.alpha + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML + "Beta: " + event.beta + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML + "Gamma: " + event.gamma + "<br>";
+                        }
+                        if (typeof(event.absolute) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML + "Gamma: " + event.absolute + "<br>";
+                        }
+                        if (typeof(event.compassCalibrate) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceOrientation').innerHTML + "Gamma: " + event.compassCalibrated + "<br>";
+                        }
+                    }, true);
+                }
+                if (window.DeviceMotionEvent) {
+                    window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function (event) {
+                        document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = '';
+                        if (typeof(event.accelerationIncludingGravity) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "accelerationIncludingGravity.x: " + event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "accelerationIncludingGravity.y: " + event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "accelerationIncludingGravity.z: " + event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z + "<br>";
+                        }
+                        if (typeof(event.acceleration) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "acceleration.x: " + event.acceleration.x + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "acceleration.y: " + event.acceleration.y + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "acceleration.z: " + event.acceleration.z + "<br>";
+                        }
+                        if (typeof(event.rotationRate) != 'undefined') {
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "rotationRate.alpha: " + event.rotationRate.alpha + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "rotationRate.beta: " + event.rotationRate.beta + "<br>";
+                            document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultDeviceMotion').innerHTML + "rotationRate.gamma: " + event.rotationRate.gamma + "<br>";
+                        }
+                    }, true);
+                }
+                if (window.MozOrientation) {
+                    window.addEventListener("MozOrientation", function (orientation) {
+                        document.getElementById('resultMozOrientation').innerHTML = "orientation.x: " + orientation.x + "<br>";
+                        document.getElementById('resultMozOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultMozOrientation').innerHTML + "orientation.y: " + orientation.y + "<br>";
+                        document.getElementById('resultMozOrientation').innerHTML = document.getElementById('resultMozOrientation').innerHTML + "orientation.z: " + orientation.z + "<br>";
+                    }, true);
+                }
+            } else {
+                alert("Unfortunately, your brower doesn't support the orientation usage");
+            }
+        }
+    </script>
+<body onload="init()">
+<h1 id="title">Accelerometer</h1>
+<p id="shortdesc">
+    The goal of this script is to demonstrate the usage of accelerometer.<br>
+    The orientation specification can be found <a href="http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source-orientation.html">here</a>.
+<h1>Device motion</h1>
+<div id="resultDeviceMotion">
+<h1>Device orientation</h1>
+<div id="resultDeviceOrientation">
+<h1>MOZ orientation</h1>
+<div id="resultMozOrientation">

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/controls.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/controls.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/controls.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
             Attach zooming, panning, layer switcher, overview map, and permalink map controls to an OpenLayers window.
-        <a style="float:right" href="" id="permalink">Permalink</a>
         <div id="map" class="smallmap"></div>
+        <a href="#" id="permalink">Permalink</a>
         <div id="docs"></div>

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/draw-feature.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/draw-feature.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/draw-feature.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -64,6 +64,14 @@
+            function allowPan(element) {
+                var stop = !element.checked;
+                for(var key in drawControls) {
+                    drawControls[key].handler.stopDown = stop;
+                    drawControls[key].handler.stopUp = stop;
+                }
+            }
     <body onload="init()">
@@ -97,15 +105,20 @@
                 <input type="radio" name="type" value="polygon" id="polygonToggle" onclick="toggleControl(this);" />
                 <label for="polygonToggle">draw polygon</label>
+            <li>
+                <input type="checkbox" name="allow-pan" value="allow-pan" id="allowPanCheckbox" checked=true onclick="allowPan(this);" />
+                <label for="allowPanCheckbox">allow pan while drawing</label>
+            </li>
         <div id="docs">
-            <p>With the point drawing control active, click on the map to add a point.  You can drag the point
-            before letting the mouse up if you want to adjust the position.</p>
+            <p>With the point drawing control active, click on the map to add a point.</p>
             <p>With the line drawing control active, click on the map to add the points that make up your line.
             Double-click to finish drawing.</p>
             <p>With the polygon drawing control active, click on the map to add the points that make up your
             polygon.  Double-click to finish drawing.</p>
+            <p>With any drawing control active, paning the map can still be achieved.  Drag the map as
+            usual for that.</p>
             <p>Hold down the shift key while drawing to activate freehand mode.  While drawing lines or polygons
             in freehand mode, hold the mouse down and a point will be added with every mouse movement.<p>

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-    <body onload="init()">
+    <body>
         <h1 id="title">Geolocation Example</h1>
         <div id="tags">

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/geolocation.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 var style = {
+    fillColor: '#000',
     fillOpacity: 0.1,
-    fillColor: '#000',
-    strokeColor: '#f00',
-    strokeOpacity: 0.6
+    strokeWidth: 0
 var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -17,6 +16,34 @@
     ), 12
+var pulsate = function(feature) {
+    var point = feature.geometry.getCentroid(),
+        bounds = feature.geometry.getBounds(),
+        radius = Math.abs((bounds.right - bounds.left)/2),
+        count = 0,
+        grow = 'up';
+    var resize = function(){
+        if (count>16) clearInterval(window.resizeInterval);
+        var interval = radius * 0.03;
+        var ratio = interval/radius;
+        switch(count) {
+            case 4:
+            case 12:
+                grow = 'down'; break;
+            case 8:
+                grow = 'up'; break;
+        }
+        if (grow!=='up') {
+            ratio = - Math.abs(ratio);
+        }
+        feature.geometry.resize(1+ratio, point);
+        vector.drawFeature(feature);
+        count++;
+    }
+    window.resizeInterval = window.setInterval(resize, 50, point, radius);
 var geolocate = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
     geolocationOptions: {
         enableHighAccuracy: false,
@@ -27,6 +54,16 @@
 geolocate.events.register("locationupdated",this,function(e) {
+    var circle = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+        OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(e.point.x, e.point.y),
+            e.position.coords.accuracy/2,
+            40,
+            0
+        ),
+        {},
+        style
+    );
         new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
@@ -39,34 +76,28 @@
                 pointRadius: 10
-        new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
-            OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
-                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(e.point.x, e.point.y),
-                e.position.coords.accuracy/2,
-                50,
-                0
-            ),
-            {},
-            style
-        )
+        circle
+    pulsate(circle);
 geolocate.events.register("locationfailed",this,function() {
     OpenLayers.Console.log('Location detection failed');
 $('locate').onclick = function() {
+    vector.removeAllFeatures();
     $('track').checked = false;
     geolocate.watch = false;
 $('track').onclick = function() {
+    vector.removeAllFeatures();
     if (this.checked) {
         geolocate.watch = true;
-$('track').checked = false;
\ No newline at end of file
+$('track').checked = false;

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/img/check-round-green.png (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/img/check-round-green.png)
(Binary files differ)

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/img/check-round-grey.png (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/img/check-round-grey.png)
(Binary files differ)

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/img/list.png (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/img/list.png)
(Binary files differ)

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/img/minus1.png (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/img/minus1.png)
(Binary files differ)

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-base.js (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/mobile-base.js)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-base.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-base.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+// API key for http://openlayers.org. Please get your own at
+// http://bingmapsportal.com/ and use that instead.
+var apiKey = "AqTGBsziZHIJYYxgivLBf0hVdrAk9mWO5cQcb8Yux8sW5M8c8opEC2lZqKR1ZZXf";
+// initialize map when page ready
+var map;
+var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
+var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
+var init = function () {
+    var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Vector Layer", {});
+    var geolocate = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
+        id: 'locate-control',
+        geolocationOptions: {
+            enableHighAccuracy: false,
+            maximumAge: 0,
+            timeout: 7000
+        }
+    });
+    // create map
+    map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+        div: "map",
+        theme: null,
+        projection: sm,
+        units: "m",
+        numZoomLevels: 18,
+        maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+            -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34
+        ),
+        controls: [
+            new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
+            new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
+                dragPanOptions: {
+                    interval: 0, // non-zero kills performance on some mobile phones
+                    enableKinetic: true
+                }
+            }),
+            geolocate
+        ],
+        layers: [
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenStreetMap", null, {
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            }),
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
+                key: apiKey,
+                type: "Road",
+                // custom metadata parameter to request the new map style - only useful
+                // before May 1st, 2011
+                metadataParams: {
+                    mapVersion: "v1"
+                },
+                name: "Bing Road",
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            }),
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
+                key: apiKey,
+                type: "Aerial",
+                name: "Bing Aerial",
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            }),
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.Bing({
+                key: apiKey,
+                type: "AerialWithLabels",
+                name: "Bing Aerial + Labels",
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            }), 
+            vector
+        ]
+    });
+    map.zoomToMaxExtent();
+    var style = {
+        fillOpacity: 0.1,
+        fillColor: '#000',
+        strokeColor: '#f00',
+        strokeOpacity: 0.6
+    };
+    geolocate.events.register("locationupdated",this,function(e) {
+        vector.removeAllFeatures();
+        vector.addFeatures([
+            new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+                e.point,
+                {},
+                {
+                    graphicName: 'cross',
+                    strokeColor: '#f00',
+                    strokeWidth: 2,
+                    fillOpacity: 0,
+                    pointRadius: 10
+                }
+            ),
+            new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+                OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon(
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(e.point.x, e.point.y),
+                    e.position.coords.accuracy/2,
+                    50,
+                    0
+                ),
+                {},
+                style
+            )
+        ]);
+        map.zoomToExtent(vector.getDataExtent());
+    });

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-jq.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-jq.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-jq.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
         <script src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0a3/jquery.mobile-1.0a3.min.js"></script>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.mobile.css" type="text/css">
         <script src="../lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
-        <script src="mobile.js"></script>
+        <script src="mobile-base.js"></script>
             html {
                 height: 100%;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;" />
     <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
-    <title>OpenLayers TouchNavigation Control</title>
+    <title>Mobile Navigation Example</title>
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.mobile.css" type="text/css" />
     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-navigation.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1,17 +1,30 @@
-var map, layer;
+var map;
 function init() {
-    map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', { controls: [
-        new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
-            dragPanOptions: {
-                interval: 0, // non-zero kills performance on some mobile phones
-                enableKinetic: true
-            }
-        }),
-        new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel()
-    ] });
-    layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
-            "http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0",
-            {layers: 'basic'} );
-    map.addLayer(layer);
-    map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(5, 40), 2);
+    map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+        div: "map",
+        theme: null,
+        projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
+        units: "m",
+        numZoomLevels: 18,
+        maxResolution: 156543.0339,
+        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(
+            -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34
+        ),
+        controls: [
+            new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
+                dragPanOptions: {
+                    interval: 0, // non-zero kills performance on some mobile phones
+                    enableKinetic: true
+                }
+            }),
+            new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel()
+        ],
+        layers: [
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenStreetMap", null, {
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            })
+        ]
+    });
+    map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 3);

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -5,12 +5,30 @@
     <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
         <title>OpenLayers with Sencha Touch</title>
-        <script src="../lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+        <script src="../lib/OpenLayers.js?mobile"></script>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.mobile.css" type="text/css">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/resources/css/sencha-touch.css">
         <script src="http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/sencha-touch.js"></script>
-        <script src="mobile.js"></script>
+        <script src="mobile-sencha.js"></script>
+        <script src="mobile-base.js"></script>
+            .searchList {
+                min-height: 150px;
+            }
+            .close-btn {
+                position: absolute;
+                right: 10px;
+                top: 10px;
+            }
+            img.minus {
+                -webkit-mask-image: url(img/minus1.png);
+            }
+            img.layers {
+                -webkit-mask-image: url(img/list.png);
+            }
+            .gx-layer-item {
+                margin-left: 10px;
+            }
             #map {
                 width: 100%;
                 height: 100%;
@@ -25,100 +43,96 @@
-        new Ext.Application({
+        var app = new Ext.Application({
             name: "ol",
             launch: function() {
                 this.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
                     fullscreen: true,
                     dockedItems: [{
-                        dock: "top",
+                        dock: "bottom",
                         xtype: "toolbar",
                         ui: "light",
                         layout: {
                             pack: "center"
-                        defaults: {
-                            ui: "plain",
-                            iconMask: true
-                        },
                         items: [{
-                            iconCls: "arrow_left",
+                            iconCls: "search",
+                            iconMask: true,
+                            handler: function(){
+                                // this is the app
+                                if (!app.searchFormPopupPanel) {
+                                    app.searchFormPopupPanel = new App.SearchFormPopupPanel({
+                                        map: map
+                                    });
+                                }
+                                app.searchFormPopupPanel.show('pop');
+                            }
+                        }, {
+                            iconCls: "locate",
+                            iconMask: true,
                             handler: function() {
-                                pan(-0.25, 0);
+                                var geolocate = map.getControlsBy("id", "locate-control")[0];
+                                if (geolocate.active) {
+                                    geolocate.getCurrentLocation();
+                                } else {
+                                    geolocate.activate();
+                                }
                         }, {
-                            iconCls: "arrow_up",
+                            xtype: "spacer"
+                        }, {
+                            iconMask: true,
+                            iconCls: "add",
                             handler: function() {
-                                pan(0, -0.25);
+                                map.zoomIn();
                         }, {
-                            iconCls: "arrow_down",
+                            iconMask: true,
+                            iconCls: "minus",
                             handler: function() {
-                                pan(0, 0.25);
+                                map.zoomOut();
                         }, {
-                            iconCls: "arrow_right",
+                            xtype: "spacer"
+                        }, {
+                            iconMask: true,
+                            iconCls: "layers",
                             handler: function() {
-                                pan(0.25, 0);
-                            }
-                        }]
-                    }, {
-                        dock: "bottom",
-                        xtype: "toolbar",
-                        ui: "light",
-                        layout: {
-                            pack: "center"
-                        },
-                        items: [{
-                            xtype: "segmentedbutton",
-                            items: [{
-                                text: "navigate",
-                                pressed: true
-                            }, {
-                                text: "point",
-                                id: "point"
-                            }, {
-                                text: "line",
-                                id: "line"
-                            }, {
-                                text: "poly",
-                                id: "poly"
-                            }, {
-                                text: "modify",
-                                id: "mod"
-                            }],
-                            listeners: {
-                                toggle: function(container, button, pressed) {
-                                    Ext.each(map.getControlsByClass(/DrawFeature/), function(control) {
-                                        control.deactivate();
+                                if (!app.popup) {
+                                    app.popup = new Ext.Panel({
+                                        floating: true,
+                                        modal: true,
+                                        centered: true,
+                                        hideOnMaskTap: true,
+                                        width: 240,
+                                        items: [{
+                                            xtype: 'app_layerlist',
+                                            map: map
+                                        }],
+                                        scroll: 'vertical'
-                                    map.getControlsBy("id", "mod-control")[0].deactivate();
-                                    if (pressed) {
-                                        var id = button.id + "-control";
-                                        var control = map.getControlsBy("id", id)[0];
-                                        if (control) {
-                                            control.activate();
-                                        }
-                                    }
+                                app.popup.show('pop');
-                    items: [{
-                        xtype: "component",
-                        scroll: false,
-                        monitorResize: true,
-                        id: "map",
-                        listeners: {
-                            render: init,
-                            resize: function() {
-                                if (window.map) {
-                                    map.updateSize();
+                    items: [
+                        {
+                            xtype: "component",
+                            scroll: false,
+                            monitorResize: true,
+                            id: "map",
+                            listeners: {
+                                render: init,
+                                resize: function() {
+                                    if (window.map) {
+                                        map.updateSize();
+                                    }
-                    }]
+                    ]

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.js (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.js)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile-sencha.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ * The model for the geonames records used in the search
+ */
+Ext.regModel('Geonames', {
+    fields: ['countryName', 'toponymName', 'name', 'lat', 'lng']
+ * Custom class for the Search 
+ */
+App.SearchFormPopupPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
+    map: null,
+    floating: true,
+    modal: true,
+    centered: true,
+    hideOnMaskTap: true,
+    width: Ext.is.Phone ? undefined : 400,
+    height: Ext.is.Phone ? undefined : 400,
+    scroll: false,
+    layout: 'fit',
+    fullscreen: Ext.is.Phone ? true : undefined,
+    url: 'http://ws.geonames.org/searchJSON?',
+    errorText: 'Sorry, we had problems communicating with geonames.org. Please try again.',
+    errorTitle: 'Communication error',
+    maxResults: 6,
+    featureClass: "P",
+    createStore: function(){
+        this.store = new Ext.data.Store({
+            model: 'Geonames',
+            proxy: {
+                type: 'scripttag',
+                timeout: 5000,
+                listeners: {
+                    exception: function(){
+                        this.hide();
+                        Ext.Msg.alert(this.errorTitle, this.errorText, Ext.emptyFn);
+                    },
+                    scope: this
+                },
+                url: this.url,
+                reader: {
+                    type: 'json',
+                    root: 'geonames'
+                }
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    doSearch: function(searchfield, evt){
+        var q = searchfield.getValue();
+        this.store.load({
+            params: {
+                featureClass: this.featureClass,
+                maxRows: this.maxResults,
+                name_startsWith: encodeURIComponent(q)
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    onItemTap: function(dataView, index, item, event){
+        var record = this.store.getAt(index);
+        var lon = record.get('lng');
+        var lat = record.get('lat');
+        var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
+        map.setCenter(lonlat.transform(gg, sm), 12);
+        this.hide("pop");
+    },
+    initComponent: function(){
+        this.createStore();
+        this.resultList = new Ext.List({
+            scroll: 'vertical',
+            cls: 'searchList',
+            loadingText: "Searching ...",
+            store: this.store,
+            itemTpl: '<div>{name} ({countryName})</div>',
+            listeners: {
+                itemtap: this.onItemTap,
+                scope: this
+            }
+        });
+        this.formContainer = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
+            scroll: false,
+            items: [{
+                xtype: 'button',
+                cls: 'close-btn',
+                ui: 'decline-small',
+                text: 'Close',
+                handler: function(){
+                    this.hide();
+                },
+                scope: this 
+            }, {
+                xtype: 'fieldset',
+                scroll: false,
+                title: 'Search for a place',
+                items: [{
+                    xtype: 'searchfield',
+                    label: 'Search',
+                    placeHolder: 'placename',
+                    listeners: {
+                        action: this.doSearch,
+                        scope: this
+                    }
+                },
+                    this.resultList
+                ]
+            }]
+        });
+        this.items = [{
+            xtype: 'panel',
+            layout: 'fit',
+            items: [this.formContainer]
+        }];
+        App.SearchFormPopupPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+    }
+App.LayerList = Ext.extend(Ext.List, {
+    map: null,
+    createStore: function(){
+        Ext.regModel('Layer', {
+            fields: ['id', 'name', 'visibility', 'zindex']
+        });
+        var data = [];
+        Ext.each(this.map.layers, function(layer){
+            if (layer.displayInLayerSwitcher === true) {
+                var visibility = layer.isBaseLayer ? (this.map.baseLayer == layer) : layer.getVisibility();
+                data.push({
+                    id: layer.id,
+                    name: layer.name,
+                    visibility: visibility,
+                    zindex: layer.getZIndex()
+                });
+            }
+        });
+        return new Ext.data.Store({
+            model: 'Layer',
+            sorters: 'zindex',
+            data: data
+        });
+    },
+    initComponent: function(){
+        this.store = this.createStore();
+        this.itemTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
+            '<tpl if="visibility == true">', 
+                '<img width="20" src="img/check-round-green.png">', 
+            '</tpl>', 
+            '<tpl if="visibility == false">', 
+                '<img width="20" src="img/check-round-grey.png">', 
+            '</tpl>', 
+            '<span class="gx-layer-item">{name}</span>'
+        );
+        this.listeners = {
+            itemtap: function(dataview, index, item, e){
+                var record = dataview.getStore().getAt(index);
+                var layer = this.map.getLayersBy("id", record.get("id"))[0];
+                if (layer.isBaseLayer) {
+                    this.map.setBaseLayer(layer);
+                }
+                else {
+                    layer.setVisibility(!layer.getVisibility());
+                }
+                record.set("visibility", layer.getVisibility());
+            }
+        };
+        this.map.events.on({
+            "changelayer": this.onChangeLayer,
+            scope: this
+        });
+        App.LayerList.superclass.initComponent.call(this);
+    },
+    findLayerRecord: function(layer){
+        var found;
+        this.store.each(function(record){
+            if (record.get("id") === layer.id) {
+                found = record;
+            }
+        }, this);
+        return found;
+    },
+    onChangeLayer: function(evt){
+        if (evt.property == "visibility") {
+            var record = this.findLayerRecord(evt.layer);
+            record.set("visibility", evt.layer.getVisibility());
+        }
+    }
+Ext.reg('app_layerlist', App.LayerList);

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
         <title>OpenLayers Mobile</title>
+        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0;">
         <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.mobile.css" type="text/css">
@@ -9,20 +10,61 @@
         <script src="mobile.js"></script>
             html, body {
-                margin: 0;
-                padding: 0;
-                height: 100%;
+                margin  : 0;
+                padding : 0;
+                height  : 100%;
+                width   : 100%;
+            @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
+                html, body {
+                    height  : 117%;
+                }
+            }
             #map {
-                position: relative;
-                width: 100%;
-                height: 100%;
+                width    : 100%;
+                position : relative;
+                height   : 100%;
             .olControlAttribution {
-                font-size: 10px;
-                bottom: 5px;
-                right: 5px;
+                position      : absolute;
+                font-size     : 10px;
+                bottom        : 0 !important;
+                right         : 0 !important;
+                background    : rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
+                font-family   : Arial;
+                padding       : 2px 4px;
+                border-radius : 5px 0 0 0;
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomInItemInactive,
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomOutItemInactive {
+                background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
+                position: absolute;
+            }
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomInItemInactive {
+                border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
+            }
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomOutItemInactive {
+                border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px ;
+                top: 37px;
+            }
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomOutItemInactive:after ,
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomInItemInactive:after{
+                font-weight: bold;
+                content   : '+';
+                font-size : 36px;
+                padding:  7px;
+                z-index: 2000;
+                color     : #fff;
+                line-height: 1em;
+            }
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomOutItemInactive:after{
+                content: '–';
+                line-height: 0.9em;
+                padding: 0 8px;
+            }
+            div.olControlZoomPanel .olControlZoomToMaxExtentItemInactive {
+                display: none;
+            }
             #title, #tags, #shortdesc {
                 display: none;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/mobile.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1,77 +1,40 @@
 // initialize map when page ready
 var map;
-var gg = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326");
-var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913");
-function init() {
-    // layer for drawn features
-    var vector = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
+// Get rid of address bar on iphone/ipod
+var fixSize = function() {
+    window.scrollTo(0,0);
+    document.body.style.height = '100%';
+    if (!(/(iphone|ipod)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))) {
+        if (document.body.parentNode) {
+            document.body.parentNode.style.height = '100%';
+        }
+    }
+setTimeout(fixSize, 700);
+setTimeout(fixSize, 1500);
+var init = function () {
     // create map
     map = new OpenLayers.Map({
         div: "map",
-        projection: sm,
-        units: "m",
-        numZoomLevels: 18,
-        maxResolution: 156543.0339,
-        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(
-            -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34
-        ),
+        theme: null,
         controls: [
+            new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
             new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
                 dragPanOptions: {
                     interval: 0, // non-zero kills performance on some mobile phones
                     enableKinetic: true
-            new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
-            new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-                vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Point, {id: "point-control"}
-            ),
-            new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-                vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {id: "line-control"}
-            ),
-            new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-                vector, OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon, {id: "poly-control"}
-            ),
-            new OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature(vector, {id: "mod-control"}),
             new OpenLayers.Control.ZoomPanel()
-        layers: [new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(), vector],
-        center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0),
-        zoom: 1
+        layers: [
+            new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OpenStreetMap", null, {
+                transitionEffect: 'resize'
+            })
+        ],
+        center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(742000, 5861000),
+        zoom: 3
-    // attempt to get position
-    if (window.navigator && navigator.geolocation) {
-        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(
-            updatePosition,
-            function failure(error) {
-                OpenLayers.Console.log(error.message);
-            },
-            {
-                enableHighAccuracy: true
-            }
-        );
-    }
-// get position if possible
-var position;
-function updatePosition(pos) {
-    position = pos;
-    var lon =  position.coords.longitude;
-    var lat = position.coords.latitude;
-    OpenLayers.Console.log("position: lon " + lon + ", lat " + lat);
-    map.setCenter(
-        new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(gg, sm)
-    );
-function pan(fx, fy) {
-    var size = map.getSize();
-    map.pan(size.w * fx, size.h * fy);

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/style.css
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/style.css	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/style.css	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -121,3 +121,19 @@
         display : none;
+ at media only screen and (orientation: landscape) and (max-width: 600px) {
+    #shortdesc {
+       float: right;
+       width: 25%;
+    }
+    #map {
+        width: 70%;
+    }
+    #docs {
+        font-size: 12px;
+    }
+body {
+    -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/tile-origin.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/tile-origin.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/examples/tile-origin.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
     <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
         <title>OpenLayers Tile Origin Example</title>
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css">
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../theme/default/google.css" type="text/css">
         <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css">

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/cloud-popup-relative.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/drag-rectangle-off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/drag-rectangle-on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/east-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/layer-switcher-maximize.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/layer-switcher-minimize.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/marker-blue.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/marker-gold.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/marker-green.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/marker.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/measuring-stick-off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/measuring-stick-on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/north-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/panning-hand-off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/panning-hand-on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/slider.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/south-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/west-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/zoom-minus-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/zoom-plus-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/zoom-world-mini.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/img/zoombar.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Pixel.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Pixel.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes/Pixel.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -86,6 +86,24 @@
+     * APIMethod: distanceTo
+     * Returns the distance to the pixel point passed in as a parameter.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * px - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Float} The pixel point passed in as parameter to calculate the
+     *     distance to.
+     */
+    distanceTo:function(px) {
+        return Math.sqrt(
+            Math.pow(this.x - px.x, 2) +
+            Math.pow(this.y - px.y, 2)
+        );
+    },
+    /**
      * APIMethod: add
      * Parameters:

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/BaseTypes.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -632,9 +632,11 @@
      * APIMethod: parse
      * Generate a date object from a string.  The format for the string follows
      *     the profile of ISO 8601 for date and time on the Internet (see 
-     *     http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).  If the parse method on 
-     *     the Date constructor returns a valid date for the given string,
-     *     that method is used.
+     *     http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339).  We don't call the native
+     *     Date.parse because of inconsistency between implmentations.  In 
+     *     Chrome, calling Date.parse with a string that doesn't contain any
+     *     indication of the timezone (e.g. "2011"), the date is interpreted
+     *     in local time.  On Firefox, the assumption is UTC.
      * Parameters:
      * str - {String} A string representing the date (e.g. 
@@ -647,37 +649,31 @@
     parse: function(str) {
         var date;
-        // first check if the native parse method can parse it
-        var elapsed = Date.parse(str);
-        if (!isNaN(elapsed)) {
-            date = new Date(elapsed);
-        } else {
-            var match = str.match(/^(?:(\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?)?(?:T(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?)(Z|(?:[+-]\d{1,2}(?::(\d{2}))?)))?$/);
-            if (match && (match[1] || match[7])) { // must have at least year or time
-                var year = parseInt(match[1], 10) || 0;
-                var month = (parseInt(match[2], 10) - 1) || 0;
-                var day = parseInt(match[3], 10) || 1;
-                date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
-                // optional time
-                var type = match[7];
-                if (type) {
-                    var hours = parseInt(match[4], 10);
-                    var minutes = parseInt(match[5], 10);
-                    var secFrac = parseFloat(match[6]);
-                    var seconds = secFrac | 0;
-                    var milliseconds = Math.round(1000 * (secFrac - seconds));
-                    date.setUTCHours(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
-                    // check offset
-                    if (type !== "Z") {
-                        var hoursOffset = parseInt(type, 10);
-                        var minutesOffset = parseInt(match[8], 10) || 0;
-                        var offset = -1000 * (60 * (hoursOffset * 60) + minutesOffset * 60);
-                        date = new Date(date.getTime() + offset);
-                    }
+        var match = str.match(/^(?:(\d{4})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?)?(?:T(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d+)?)(Z|(?:[+-]\d{1,2}(?::(\d{2}))?)))?$/);
+        if (match && (match[1] || match[7])) { // must have at least year or time
+            var year = parseInt(match[1], 10) || 0;
+            var month = (parseInt(match[2], 10) - 1) || 0;
+            var day = parseInt(match[3], 10) || 1;
+            date = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day));
+            // optional time
+            var type = match[7];
+            if (type) {
+                var hours = parseInt(match[4], 10);
+                var minutes = parseInt(match[5], 10);
+                var secFrac = parseFloat(match[6]);
+                var seconds = secFrac | 0;
+                var milliseconds = Math.round(1000 * (secFrac - seconds));
+                date.setUTCHours(hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
+                // check offset
+                if (type !== "Z") {
+                    var hoursOffset = parseInt(type, 10);
+                    var minutesOffset = parseInt(match[8], 10) || 0;
+                    var offset = -1000 * (60 * (hoursOffset * 60) + minutesOffset * 60);
+                    date = new Date(date.getTime() + offset);
-            } else {
-                date = new Date("invalid");
+        } else {
+            date = new Date("invalid");
         return date;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Geolocate.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Geolocate.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Geolocate.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -74,6 +74,14 @@
+     * Method: destroy
+     */
+    destroy: function() {
+        this.deactivate();
+        OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: activate
      * Activates the control.
@@ -85,7 +93,7 @@
             return false;
-        if (!this.active) {
+        if (OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
             if (this.watch) {
                 this.watchId = this.geolocation.watchPosition(
                     OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.geolocate, this),
@@ -93,16 +101,11 @@
             } else {
-                this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(
-                    OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.geolocate, this),
-                    OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.failure, this),
-                    this.geolocationOptions
-                );
+                this.getCurrentLocation();
+            return true;
-        return OpenLayers.Control.prototype.activate.apply(
-            this, arguments
-        );
+        return false;
@@ -146,6 +149,25 @@
+     * APIMethod: getCurrentLocation
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} Returns true if a event will be fired (successfull
+     * registration)
+     */
+    getCurrentLocation: function() {
+        if (!this.active || this.watch) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        this.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(
+            OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.geolocate, this),
+            OpenLayers.Function.bind(this.failure, this),
+            this.geolocationOptions
+        );
+        return true;
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: failure
      * method called on browser's geolocation failure

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Measure.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Measure.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/Measure.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@
      * Parameters: point - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Point>} The point at the
      * mouseposition. feature - {<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>} The sketch feature.
-    measureImmediate : function(point, feature) {
-        if (this.delayedTrigger === null &&
+    measureImmediate : function(point, feature, drawing) {
+        if (drawing && this.delayedTrigger === null &&
                                 !this.handler.freehandMode(this.handler.evt)) {
             this.measure(feature.geometry, "measurepartial");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseDefaults.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
             this.zoomBox.style.opacity = "0.50";
             this.zoomBox.style.fontSize = "1px";
             this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-            this.map.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
+            this.map.eventsDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
         document.onselectstart = OpenLayers.Function.False;
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
      * Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
     removeZoomBox: function() {
-        this.map.viewPortDiv.removeChild(this.zoomBox);
+        this.map.eventsDiv.removeChild(this.zoomBox);
         this.zoomBox = null;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/MouseToolbar.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
                 this.zoomBox.style.opacity = "0.50";
                 this.zoomBox.style.fontSize = "1px";
                 this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-                this.map.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
+                this.map.eventsDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
                 this.performedDrag = true;
             case "measure":

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/OverviewMap.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/OverviewMap.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Control/OverviewMap.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
-        this.ovmap && this.ovmap.viewPortDiv.removeChild(this.extentRectangle);
+        this.ovmap && this.ovmap.eventsDiv.removeChild(this.extentRectangle);
         this.extentRectangle = null;
         if (this.rectEvents) {
@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@
                         {controls: [], maxResolution: 'auto', 
                          fallThrough: false}, this.mapOptions);
         this.ovmap = new OpenLayers.Map(this.mapDiv, options);
-        this.ovmap.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.extentRectangle);
+        this.ovmap.eventsDiv.appendChild(this.extentRectangle);
         // prevent ovmap from being destroyed when the page unloads, because
         // the OverviewMap control has to do this (and does it).

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Events.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -105,6 +105,20 @@
+     * Method: isMultiTouch
+     * Determine whether event was caused by a multi touch
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * event - {Event}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean}
+     */
+    isMultiTouch: function(event) {
+        return event.touches && event.touches.length > 1;
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: isLeftClick
      * Determine whether event was caused by a left click. 

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -96,10 +96,10 @@
              new OpenLayers.Pixel(-9999, -9999));
         this.zoomBox.className = this.boxDivClassName;                                         
         this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
-        this.map.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
+        this.map.eventsDiv.appendChild(this.zoomBox);
-            this.map.viewPortDiv, "olDrawBox"
+            this.map.eventsDiv, "olDrawBox"
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@
      * Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.
     removeBox: function() {
-        this.map.viewPortDiv.removeChild(this.zoomBox);
+        this.map.eventsDiv.removeChild(this.zoomBox);
         this.zoomBox = null;
         this.boxCharacteristics = null;
-            this.map.viewPortDiv, "olDrawBox"
+            this.map.eventsDiv, "olDrawBox"

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Drag.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -156,9 +156,7 @@
             this.callback("down", [evt.xy]);
-            if (evt.type === "mousedown") {
-                OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
-            }
+            OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
             if(!this.oldOnselectstart) {
                 this.oldOnselectstart = document.onselectstart ?
@@ -204,9 +202,7 @@
             this.dragging = true;
-            if (evt.type === "touchmove") {
-                OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
-            }
             this.callback("move", [evt.xy]);
             if(!this.oldOnselectstart) {

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Path.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Path.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Path.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -79,6 +79,9 @@
      *     feature.
     createFeature: function(pixel) {
+        if(!pixel) {
+            pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-50, -50);
+        }
         var lonlat = this.control.map.getLonLatFromPixel(pixel);
         this.point = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
             new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat)
@@ -101,6 +104,17 @@
+     * Method: destroyPersistedFeature
+     * Destroy the persisted feature.
+     */
+    destroyPersistedFeature: function() {
+        var layer = this.layer;
+        if(layer && layer.features.length > 2) {
+            this.layer.features[0].destroy();
+        }
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: removePoint
      * Destroy the temporary point.
@@ -151,12 +165,13 @@
      * Parameters:
      * pixel - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The updated pixel location for the latest
      *     point.
+     * drawing - {Boolean} Indicate if we're currently drawing.
-    modifyFeature: function(pixel) {
+    modifyFeature: function(pixel, drawing) {
         var lonlat = this.control.map.getLonLatFromPixel(pixel);
         this.point.geometry.x = lonlat.lon;
         this.point.geometry.y = lonlat.lat;
-        this.callback("modify", [this.point.geometry, this.getSketch()]);
+        this.callback("modify", [this.point.geometry, this.getSketch(), drawing]);
@@ -209,22 +224,17 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mousedown: function(evt) {
-        // ignore double-clicks
-        if (this.lastDown && this.lastDown.equals(evt.xy)) {
-            return false;
+        var stopDown = this.stopDown;
+        if(this.freehandMode(evt)) {
+            stopDown = true;
-        if(this.lastDown == null) {
-            if(this.persist) {
-                this.destroyFeature();
-            }
-            this.createFeature(evt.xy);
-        } else if((this.lastUp == null) || !this.lastUp.equals(evt.xy)) {
-            this.addPoint(evt.xy);
+        if(!this.lastDown || !this.lastDown.equals(evt.xy)) {
+            this.modifyFeature(evt.xy, !!this.lastUp);
         this.mouseDown = true;
         this.lastDown = evt.xy;
-        this.drawing = true;
-        return false;
+        this.stoppedDown = stopDown;
+        return !stopDown;
@@ -239,13 +249,16 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mousemove: function (evt) {
-        if(this.drawing) { 
-            if(this.mouseDown && this.freehandMode(evt)) {
-                this.addPoint(evt.xy);
-            } else {
-                this.modifyFeature(evt.xy);
+        if(this.stoppedDown && this.freehandMode(evt)) {
+            if(this.persist) {
+                this.destroyPersistedFeature();
+            this.addPoint(evt.xy);
+            return false;
+        if(!this.mouseDown || this.stoppedDown) {
+            this.modifyFeature(evt.xy, !!this.lastUp);
+        }
         return true;
@@ -261,20 +274,23 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mouseup: function (evt) {
-        this.mouseDown = false;
-        if(this.drawing) {
-            if(this.freehandMode(evt)) {
+        if(this.mouseDown && (!this.lastUp || !this.lastUp.equals(evt.xy))) {
+            if(this.stoppedDown && this.freehandMode(evt)) {
             } else {
-                if(this.lastUp == null) {
-                   this.addPoint(evt.xy);
+                if(this.lastDown.equals(evt.xy)) {
+                    if(this.lastUp == null && this.persist) {
+                        this.destroyPersistedFeature();
+                    }
+                    this.addPoint(evt.xy);
+                    this.lastUp = evt.xy;
-                this.lastUp = evt.xy;
-            return false;
-        return true;
+        this.stoppedDown = this.stopDown;
+        this.mouseDown = false;
+        return !this.stopUp;

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Pinch.js (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Pinch.js)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Pinch.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Pinch.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for
+ * full list of contributors). Published under the Clear BSD license.
+ * See http://svn.openlayers.org/trunk/openlayers/license.txt for the
+ * full text of the license. */
+ * @requires OpenLayers/Handler.js
+ */
+ * Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch
+ * The pinch handler is used to deal with sequences of browser events related
+ *     to pinch gestures. The handler is used by controls that want to know
+ *     when a pinch sequence begins, when a pinch is happening, and when it has
+ *     finished.
+ *
+ * Controls that use the pinch handler typically construct it with callbacks
+ *     for 'start', 'move', and 'done'.  Callbacks for these keys are
+ *     called when the pinch begins, with each change, and when the pinch is
+ *     done.
+ *
+ * Create a new pinch handler with the <OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch> constructor.
+ *
+ * Inherits from:
+ *  - <OpenLayers.Handler>
+ */
+OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Handler, {
+    /**
+     * Property: started
+     * {Boolean} When a touchstart event is received, we want to record it,
+     *     but not set 'pinching' until the touchmove get started after
+     *     starting.
+     */
+    started: false,
+    /**
+     * Property: stopDown
+     * {Boolean} Stop propagation of touchstart events from getting to
+     *     listeners on the same element. Default is true.
+     */
+    stopDown: true,
+    /**
+     * Property: pinching
+     * {Boolean}
+     */
+    pinching: false,
+    /**
+     * Property: last
+     * {Object} Object that store informations related to pinch last touch.
+     */
+    last: null,
+    /**
+     * Property: start
+     * {Object} Object that store informations related to pinch touchstart.
+     */
+    start: null,
+    /**
+     * Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch
+     * Returns OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * control - {<OpenLayers.Control>} The control that is making use of
+     *     this handler.  If a handler is being used without a control, the
+     *     handlers setMap method must be overridden to deal properly with
+     *     the map.
+     * callbacks - {Object} An object containing functions to be called when
+     *     the pinch operation start, change, or is finished. The callbacks
+     *     should expect to receive an object argument, which contains
+     *     information about scale, distance, and position of touch points.
+     * options - {Object}
+     */
+    initialize: function(control, callbacks, options) {
+        OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: touchstart
+     * Handle touchstart events
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * evt - {Event}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
+     */
+    touchstart: function(evt) {
+        var propagate = true;
+        this.pinching = false;
+        if (OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch(evt)) {
+            this.started = true;
+            this.last = this.start = {
+                distance: this.getDistance(evt.touches),
+                delta: 0,
+                scale: 1
+            };
+            this.callback("start", [evt, this.start]);
+            propagate = !this.stopDown;
+        } else {
+            this.started = false;
+            this.start = null;
+            this.last = null;
+        }
+        OpenLayers.Event.stop(evt);
+        return propagate;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: touchmove
+     * Handle touchmove events
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * evt - {Event}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
+     */
+    touchmove: function(evt) {
+        if (this.started && OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch(evt)) {
+            this.pinching = true;
+            var current = this.getPinchData(evt);
+            this.callback("move", [evt, current]);
+            this.last = current;
+        }
+        return true;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: touchend
+     * Handle touchend events
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * evt - {Event}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} Let the event propagate.
+     */
+    touchend: function(evt) {
+        if (this.started) {
+            this.started = false;
+            this.pinching = false;
+            this.callback("done", [evt, this.start, this.last]);
+            this.start = null;
+            this.last = null;
+        }
+        return true;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: activate
+     * Activate the handler.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} The handler was successfully activated.
+     */
+    activate: function() {
+        var activated = false;
+        if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.activate.apply(this, arguments)) {
+            this.pinching = false;
+            activated = true;
+        }
+        return activated;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: deactivate
+     * Deactivate the handler.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Boolean} The handler was successfully deactivated.
+     */
+    deactivate: function() {
+        var deactivated = false;
+        if (OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
+            this.started = false;
+            this.pinching = false;
+            this.start = null;
+            this.last = null;
+            deactivated = true;
+        }
+        return deactivated;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getDistance
+     * Get the distance in pixels between two touches.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * touches - {Array(Object)}
+     */
+    getDistance: function(touches) {
+        var t0 = touches[0];
+        var t1 = touches[1];
+        return Math.sqrt(
+            Math.pow(t0.clientX - t1.clientX, 2) +
+            Math.pow(t0.clientY - t1.clientY, 2)
+        );
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: getPinchData
+     * Get informations about the pinch event.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * evt - {Event}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Object} Object that contains data about the current pinch.
+     */
+    getPinchData: function(evt) {
+        var distance = this.getDistance(evt.touches);
+        var scale = distance / this.start.distance;
+        return {
+            distance: distance,
+            delta: this.last.distance - distance,
+            scale: scale
+        };
+    },
+    CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch"

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Point.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Point.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Point.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
  * Class: OpenLayers.Handler.Point
- * Handler to draw a point on the map.  Point is displayed on mouse down,
- *     moves on mouse move, and is finished on mouse up.  The handler triggers
- *     callbacks for 'done', 'cancel', and 'modify'.  The modify callback is
+ * Handler to draw a point on the map. Point is displayed on activation,
+ *     moves on mouse move, and is finished on mouse up. The handler triggers
+ *     callbacks for 'done', 'cancel', and 'modify'. The modify callback is
  *     called with each change in the sketch and will receive the latest point
  *     drawn.  Create a new instance with the <OpenLayers.Handler.Point>
  *     constructor.
@@ -43,18 +43,19 @@
     multi: false,
-     * Property: drawing 
-     * {Boolean} A point is being drawn
-     */
-    drawing: false,
-    /**
      * Property: mouseDown
      * {Boolean} The mouse is down
     mouseDown: false,
+     * Property: stoppedDown
+     * {Boolean} Indicate whether the last mousedown stopped the event
+     * propagation.
+     */
+    stoppedDown: null,
+    /**
      * Property: lastDown
      * {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} Location of the last mouse down
@@ -76,6 +77,20 @@
     persist: false,
+     * APIProperty: stopDown
+     * {Boolean} Stop event propagation on mousedown. Must be false to
+     *     allow "pan while drawing". Defaults to false.
+     */
+    stopDown: false,
+    /**
+     * APIPropery: stopUp
+     * {Boolean} Stop event propagation on mouse. Must be false to
+     *     allow "pan while dragging". Defaults to fase.
+     */
+    stopUp: false,
+    /**
      * Property: layerOptions
      * {Object} Any optional properties to be set on the sketch layer.
@@ -130,6 +145,7 @@
         }, this.layerOptions);
         this.layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(this.CLASS_NAME, options);
+        this.createFeature();
         return true;
@@ -141,6 +157,9 @@
      * pixel - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} A pixel location on the map.
     createFeature: function(pixel) {
+        if(!pixel) {
+            pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-50, -50);
+        }
         var lonlat = this.map.getLonLatFromPixel(pixel);
         this.point = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
             new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat)
@@ -158,17 +177,14 @@
         if(!OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.deactivate.apply(this, arguments)) {
             return false;
-        // call the cancel callback if mid-drawing
-        if(this.drawing) {
-            this.cancel();
-        }
-        this.destroyFeature();
+        this.cancel(true);
         // If a layer's map property is set to null, it means that that layer
         // isn't added to the map. Since we ourself added the layer to the map
         // in activate(), we can assume that if this.layer.map is null it means
         // that the layer has been destroyed (as a result of map.destroy() for
         // example.
         if (this.layer.map != null) {
+            this.destroyFeature();
         this.layer = null;
@@ -187,14 +203,27 @@
+     * Method: destroyPersistedFeature
+     * Destroy the persisted feature.
+     */
+    destroyPersistedFeature: function() {
+        var layer = this.layer;
+        if(layer && layer.features.length > 1) {
+            this.layer.features[0].destroy();
+        }
+    },
+    /**
      * Method: finalize
      * Finish the geometry and call the "done" callback.
      * Parameters:
      * cancel - {Boolean} Call cancel instead of done callback.  Default is
      *     false.
+     * noNew - {Boolean} Do not create a new feature after
+     *     finalization.  Default is false.
-    finalize: function(cancel) {
+    finalize: function(cancel, noNew) {
         var key = cancel ? "cancel" : "done";
         this.drawing = false;
         this.mouseDown = false;
@@ -204,14 +233,21 @@
         if(cancel || !this.persist) {
+        if(!noNew) {
+            this.createFeature();
+        }
      * APIMethod: cancel
      * Finish the geometry and call the "cancel" callback.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * noNew - {Boolean} Do not create a new feature after
+     *     cancelation.  Default is false.
-    cancel: function() {
-        this.finalize(true);
+    cancel: function(noNew) {
+        this.finalize(true, noNew);
@@ -257,7 +293,7 @@
         var lonlat = this.map.getLonLatFromPixel(pixel);
         this.point.geometry.x = lonlat.lon;
         this.point.geometry.y = lonlat.lat;
-        this.callback("modify", [this.point.geometry, this.point]);
+        this.callback("modify", [this.point.geometry, this.point, false]);
@@ -310,25 +346,11 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mousedown: function(evt) {
-        // check keyboard modifiers
-        if(!this.checkModifiers(evt)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        // ignore double-clicks
-        if(this.lastDown && this.lastDown.equals(evt.xy)) {
-            return true;
-        }
-        this.drawing = true;
-        if(this.lastDown == null) {
-            if(this.persist) {
-                this.destroyFeature();
-            }
-            this.createFeature(evt.xy);
-        } else {
-            this.modifyFeature(evt.xy);
-        }
+        this.mouseDown = true;
         this.lastDown = evt.xy;
-        return false;
+        this.modifyFeature(evt.xy);
+        this.stoppedDown = this.stopDown;
+        return !this.stopDown;
@@ -343,7 +365,7 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mousemove: function (evt) {
-        if(this.drawing) {
+        if(!this.mouseDown || this.stoppedDown) {
         return true;
@@ -361,13 +383,42 @@
      * {Boolean} Allow event propagation
     mouseup: function (evt) {
-        if(this.drawing) {
+        this.mouseDown = false;
+        this.stoppedDown = this.stopDown;
+        // check keyboard modifiers
+        if(!this.checkModifiers(evt)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        // ignore double-clicks
+        if(this.lastUp && this.lastUp.equals(evt.xy)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if(this.lastDown && this.lastDown.equals(evt.xy)) {
+            if(this.persist) {
+                this.destroyPersistedFeature();
+            }
+            this.lastUp = evt.xy;
-            return false;
+            return !this.stopUp;
         } else {
             return true;
+    /**
+     * Method: mouseout
+     * Handle mouse out.  For better user experience reset mouseDown
+     * and stoppedDown when the mouse leaves the map viewport.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * evt - {Event} The browser event
+     */
+    mouseout: function(evt) {
+        if(OpenLayers.Util.mouseLeft(evt, this.map.viewPortDiv)) {
+            this.stoppedDown = this.stopDown;
+            this.mouseDown = false;
+        }
+    },
     CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Point"

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Polygon.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Polygon.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Polygon.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
      *     feature.
     createFeature: function(pixel) {
+        if(!pixel) {
+            pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-50, -50);
+        }
         var lonlat = this.control.map.getLonLatFromPixel(pixel);
         this.point = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
             new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat)
@@ -82,13 +85,27 @@
         this.line = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
             new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([this.point.geometry])
-        // check for hole digitizing
-        var polygon;
-        if (this.holeModifier && (this.evt[this.holeModifier])) {
+        this.polygon = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([this.line.geometry])
+        );
+        this.callback("create", [this.point.geometry, this.getSketch()]);
+        this.point.geometry.clearBounds();
+        this.layer.addFeatures([this.polygon, this.point], {silent: true});
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: addPoint
+     * Add point to geometry.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * pixel - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The pixel location for the new point.
+     */
+    addPoint: function(pixel) {
+        if(!this.drawingHole && this.holeModifier &&
+           this.evt && this.evt[this.holeModifier]) {
             var geometry = this.point.geometry;
             var features = this.control.layer.features;
-            var candidate;
+            var candidate, polygon;
             // look for intersections, last drawn gets priority
             for (var i=features.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
                 candidate = features[i].geometry;
@@ -110,15 +127,7 @@
-        if (!polygon) {
-            this.polygon = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
-                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([this.line.geometry])
-            );
-        }
-        this.callback("create", [this.point.geometry, this.getSketch()]);
-        this.point.geometry.clearBounds();
-        this.layer.addFeatures([this.polygon, this.point], {silent: true});
+        OpenLayers.Handler.Path.prototype.addPoint.apply(this, arguments);

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Kinetic.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Kinetic.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Kinetic.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
      * Method: begin
-     *
      * Begins the dragging.
     begin: function() {
@@ -74,8 +73,10 @@
      * Method: update
+     * Updates during the dragging.
-     * Updates during the dragging.
+     * Parameters:
+     * xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The new position.
     update: function(xy) {
         this.points.unshift({xy: xy, tick: new Date().getTime()});
@@ -86,8 +87,15 @@
      * Method: end
+     * Ends the dragging, start the kinetic.
-     * Ends the dragging, start the kinetic.
+     * Parameters:
+     * xy - {<OpenLayers.Pixel>} The last position.
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Object} An object with two properties: "speed", and "theta". The
+     *     "speed" and "theta" values are to be passed to the move 
+     *     function when starting the animation.
     end: function(xy) {
         var last, now = new Date().getTime();
@@ -117,12 +125,13 @@
      * Method: move
-     *
      * Launch the kinetic move pan.
      * Parameters:
-     * info - {Object}
-     * callback - arguments x, y (values to pan), end (is the last point)
+     * info - {Object} An object with two properties, "speed", and "theta".
+     *     These values are those returned from the "end" call.
+     * callback - {Function} Function called on every step of the animation,
+     *     receives x, y (values to pan), end (is the last point).
     move: function(info, callback) {
         var v0 = info.speed;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Grid.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -79,8 +79,11 @@
      * {Integer} Used only when in gridded mode, this specifies the number of 
      *           extra rows and colums of tiles on each side which will
      *           surround the minimum grid tiles to cover the map.
+     *           For very slow loading layers, a larger value may increase
+     *           performance somewhat when dragging, but will increase bandwidth
+     *           use significantly. 
-    buffer: 2,
+    buffer: 0,
      * APIProperty: numLoadingTiles
@@ -141,6 +144,20 @@
+     * Method: removeMap
+     * Called when the layer is removed from the map.
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>} The map.
+     */
+    removeMap: function(map) {
+        if(this.timerId != null) {
+            window.clearTimeout(this.timerId);
+            this.timerId = null;
+        }
+    },
+    /**
      * APIMethod: destroy
      * Deconstruct the layer and clear the grid.

Property changes on: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/LocalTileStorage
Added: svn:mergeinfo
   + /sandbox/roberthl/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/LocalTileStorage:9745-9748

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Map.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -507,18 +507,27 @@
         this.viewPortDiv.className = "olMapViewport";
+        // the eventsDiv is where we listen for all map events
+        var eventsDiv = document.createElement("div");
+        eventsDiv.id = this.id + "_events";
+        eventsDiv.style.position = "absolute";
+        eventsDiv.style.width = "100%";
+        eventsDiv.style.height = "100%";
+        eventsDiv.style.zIndex = this.Z_INDEX_BASE.Control - 1;
+        this.viewPortDiv.appendChild(eventsDiv);
+        this.eventsDiv = eventsDiv;
+        this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(
+            this, this.eventsDiv, this.EVENT_TYPES, this.fallThrough, 
+            {includeXY: true}
+        );
         // the layerContainerDiv is the one that holds all the layers
         id = this.id + "_OpenLayers_Container";
         this.layerContainerDiv = OpenLayers.Util.createDiv(id);
-        this.viewPortDiv.appendChild(this.layerContainerDiv);
+        this.eventsDiv.appendChild(this.layerContainerDiv);
-        this.events = new OpenLayers.Events(this, 
-                                            this.viewPortDiv, 
-                                            this.EVENT_TYPES, 
-                                            this.fallThrough, 
-                                            {includeXY: true});
         if(this.eventListeners instanceof Object) {
@@ -591,6 +600,14 @@
         // add any initial layers
         if (options && options.layers) {
+            /** 
+             * If you have set options.center, the map center property will be
+             * set at this point.  However, since setCenter has not been caleld,
+             * addLayers gets confused.  So we delete the map center in this 
+             * case.  Because the check below uses options.center, it will
+             * be properly set below.
+             */
+            delete this.center;
             // set center (and optionally zoom)
             if (options.center) {
@@ -634,7 +651,15 @@
      * APIMethod: destroy
-     * Destroy this map
+     * Destroy this map.
+     *    Note that if you are using an application which removes a container
+     *    of the map from the DOM, you need to ensure that you destroy the
+     *    map *before* this happens; otherwise, the page unload handler
+     *    will fail because the DOM elements that map.destroy() wants
+     *    to clean up will be gone. (See 
+     *    http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/ticket/2277 for more information).
+     *    This will apply to GeoExt and also to other applications which
+     *    modify the DOM of the container of the OpenLayers Map.
     destroy:function() {
         // if unloadDestroy is null, we've already been destroyed

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Util.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1849,6 +1849,15 @@
     coordinateseconds =  Math.round(coordinateseconds*10);
     coordinateseconds /= 10;
+    if( coordinateseconds >= 60) { 
+        coordinateseconds -= 60; 
+        coordinateminutes += 1; 
+        if( coordinateminutes >= 60) { 
+            coordinateminutes -= 60; 
+            coordinatedegrees += 1; 
+        } 
+    }
     if( coordinatedegrees < 10 ) {
         coordinatedegrees = "0" + coordinatedegrees;

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
+                "OpenLayers/Handler/Pinch.js",

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Bounds.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Bounds.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Bounds.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@
         t.ok( bounds.equals(b), "bounds is set correctly");
     //null values
+        OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');
         var desiredMsg = "You must pass both x and y values to the add function.";
         OpenLayers.Console.error = function(msg) {
             t.eq(msg, desiredMsg, "error correctly reported");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/LonLat.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/LonLat.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/LonLat.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
         t.ok( addpx.equals(ll), "addpx is set correctly");
     //null values
+        OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');
         var desiredMsg = "You must pass both lon and lat values to the add function.";
         OpenLayers.Console.error = function(msg) {
             t.eq(msg, desiredMsg, "error correctly reported");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Pixel.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Pixel.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/BaseTypes/Pixel.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -40,11 +40,22 @@
         t.eq( pixel.x, 5, "changing oldPixel.x doesn't change pixel.x");
+    function test_Pixel_distanceTo(t) {
+        t.plan( 2 );
+        var px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,-2);
+        pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(0,0);
+        t.eq( pixel.distanceTo(px), 2, "(0,0) distanceTo (0,-2) = 2");
+        px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-4,6);
+        pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(4,6);
+        t.eq( pixel.distanceTo(px), 8, "(4,6) distanceTo (-4,6) = 8");
+    }
     function test_Pixel_equals(t) {
         t.plan( 5 );
         pixel = new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,6);
-        px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,6);
+        var px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(5,6);
         t.eq( pixel.equals(px), true, "(5,6) equals (5,6)");
         px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(1,6);
@@ -74,6 +85,7 @@
         t.ok( pixel.equals(px), "returned pixel is correct");
     //null values
+        OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');        
         var desiredMsg = "You must pass both x and y values to the add function.";
         OpenLayers.Console.error = function(msg) {
             t.eq(msg, desiredMsg, "error correctly reported");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/DrawFeature.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
     function test_sketch_events(t) {
-        t.plan(6);
+        t.plan(12);
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
             resolutions: [1]
@@ -69,37 +69,62 @@
             isBaseLayer: true
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.DrawFeature(
-            layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Point
+            layer, OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {
+                handlerOptions: {persist: true}
+            }
-        control.activate();
-        var log = {};
+        var log;
             sketchstarted: function(event) {
-                log.event = event;
+                log['sketchstarted'] = event;
             sketchmodified: function(event) {
-                log.event = event;
+                log['sketchmodified'] = event;
             sketchcomplete: function(event) {
-                log.event = event;
+                log['sketchcomplete'] = event;
         // mock up draw/modify of a point
+        log = {};
+        control.activate();
+        t.eq(log.sketchstarted.type, "sketchstarted", "[activate] sketchstarted triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchstarted.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-250, 175), "[activate] correct vertex");
+        log = {};
+        map.events.triggerEvent("mousemove", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mousemove] sketchmodified triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
         map.events.triggerEvent("mousedown", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        t.eq(log.event.type, "sketchstarted", "[mousedown] sketchstarted triggered");
-        t.geom_eq(log.event.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mousedown] correct vertex");
+        log = {};
+        map.events.triggerEvent("mouseup", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mouseup] sketchmodified triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125), "[mouseup] correct vertex");
+        log = {};
         map.events.triggerEvent("mousemove", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        t.eq(log.event.type, "sketchmodified", "[mousemove] sketchmodified triggered");
-        t.geom_eq(log.event.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-        map.events.triggerEvent("mouseup", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        t.eq(log.event.type, "sketchcomplete", "[mouseup] sketchcomplete triggered");
-        t.geom_eq(log.event.feature.geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115), "[mouseup] correct geometry");
+        t.eq(log.sketchmodified.type, "sketchmodified", "[mousemove] sketchmodified triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchmodified.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
+        log = {};
+        map.events.triggerEvent("dblclick", {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(log.sketchcomplete.type, "sketchcomplete", "[dblclick] sketchcomplete triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchcomplete.feature.geometry,
+                  new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                      new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                      new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-190, 115)
+                  ]),
+                  "[dblclick] correct geometry");
+        t.eq(log.sketchstarted.type, "sketchstarted", "[dblclick] sketchstarted triggered");
+        t.geom_eq(log.sketchstarted.vertex, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-250, 175), "[dblclick] correct vertex");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Geolocate.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -62,6 +62,31 @@
+    function test_getCurrentLocation(t) {
+        t.plan(5);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
+            geolocation: geolocation
+        });
+        map.addControl(control);
+        t.eq(control.getCurrentLocation(), false, 'getCurrentLocation return false if control hasnt been activated');
+        control.activate();
+        map.setCenter(centerLL);
+        t.eq(control.getCurrentLocation(), true, 'getCurrentLocation return true if control has been activated');
+        var center = map.getCenter();
+        t.eq(center.lon, 10, 'bound control sets the map lon when calling getCurrentLocation');
+        t.eq(center.lat, 10, 'bound control sets the map lat when calling getCurrentLocation');
+        control.deactivate();
+        map.removeControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(centerLL);
+        var control2 = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
+            geolocation: geolocation
+        });
+        map.addControl(control2);
+        t.eq(control2.getCurrentLocation(), false, 'getCurrentLocation return false if control is in watch mode');
+        control2.deactivate();
+        map.removeControl(control2);
+        map.setCenter(centerLL);
+    }
     function test_watch(t) {
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
@@ -88,6 +113,17 @@
+    function test_destroy(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
+            geolocation: geolocation,
+            watch: true
+        });
+        control.activate();
+        control.destroy();
+        t.ok(control.active === false, "control deactivated before being destroyed");
+    }
     function loader() {
         map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
         var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("Test Layer",

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Measure.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
                 xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(x, y)
+        trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
         trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
         trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
         trigger("mousemove", 10, 10);
@@ -60,9 +61,10 @@
         // confirm that the sketch persists
         t.eq(control.handler.layer.features.length, 1, "feature persists");
-        // cancel and see that sketch is gone
+        // cancel and see that sketch is gone (do not forget that
+        // cancel will create the new feature)
-        t.eq(control.handler.layer.features.length, 0, "feature is gone after cancel");
+        t.eq(control.handler.layer.features.length, 2, "feature is gone after cancel");
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@
         var delay = control.partialDelay / 1000;
         // establish first point
+        trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
         trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
         trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
@@ -187,6 +190,7 @@
                 log = [];
                 // f) establish first freehand point
+                trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
                 trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
                 t.eq(log.length, 0, "f) no event fired yet")
@@ -203,14 +207,14 @@
                 t.eq(log.length, 2, "h) event logged");
                 t.ok(log[1] && log[1].type == "measurepartial", "h) correct type");
                 t.ok(log[1] && log[1].measure == 20, "h) correct measure");
                 // i) mouse up to finish
                 trigger("mouseup", 20, 0);
                 t.eq(log.length, 3, "i) event logged");
                 t.ok(log[2] && log[2].type == "measure", "i) correct type");
                 t.ok(log[2] && log[2].measure == 20, "i) correct measure");
                 // j) clean up
                 log = [];
@@ -224,7 +228,7 @@
     function test_immediate(t) {
-        t.plan(29);
+        t.plan(32);
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
             div: "map",
@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@
             center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0)
         var log = [];
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Measure(
             OpenLayers.Handler.Path, {
@@ -255,7 +259,7 @@
         // convenience function to trigger mouse events
         function trigger(type, x, y) {
             map.events.triggerEvent(type, {
@@ -267,6 +271,7 @@
         var delay = control.partialDelay / 1000;
         // a) establish first point
+        trigger("mousemove", 0, 0);
         trigger("mousedown", 0, 0);
         trigger("mouseup", 0, 0);
@@ -274,7 +279,7 @@
         trigger("mousemove", 0, 10);
         t.eq(log.length, 0, "a) no event fired yet");
             delay, function() {
                 // confirm measurepartial is fired
@@ -334,18 +339,21 @@
                 // i) double click to finish
                 trigger("mousedown", 0, 60);
+                t.eq(log.length, 7, "i) event logged");
+                t.eq(log[6] && log[6].type, "measurepartial", "i) correct type");
+                t.eq(log[6] && log[6].measure, 60, "i) correct measure");
                 trigger("mouseup", 0, 60);
-                t.eq(log.length, 6, "i) no event fired yet");
+                t.eq(log.length, 7, "i) no event fired yet");
             delay, function() {
-                t.eq(log.length, 7, "i) event logged");
-                t.ok(log[6] && log[6].type == "measurepartial", "i) correct type");
-                t.ok(log[6] && log[6].measure == 60, "i) correct measure");
+                t.eq(log.length, 8, "i) event logged");
+                t.eq(log[7] && log[7].type, "measurepartial", "i) correct type");
+                t.eq(log[7] && log[7].measure, 60, "i) correct measure");
                 trigger("dblclick", 0, 60);
-                t.eq(log.length, 8, "i) event logged");
-                t.ok(log[7] && log[7].type == "measure", "i) correct type");
-                t.ok(log[7] && log[7].measure == 60, "i) correct measure");
+                t.eq(log.length, 9, "i) event logged");
+                t.eq(log[8] && log[8].type, "measure", "i) correct type");
+                t.eq(log[8] && log[8].measure, 60, "i) correct measure");
                 // clear log
                 log = [];

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/PanZoom.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -72,65 +72,65 @@
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[0]);
                     t.delay_call(2, function() {
-                        t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat > wnd.centerLL.lat, "Pan up works correctly" );
-                        t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                        t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                        t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                        t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                        t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat > wnd.centerLL.lat, "1) Pan up works correctly" );
+                        t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "1) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                        t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "1) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                        t.ok(!flag.click, "1) click does not get to the map");
+                        t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "1) dblclick does not get to the map");
                         simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[1]);
                     }, 2, function() {    
-                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon < wnd.centerLL.lon, "Pan left works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon < wnd.centerLL.lon, "2) Pan left works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "2) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "2) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "2) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "2) dblclick does not get to the map");
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[2]);
                     }, 2, function() {
-                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon == wnd.centerLL.lon, "Pan right works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lon == wnd.centerLL.lon, "3) Pan right works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "3) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "3) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "3) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "3) dblclick does not get to the map");
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[3]);
                     }, 2, function() {
-                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat == wnd.centerLL.lat, "Pan down works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok( wnd.mapper.getCenter().lat == wnd.centerLL.lat, "4) Pan down works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "4) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "4) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "4) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "4) dblclick does not get to the map");
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[4]);
                     }, 2, function() {
-                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 6, "zoomin works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 6, "5) zoomin works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "5) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "5) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "5) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "5) dblclick does not get to the map");
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[6]);
                     }, 2, function() {
-                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 5, "zoomout works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 5, "6) zoomout works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "6) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "6) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "6) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "6) dblclick does not get to the map");
                     simulateClick(wnd, wnd.control.buttons[5]);
                     }, 2, function() {
-                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 2, "zoomworld works correctly" );
-                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "mousedown does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(flag.mouseup, "mouseup does get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.click, "click does not get to the map");
-                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "dblclick does not get to the map");
+                    t.eq( wnd.mapper.getZoom(), 2, "7) zoomworld works correctly" );
+                    t.ok(!flag.mousedown, "7) mousedown does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.mouseup, "7) mouseup does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.click, "7) click does not get to the map");
+                    t.ok(!flag.dblclick, "7) dblclick does not get to the map");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Scale.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
   <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
+    OpenLayers.Lang.setCode('en');
     var map; 
     function test_Control_Scale_constructor (t) {
         t.plan( 2 );

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Control/Split.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -35,13 +35,20 @@
     function test_setSource(t) {
-        var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
-        var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
+        var layer1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        var layer2 = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer1});
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
         map.addLayers([layer1, layer2]);
+        map.zoomToMaxExtent();
@@ -64,12 +71,16 @@
     function test_activate(t) {
-        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer});
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
+        map.zoomToMaxExtent();
         // test activation with no source layer
         t.eq(control.active, true, "control is active");
@@ -93,12 +104,16 @@
-        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector();
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control.Split({layer: layer});
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map");
+        map.zoomToMaxExtent();
         // activate and check sketch handler
         t.ok(control.handler, "sketch handler present");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Click.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Click.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Click.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
             map: map
         map.events.registerPriority = function(type, obj, func) {
-            var r = func();
+            var f = OpenLayers.Function.bind(func, obj)
+            var r = f({xy:null});
             if(typeof r == "string") {
                 // this is one of the mock handler methods
                 t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(nonevents, type), -1,

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Drag.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Drag.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Drag.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
         // "touchend" events set expected states in the drag handler.
         // We also verify that we stop event bubbling as appropriate.
-        t.plan(12);
+        t.plan(14);
         // set up
@@ -302,37 +302,44 @@
         var c = new OpenLayers.Control();
         var h = new OpenLayers.Handler.Drag(c, {
-            done: function(px) { log = px; }});
+            done: function(px) { 
+                log.push(px); 
+            }
+        });
         var _stop = OpenLayers.Event.stop;
-        OpenLayers.Event.stop = function(e) { log = e; };
+        OpenLayers.Event.stop = function(e) {
+            log.push(e);
+        };
-        var Px = OpenLayers.Pixel, e, log;
+        var Px = OpenLayers.Pixel, e;
+        var log = [];
         // test
         e = {touches: [{}], xy: new Px(0, 0)};
         m.events.triggerEvent('touchstart', e);
         t.eq(h.started, true, '[touchstart] started is set');
         t.eq(h.start.x, 0, '[touchstart] start.x is correct');
         t.eq(h.start.y, 0, '[touchstart] start.y is correct');
-        t.eq(log, undefined, '[touchstart] event is not stopped');
+        t.eq(log.length, 1, '[touchstart] one item in log');
+        t.ok(log[0] === e, "touchstart", '[touchstart] event is stopped');
         e = {xy: new Px(1, 1)};
         m.events.triggerEvent('touchmove', e);
         t.eq(h.dragging, true, '[touchmove] dragging is set');
-        t.eq(h.last.x, 1, '[touchstart] last.x is correct');
-        t.eq(h.last.y, 1, '[touchstart] last.y is correct');
-        t.ok(log == e, '[touchmove] event is stopped');
+        t.eq(h.last.x, 1, '[touchmove] last.x is correct');
+        t.eq(h.last.y, 1, '[touchmove] last.y is correct');
+        t.eq(log.length, 1, '[touchmove] one item in log (event is not stopped)');
         e = {xy: new Px(2, 2)};
         m.events.triggerEvent('touchend', e);
         t.eq(h.started, false, '[touchend] started is reset');
         t.eq(h.started, false, '[touchend] started is reset');
         // the "done" callback gets the position of the last touchmove
-        t.eq(log.x, 1, '[touchend] done callback got correct x position');
-        t.eq(log.y, 1, '[touchend] done callback got correct y position');
+        t.eq(log.length, 2, '[touchend] two items in log');
+        t.ok(log[1] instanceof Px, '[touchend] got');
+        t.ok(log[1].equals(e.xy), '[touchend] done callback got correct position');
         // tear down

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Path.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Path.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Path.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -25,12 +25,27 @@
     function test_Handler_Path_activation(t) {
-        t.plan(3);
-        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        t.plan(12);
+        var log = [];
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {
+            "create": function(g, f) {
+                log.push({geometry: g, feature: f});
+            }
+        });
+        control.handler = handler;
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
         handler.active = true;
         var activated = handler.activate();
              "activate returns false if the handler was already active");
@@ -38,39 +53,72 @@
         activated = handler.activate();
              "activate returns true if the handler was not already active");
+        t.ok(handler.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector,
+             "activate creates a vector layer");
+        t.ok(handler.layer.map == map,
+             "activate adds the vector layer to the map");
+        t.ok(handler.point instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "activate creates a point feature");
+        t.ok(handler.point.layer == handler.layer,
+             "activate adds the point feature to the layer");
+        t.ok(handler.line instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "acttivates creates a line feature");
+        t.ok(handler.line.layer == handler.layer,
+             "activate adds the line feature to the layer");
+        t.eq(log.length, 1,
+             "activate calls \"create\" once");
+        t.geom_eq(log[0].geometry, handler.point.geometry,
+                  "\"create\" called with expected geometry");
+        t.ok(log[0].feature == handler.line,
+             "\"create\" called with expected feature");
         activated = handler.deactivate();
              "deactivate returns true if the handler was active already");
-        map.destroy();     
+        map.destroy();
-    function test_Handler_Path_bounds(t) {
+    function test_bounds(t) {
+        var geometry;
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
         map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("", "", {}));
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {},
+            {stopDown: true, stopUp: true});
         var activated = handler.activate();
+        // click on (150, 75)
         var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(150, 75), which: 1};
+        handler.mousemove(evt);
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
+        // click on (175, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
-        t.ok(handler.line.geometry.getBounds().equals(new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)), "Correct bounds"); 
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
+        t.ok(handler.line.geometry.getBounds().equals(
+                    new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)),
+             "Correct bounds");
+        // mousedown on (175, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(125, 100), which: 1};
+        // mousemove to (125, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(125, 100), which: 1};
-        t.ok(!handler.line.geometry.getBounds().equals(new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)), "Correct bounds after dragging without letting go. (Came out as "+handler.line.geometry.getBounds().toBBOX() + ".)"); 
+        // test that the bounds have changed
+        t.ok(!handler.line.geometry.getBounds().equals(
+                 new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)),
+             "Correct bounds after dragging without letting go. " +
+             "(Came out as " + handler.line.geometry.getBounds().toBBOX() +
+             ".)");
     function test_callbacks(t) {
-        t.plan(15);
+        t.plan(45);
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
             resolutions: [1]
@@ -79,74 +127,347 @@
             isBaseLayer: true
-        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({
-        });
-        var log = {};
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var logs = [], log;
         var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {
             create: function() {
-                log.type = "create",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "create", args: arguments});
+            point: function() {
+                logs.push({type: "point", args: arguments});
+            },
             modify: function() {
-                log.type = "modify",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "modify", args: arguments});
             done: function() {
-                log.type = "done",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "done", args: arguments});
             cancel: function() {
-                log.type = "cancel",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "cancel", args: arguments});
         control.handler = handler;
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
-        // mock up feature drawing
+        // create line
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[mousedown] create called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mousedown] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line, "[mousedown] correct sketch feature");
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[activate] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[activate] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[activate] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.line,
+             "[activate] correct feature");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line,
+             "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse up
         handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[mouseup] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "point", "[mouseup] point called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mouseup] correct point");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[1],
+                  new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                      new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                      new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75)
+                  ]), "[mouseup] correct line");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mouseup] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mouseup] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line, "[mouseup] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mouseup] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.line,
+             "[mouseup] correct feature");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove",
+                           xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 74), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line, "[mousemove] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 74),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove",
+                           xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line, "[mousemove] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        handler.dblclick({type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown",
+                           xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.line,
+             "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse up ("point", "modify")
+        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup",
+                         xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[mouseup] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        log = logs.shift();
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown",
+                           xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mousedown] called back");
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup",
+                         xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mouseup] not called back");
+        // double click
+        handler.dblclick({type: "dblclick",
+                          xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[dblclick] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "done", "[dblclick] done called");
-        t.geom_eq(
-            log.args[0],
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0],
             new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
                 new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
                 new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)
             "[dblclick] correct linestring"
-        // mock up sketch cancel
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
-        handler.deactivate();
-        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[deactivate while drawing] cancel called");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[dblclick] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[dblclick] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.line,
+             "[dblclick] correct feature");
+        // cancel
+        handler.cancel();
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[cancel] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[cancel] canced called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0],
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125)
+            ]),
+            "[cancel] correct linestring"
+        );
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[cancel] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[cancel] correct point");
-    }        
+    }
+    function test_toggle_freehand(t) {
+        t.plan(2);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {
+            done: function(g) {
+                log++;
+            }
+        }, {persist: true});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = 0;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.eq(log, 1, "feature drawn when shift pressed on mousedown");
+        log = 0;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: false});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.eq(log, 0, "feature not drawn when shift not pressed on mousedown");
+    }
+    function test_persist(t) {
+        t.plan(4);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.persist = false;
+        var feature1 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.ok(feature1.layer == null, "a) feature1 destroyed");
+        handler.persist = true;
+        var feature2 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.ok(feature2.layer != null, "b) feature2 not destroyed");
+        var feature3 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.ok(feature3.layer != null, "c) feature3 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature2.layer == null, "c) feature2 destroyed");
+        map.destroy();
+    }
+    function test_persist_freehand(t) {
+        t.plan(6);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.persist = false;
+        var feature1 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature1.layer == null, "a) feature1 destroyed");
+        handler.persist = true;
+        feature2 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature2.layer != null, "b) feature2 not destroyed");
+        feature3 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature3.layer != null, "c) feature3 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature2.layer == null, "c) feature2 destroyed");
+        feature4 = handler.line;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: false});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature4.layer != null, "d) feature4 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature3.layer == null, "c) feature3 destroyed");
+        map.destroy();
+    }
     function test_Handler_Path_destroy(t) {
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -175,9 +496,251 @@
              "handler.line is null after destroy");
+    //
+    // Sequence tests
+    // 
+    // Sequence tests basically involve executing a sequence of events
+    // and testing the resulting geometry.
+    //
+    // Below are tests for various drawing sequences. Tests can be
+    // added here each a non-working sequence is found.
+    //
+    // stopDown:true, stopUp:true
+    // a) click on (0, 0)
+    // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+    // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+    // d) dblclick on (10, 10)
+    function test_sequence1(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control,
+            {done: function(g) { log.geometry = g; }},
+            {stopDown: true, stopUp: true}
+        );
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = {};
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // d) dblclick on (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)  // (10, 10)
+            ]), "geometry is correct");
+    }
+    // stopDown:false, stopUp:false
+    // a) click on (0, 0)
+    // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+    // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+    // d) dblclick on (10, 10)
+    function test_sequence2(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control,
+            {done: function(g) { log.geometry = g; }},
+            {stopDown: false, stopUp: false}
+        );
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = {};
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // d) dblclick on (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)  // (10, 10)
+            ]), "geometry is correct");
+    }
+    // a) click
+    // b) dblclick
+    // c) mousedown holding shift key
+    // d) mousemove holding shift key
+    function test_sequence3(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) click on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // c) click on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // d) mousemove to (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10), shiftKey: true});
+        t.geom_eq(handler.line.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 74), // (1, 1)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)  // (10, 10)
+            ]), "geometry is correct after mousemove");
+    }
+    // a) click
+    // b) dblclick
+    // c) mousedown holding shift key
+    // d) mousemove holding shift key
+    function test_sequence4(t) {
+        t.plan(2);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Path(control,
+            {done: function(g) { log.geometry = g; }},
+            {stopDown: false, stopUp: false}
+        );
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = {};
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) dblclick on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 74)  // (1, 1)
+            ]), "geometry is correct after dblclick");
+        // c) mousedown holding shift key on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        // d) mousemove holding shift key to (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10), shiftKey: true});
+        t.geom_eq(handler.line.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 74),  // (1, 1)
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)   // (10, 10)
+            ]), "geometry is correct after mousemove");
+    }

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Pinch.html (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/tests/Handler/Pinch.html)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Pinch.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Pinch.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+  <script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+    function test_constructor(t) {
+        t.plan(3);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        control.id = Math.random();
+        var callbacks = {foo: "bar"};
+        var options = {bar: "foo"};
+        var oldInit = OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize;
+        OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize = function(con, call, opt) {
+            t.eq(con.id, control.id,
+                 "constructor calls parent with the correct control");
+            t.eq(call, callbacks,
+                 "constructor calls parent with the correct callbacks");
+            t.eq(opt, options,
+                 "constructor calls parent with the correct options");
+        };
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch(control, callbacks, options);
+        OpenLayers.Handler.prototype.initialize = oldInit;
+    }
+    function test_activate(t) {
+        t.plan(3);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        map.addControl(control);
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch(control);
+        handler.active = true;
+        var activated = handler.activate();
+        t.ok(!activated,
+             "activate returns false if the handler was already active");
+        handler.active = false;
+        handler.pinching = true;
+        activated = handler.activate();
+        t.ok(activated,
+             "activate returns true if the handler was not already active");
+        t.ok(!handler.pinching,
+             "activate sets pinching to false");
+    }
+    function test_events(t) {
+        // each handled event should be activated twice when handler is
+        // activated, so:
+        // 27 = 4tests * 2*3events + 1tests * 3events
+        t.plan(27);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        map.addControl(control);
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch(control);
+        // list below events that should be handled (events) and those
+        // that should not be handled (nonevents) by the handler
+        var events = ["touchend", "touchmove", "touchstart"];
+        var nonevents = ["mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "mouseout",
+        "click", "dblclick", "resize", "focus", "blur"];
+        map.events.registerPriority = function(type, obj, func) {
+                // this is one of the mock handler methods
+                t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(nonevents, type), -1,
+                     "registered method is not one of the events " +
+                     "that should not be handled: " + type);
+                t.ok(OpenLayers.Util.indexOf(events, type) > -1,
+                     "activate calls registerPriority with browser event: " + type);
+                t.eq(typeof func, "function",
+                     "activate calls registerPriority with a function");
+                t.eq(obj["CLASS_NAME"], "OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch",
+                     "activate calls registerPriority with the handler");
+        };
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.deactivate();
+        // set browser event like properties on the handler
+        for(var i=0; i<events.length; ++i) {
+            setMethod(events[i]);
+        }
+        function setMethod(key) {
+            handler[key] = function() {return key;};
+        }
+        map.events.registerPriority = function(type, obj, func) {
+            var r = func();
+            if(typeof r == "string") {
+                t.eq(r, type,
+                     "activate calls registerPriority with the correct method");
+            }
+        }
+        handler.activate();
+    }
+    function test_callbacks(t) {
+        t.plan(23);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', {controls: []});
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        map.addControl(control);
+        // set fake values for touches
+        var testEvents = {
+            start: {
+                type: 'start',
+                touches: [{
+                    clientX: 100,
+                    clientY: 0
+                }, {
+                    clientX: 0,
+                    clientY: 0
+                }]
+            },
+            move: {
+                type: 'move',
+                touches: [{
+                    clientX: 100,
+                    clientY: 0
+                }, {
+                    clientX: 20,
+                    clientY: 0
+                }]
+            },
+            done: {
+                type: 'done',
+                touches: []
+            }
+        };
+        // set callback methods
+        var customCb = OpenLayers.Function.False;
+        var cb = function(evt) {
+            var tch = testEvents[evt.type].touches;
+            t.ok(evt.touches[0].clientX == tch[0].clientX &&
+                evt.touches[0].clientY == tch[0].clientY,
+                "touchstart sets first touch position correctly in evt");
+            t.ok(evt.touches[1].clientX == tch[1].clientX &&
+                evt.touches[1].clientY == tch[1].clientY,
+                "touchstart sets second touch position correctly in evt");
+            t.eq(handler.start.distance, 100, "start distance is " +
+                "always the same");
+            customCb.apply(this, arguments);
+        }
+        var callbacks = {
+            start: cb,
+            move: cb,
+            done: customCb
+        };
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch(control, callbacks);
+        handler.activate();
+        var old_isMultiTouch = OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch;
+        var old_stop = OpenLayers.Event.stop;
+        // test single touch
+        OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch = function() {
+            return false;
+        }
+        handler.started = true;
+        handler.start = {
+            distance: 100,
+            delta: 0,
+            scale: 1
+        };
+        handler.last = {
+            distance: 150,
+            delta: 10,
+            scale: 1.5
+        };
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchstart", testEvents.start);
+        t.ok(!handler.started, "1) touchstart (singletouch) sets started to false");
+        t.eq(handler.start, null, "1) touchstart (singletouch) sets start to null");
+        t.eq(handler.last, null, "1) touchstart (singletouch) sets last to null");
+        OpenLayers.Event.stop = function(evt, allowDefault) {
+            if(allowDefault) {
+                t.fail(
+                    "touchstart is prevented from falling to other elements");
+            }
+        }
+        OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch = function(evt) {
+            var res = old_isMultiTouch(evt);
+            t.ok(res, "fake event is a mutitouch touch event");
+            return res;
+        }
+        customCb = function(evt, pinchdata) {
+            t.eq(pinchdata.distance, 100, "2) calculated distance is correct");
+            t.eq(pinchdata.delta, 0, "2) calculated delta is correct");
+            t.eq(pinchdata.scale, 1, "2) calculated scale is correct");
+        }
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchstart", testEvents.start);
+        t.ok(handler.started, "2) touchstart sets the started flag to true");
+        t.ok(!handler.pinching, "2) touchstart sets the pinching flag to false");
+        customCb = function(evt, pinchdata) {
+            t.eq(pinchdata.distance, 80, "3) calculated distance is correct");
+            t.eq(pinchdata.delta, 20, "3) calculated delta is correct");
+            t.eq(pinchdata.scale, 0.8, "3) calculated scale is correct");
+        }
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchmove", testEvents.move);
+        t.ok(handler.started, "3) started flag still set to true");
+        t.ok(handler.pinching, "3) touchmove sets the pinching flag to true");
+        customCb = function(evt, first, last) {
+            t.eq(first.distance, 100, "4) calculated distance is correct");
+            t.eq(first.delta, 0, "4) calculated delta is correct");
+            t.eq(first.scale, 1, "4) calculated scale is correct");
+            t.eq(last.distance, 80, "4) calculated distance is correct");
+            t.eq(last.delta, 20, "4) calculated delta is correct");
+            t.eq(last.scale, 0.8, "4) calculated scale is correct");
+        }
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchend", testEvents.done);
+        t.ok(!handler.started, "4) started flag is set to false");
+        t.ok(!handler.pinching, "4) touchdone sets the pinching flag to false");
+        OpenLayers.Event.stop = old_stop;
+        OpenLayers.Event.isMultiTouch = old_isMultiTouch;
+        // test move or done before start
+        customCb = function(evt) {
+            t.fail("should not pass here")
+        }
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchmove", testEvents.move);
+        map.events.triggerEvent("touchend", testEvents.end);
+    }
+    function test_deactivate(t) {
+        t.plan(6);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        map.addControl(control);
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Pinch(control);
+        handler.active = false;
+        var deactivated = handler.deactivate();
+        t.ok(!deactivated,
+             "deactivate returns false if the handler was not already active");
+        handler.active = true;
+        handler.pinching = true;
+        deactivated = handler.deactivate();
+        t.ok(deactivated,
+             "deactivate returns true if the handler was active already");
+        t.ok(!handler.started,
+             "deactivate sets started to false");
+        t.ok(!handler.pinching,
+             "deactivate sets pinching to false");
+        t.ok(handler.start == null,
+             "deactivate sets start to null");
+        t.ok(handler.last == null,
+             "deactivate sets start to null");
+    }
+  </script>
+    <div id="map" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"/>

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Point.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Point.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Point.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -25,11 +25,26 @@
     function test_Handler_Point_activation(t) {
-        t.plan(3);
-        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        t.plan(10);
+        var log = [];
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {
+            "create": function(g, f) {
+                log.push({geometry: g, feature: f});
+            }
+        });
+        control.handler = handler;
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
         handler.active = true;
         var activated = handler.activate();
@@ -38,24 +53,52 @@
         activated = handler.activate();
              "activate returns true if the handler was not already active");
+        t.ok(handler.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector,
+             "activate creates a vector layer");
+        t.ok(handler.layer.map == map,
+             "activate adds the vector layer to the map");
+        t.ok(handler.point instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "activate creates a feature");
+        t.ok(handler.point.layer == handler.layer,
+             "activate adds the feature to the layer");
+        t.eq(log.length, 1,
+             "activate calls \"create\" once");
+        t.geom_eq(log[0].geometry, handler.point.geometry,
+                  "\"create\" called with expected geometry");
+        t.ok(log[0].feature == handler.point,
+             "\"create\" called with expected feature");
         activated = handler.deactivate();
              "deactivate returns true if the handler was active already");
+        map.destroy();
     function test_Handler_Point_events(t) {
-        t.plan(29);
-        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        var control = {
-            map: map
-        };
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control);
+        t.plan(34);
+        var log = [];
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {
+            "create": function(g, f) {
+                log.push({geometry: g, feature: f});
+            }
+        });
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
         // list below events that should be handled (events) and those
         // that should not be handled (nonevents) by the handler
-        var events = ["click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove"];
-        var nonevents = ["mouseout", "resize", "focus", "blur"];
+        var events = ["click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "mouseout"];
+        var nonevents = ["resize", "focus", "blur"];
         map.events.registerPriority = function(type, obj, func) {
             var r = func();
             if(typeof r == "string") {
@@ -99,7 +142,7 @@
     function test_callbacks(t) {
-        t.plan(10);
+        t.plan(28);
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
             resolutions: [1]
@@ -108,68 +151,189 @@
             isBaseLayer: true
-        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({
-        });
-        var log = {};
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var logs = [], log;
         var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {
             create: function() {
-                log.type = "create",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "create", args: arguments});
             modify: function() {
-                log.type = "modify",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "modify", args: arguments});
             done: function() {
-                log.type = "done",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "done", args: arguments});
             cancel: function() {
-                log.type = "cancel",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "cancel", args: arguments});
         control.handler = handler;
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
-        // mock up feature drawing
+        // create point
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[mousedown] create called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mousedown] correct point");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[1].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mousedown] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[activate] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[activate] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[activate] correct point");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[1].geometry,
+                  new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mousemove] not called back");
+        // mouse up (no finalize - we moved)
+        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mouseup] not called back");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 75), "[mousemove] correct point");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[1].geometry, new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 75), "[mousemove] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-148, 75),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[1].geometry,
+                  new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-148, 75),
+                  "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-148, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[1].geometry,
+                  new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-148, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[mouseup] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "done", "[mouseup] done called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-149, 75), "[mouseup] correct point");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-148, 75),
+                  "[mouseup] correct point");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[mouseup] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[activate] correct point");
+        // mouse up on same pixel
+        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mouseup] not called back");
+        // cancel
+        handler.cancel();
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[cancel] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[cancel] canced called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[cancel] correct point");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[cancel] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[cancel] correct point");
-        // mock up feature drawing with a cancel
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        handler.deactivate();
-        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[deactivate while drawing] cancel called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[deactivate while drawing] correct point");
+        map.destroy();
+    }
+    function test_persist(t) {
+        t.plan(3);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.persist = false;
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(handler.layer.features.length, 1,
+             "feature destroyed on mouseup when persist is false");
+        handler.persist = true;
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 0)});
+        t.eq(handler.layer.features.length, 2,
+             "feature not destroyed on mouseup when persist is true");
+        var feature = handler.layer.features[0];
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 0)});
+        t.ok(handler.layer.features[0] !== feature,
+             "persisted feature destroyed on next mouseup");
     function test_Handler_Point_deactivation(t) {
-        t.plan(1);
-        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        t.plan(5);
+        var log = [];
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {
+            "cancel": function(g) {
+                log.push({geometry: g});
+            }
+        });
+        control.handler = handler;
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {foo: 'bar'});
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        var _layer = handler.layer;
+        var _geometry = handler.point.geometry;
+        handler.deactivate();
+        t.eq(_layer.map, null,
+             "deactivates removes the layer from the map");
+        t.eq(handler.layer, null,
+             "deactivates sets its \"layer\" property to null");
+        t.eq(log.length, 1,
+             "deactivates calls \"cancel\" once");
+        t.ok(log[0].geometry.equals(_geometry),
+             "\"cancel\" called with expected geometry");
+        handler.activate();
         t.eq(handler.layer, null,
              "deactivate doesn't throw an error if layer was" +
              " previously destroyed");
+        map.destroy();
     function test_Handler_Point_bounds(t) {
@@ -183,7 +347,7 @@
         var activated = handler.activate();
         var px = new OpenLayers.Pixel(150, 75);
         var evt = {xy: px, which: 1};
-        handler.mousedown(evt);
+        handler.mousemove(evt);
         var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromPixel(px);
         t.eq(handler.point.geometry.x, lonlat.lon, "X is correct"); 
         t.eq(handler.point.geometry.y, lonlat.lat, "Y is correct"); 
@@ -203,8 +367,6 @@
         var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point(control, {foo: 'bar'});
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(150, 75), which: 1};
-        handler.mousedown(evt);
              "handler has a layer prior to destroy");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Polygon.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Polygon.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Handler/Polygon.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -25,12 +25,27 @@
     function test_Handler_Polygon_activation(t) {
-        t.plan(3);
-        var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+        t.plan(13);
+        var log = [];
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {
+            "create": function(g, f) {
+                log.push({geometry: g, feature: f});
+            }
+        });
+        control.handler = handler;
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
         handler.active = true;
         var activated = handler.activate();
              "activate returns false if the handler was already active");
@@ -38,41 +53,68 @@
         activated = handler.activate();
              "activate returns true if the handler was not already active");
+        t.ok(handler.layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Vector,
+             "activate creates a vector layer");
+        t.ok(handler.layer.map == map,
+             "activate adds the vector layer to the map");
+        t.ok(handler.point instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "activate creates a point feature");
+        t.ok(handler.point.layer == handler.layer,
+             "activate adds the point feature to the layer");
+        t.ok(handler.line instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "activates creates a line feature");
+        t.ok(handler.polygon instanceof OpenLayers.Feature.Vector,
+             "acttivates creates a polygon feature");
+        t.ok(handler.polygon.layer == handler.layer,
+             "activate adds the polygin feature to the layer");
+        t.eq(log.length, 1,
+             "activate calls \"create\" once");
+        t.geom_eq(log[0].geometry, handler.point.geometry,
+                  "\"create\" called with expected geometry");
+        t.ok(log[0].feature == handler.polygon,
+             "\"create\" called with expected feature");
         activated = handler.deactivate();
              "deactivate returns true if the handler was active already");
-        map.destroy();     
+        map.destroy();
-    function test_Handler_Polygon_bounds(t) {
+    function test_bounds_stopDown_true(t) {
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
         map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("", "", {}));
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
-        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {},
+                {stopDown: true, stopUp: true});
         var activated = handler.activate();
+        // click on (150, 75)
         var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(150, 75), which: 1};
+        handler.mousemove(evt);
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
+        // click on (175, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
         t.ok(handler.line.geometry.getBounds().equals(new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)), "Correct bounds");
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
+        // mousedown on (175, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(175, 100), which: 1};
-        var evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(125, 100), which: 1};
+        // mousemove to (125, 100)
+        evt = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(125, 100), which: 1};
+        // test that the bounds have changed
         t.ok(!handler.polygon.geometry.getBounds().equals(new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,-35.15625,35.15625,0)),
              "Correct bounds after dragging without letting go. (Came out as "+handler.line.geometry.getBounds().toBBOX() + ".)");
     function test_callbacks(t) {
-        t.plan(15);
+        t.plan(45);
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
             resolutions: [1]
@@ -83,57 +125,141 @@
         var control = new OpenLayers.Control({
-        var log = {};
+        var logs = [], log;
         var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {
             create: function() {
-                log.type = "create",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "create", args: arguments});
+            point: function() {
+                logs.push({type: "point", args: arguments});
+            },
             modify: function() {
-                log.type = "modify",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "modify", args: arguments});
             done: function() {
-                log.type = "done",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "done", args: arguments});
             cancel: function() {
-                log.type = "cancel",
-                log.args = arguments
+                logs.push({type: "cancel", args: arguments});
         control.handler = handler;
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
-        // mock up feature drawing
+        // create polygon
-        // click at 0, 0
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[mousedown] create called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mousedown] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon, "[mousedown] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.activate();
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[activate] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[activate] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[activate] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.polygon,
+             "[activate] correct feature");
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon,
+             "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[mouseup] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "point", "[mouseup] point called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mouseup] correct point");
+        var geom = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75)
+            ])
+        ]);
+        geom.components[0].addComponent(
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+            geom.components[0].components.length
+        );
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[1], geom, "[mouseup] correct polygon");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mouseup] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), "[mouseup] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon, "[mouseup] correct sketch feature");
-        // move to 10, 10 and click
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75),
+                  "[mouseup] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.polygon,
+             "[mouseup] correct feature");
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon, "[mouseup] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousedown] modify called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65),
+                  "[mousedown] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon,
+             "[mousedown] correct feature");
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        log = logs.shift();
+        log = logs.shift();
         // move to 0, 10 and double click
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        // mouse move
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousemove] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "modify", "[mousemove] modify called");
-        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 65), "[mousemove] correct vertex");
-        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon, "[mouseup] correct sketch feature");
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
-        handler.dblclick({type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 65),
+                  "[mousemove] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] === handler.polygon,
+             "[mousemove] correct feature");
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 1, "[mousedown] not called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[mouseup] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        log = logs.shift();
+        // mouse down
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mousedown] not called back");
+        // mouse up
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 0, "[mouseup] not called back");
+        // dblclick
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[dblclick] called back twice");
+        log = logs.shift();
         t.eq(log.type, "done", "[dblclick] done called");
@@ -147,17 +273,232 @@
             "[dblclick] correct polygon"
-        // mock up sketch cancel
-        handler.mousedown({type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        handler.mouseup({type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
-        handler.mousemove({type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
-        handler.deactivate();
-        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[deactivate while drawing] cancel called");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[dblclick] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[dblclick] correct point");
+        t.ok(log.args[1] == handler.polygon,
+             "[dblclick] correct feature");
+        // cancel
+        handler.cancel();
+        t.eq(logs.length, 2, "[cancel] called back");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "cancel", "[cancel] canced called");
+        log = logs.shift();
+        t.eq(log.type, "create", "[cancel] create called");
+        t.geom_eq(log.args[0], new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-200, 125),
+                  "[cancel] correct point");
+    function test_toggle_freehand(t) {
+        t.plan(2);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {
+            done: function(g) {
+                log++;
+            }
+        }, {persist: true});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = 0;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.eq(log, 1, "feature drawn when shift pressed on mousedown");
+        log = 0;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: false});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.eq(log, 0, "feature not drawn when shift not pressed on mousedown");
+    }
+    function test_persist(t) {
+        t.plan(4);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.persist = false;
+        var feature1 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        t.ok(feature1.layer == null, "a) feature1 destroyed");
+        handler.persist = true;
+        var feature2 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        t.ok(feature2.layer != null, "b) feature2 not destroyed");
+        var feature3 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2)});
+        t.ok(feature3.layer != null, "c) feature3 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature2.layer == null, "c) feature2 destroyed");
+        map.destroy();
+    }
+    function test_persist_freehand(t) {
+        t.plan(6);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control, {});
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        handler.persist = false;
+        var feature1 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature1.layer == null, "a) feature1 destroyed");
+        handler.persist = true;
+        var feature2 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature2.layer != null, "b) feature2 not destroyed");
+        var feature3 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature3.layer != null, "c) feature3 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature2.layer == null, "c) feature2 destroyed");
+        feature4 = handler.polygon;
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: false});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(2, 2), shiftKey: true});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0), shiftKey: true});
+        t.ok(feature4.layer != null, "d) feature4 not destroyed");
+        t.ok(feature3.layer == null, "c) feature3 destroyed");
+        map.destroy();
+    }
     function test_rings(t) {
@@ -204,6 +545,7 @@
         log = [];
         // start at -9, 9
         event = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-9, 9)};
+        trigger("mousemove", event);
         trigger("mousedown", event);
         trigger("mouseup", event);
         // draw to -1, 9
@@ -228,7 +570,7 @@
         trigger("dblclick", event);
         // make assertions
-        t.eq(log.length, 9, "a) correct number of events");
+        t.eq(log.length, 14, "a) correct number of events");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].type, "featureadded", "a) featureadded event last");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].feature.geometry.getArea(), 64, "a) correct polygon area");
@@ -236,6 +578,7 @@
         log = [];
         // start at -6, 6
         event = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-6, 6), altKey: true};
+        trigger("mousemove", event);
         trigger("mousedown", event);
         trigger("mouseup", event);
         // draw to -3, 6
@@ -260,7 +603,7 @@
         trigger("dblclick", event);
         // make assertions
-        t.eq(log.length, 8, "b) correct number of events");
+        t.eq(log.length, 13, "b) correct number of events");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].type, "sketchcomplete", "b) sketchcomplete event last");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].feature.geometry.getArea(), 55, "b) correct polygon area");
@@ -269,6 +612,7 @@
         log = [];
         // start at -2, 2
         event = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-2, 2)};
+        trigger("mousemove", event);
         trigger("mousedown", event);
         trigger("mouseup", event);
         // draw to 2, 2
@@ -293,7 +637,7 @@
         trigger("dblclick", event);
         // make assertions
-        t.eq(log.length, 9, "c) correct number of events");
+        t.eq(log.length, 14, "c) correct number of events");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].type, "featureadded", "c) featureadded event last");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].feature.geometry.getArea(), 16, "c) correct polygon area");
@@ -301,6 +645,7 @@
         log = [];
         // start at -1, 1
         event = {xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(-1, 1), altKey: true};
+        trigger("mousemove", event);
         trigger("mousedown", event);
         trigger("mouseup", event);
         // draw to 1, 1
@@ -330,7 +675,7 @@
         trigger("dblclick", event);
         // make assertions
-        t.eq(log.length, 11, "d) correct number of events");
+        t.eq(log.length, 18, "d) correct number of events");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].type, "sketchcomplete", "d) sketchcomplete event last");
         t.eq(log[log.length-1].feature.geometry.getArea(), 12, "d) correct polygon area");
@@ -338,7 +683,6 @@
     function test_Handler_Polygon_destroy(t) {
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -372,8 +716,158 @@
+    //
+    // Sequence tests
+    // 
+    // Sequence tests basically involve executing a sequence of events
+    // and testing the resulting geometry.
+    //
+    // Below are tests for various drawing sequences. Tests can be
+    // added here each a non-working sequence is found.
+    //
+    // stopDown:true, stopUp:true
+    // a) click on (0, 0)
+    // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+    // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+    // d) click on (0, 10)
+    // e) dblclick on (10, 10)
+    function test_sequence1(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control,
+            {done: function(g) { log.geometry = g; }},
+            {stopDown: true, stopUp: true}
+        );
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = {};
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // d) click on (0, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        // e) dblclick on (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 65), // (0, 10)
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)  // (10, 10)
+                ])
+            ]), "geometry is correct");
+    }
+    // stopDown:false, stopUp:false
+    // a) click on (0, 0)
+    // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+    // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+    // d) click on (0, 10)
+    // e) dblclick on (10, 10)
+    function test_sequence2(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {
+            resolutions: [1]
+        });
+        var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("foo", {
+            maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-10, -10, 10, 10),
+            isBaseLayer: true
+        });
+        map.addLayer(layer);
+        var control = new OpenLayers.Control({});
+        var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Polygon(control,
+            {done: function(g) { log.geometry = g; }},
+            {stopDown: false, stopUp: false}
+        );
+        control.handler = handler;
+        map.addControl(control);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 0), 0);
+        handler.activate();
+        log = {};
+        // a) click on (0, 0)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 0)});
+        // b) mousedown on (0.5, 0.5)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0.5, 0.5)});
+        // c) mouseup on (1, 1)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(1, 1)});
+        // d) click on (0, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(0, 10)});
+        // e) dblclick on (10, 10)
+        handler.mousemove(
+            {type: "mousemove", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mousedown(
+            {type: "mousedown", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.mouseup(
+            {type: "mouseup", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        handler.dblclick(
+            {type: "dblclick", xy: new OpenLayers.Pixel(10, 10)});
+        t.geom_eq(log.geometry,
+            new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([
+                new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 75), // (0, 0)
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-150, 65), // (0, 10)
+                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-140, 65)  // (10, 10)
+                ])
+            ]), "geometry is correct");
+    }

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/ArcGIS93Rest.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         var params = {layers: "show:0,2"};
         t.plan( 2 );
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGIS93Rest(name, url, params, {buffer: 2});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),5);
         t.eq( layer.grid.length, 7, "Grid rows is correct." );

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/EventPane.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/EventPane.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/EventPane.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
 //         t.plan( 2 );    
         if (OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME != "firefox" && OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME != "mozilla") {
-          t.plan(4);
+            t.plan(4);
         } else {
-          t.plan(0);
-          t.debug_print("Firefox gives different results for different browsers on setMap on EventPane, so just don't run it for now.") 
-          return;
+            t.plan(0);
+            t.debug_print("Firefox gives different results for different browsers on setMap on EventPane, so just don't run it for now.") 
+            return;
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -84,19 +84,23 @@
         layer2.getWarningHTML = function() { this.warning = true; return ""; }
-        t.ok( !layer2.warning, "warning not registered on mapObject load" );
+        t.ok(!layer2.warning, "warning not registered on mapObject load");
-        map.events.register("mousemove", map, function () {
-            t.ok(true, "got mouse move");
+        var log = [];
+        map.events.register("mousemove", map, function(event) {
+            log.push(event);
-        if( document.createEvent ) { // Mozilla
-          var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
-          evObj.initEvent( 'mousemove', true, false );
-          layer.pane.dispatchEvent(evObj);
-        } else if( document.createEventObject ) { // IE
-          layer.pane.fireEvent('onmousemove');
+        if (document.createEvent) { // Mozilla
+            var evObj = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
+            evObj.initEvent('mousemove', true, false);
+            map.eventsDiv.dispatchEvent(evObj);
+        } else if(document.createEventObject) { // IE
+            map.eventsDiv.fireEvent('onmousemove');
+        t.eq(log.length, 1, "got one event");
     function test_Layer_EventPane_setVisibility (t) {

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/Grid.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/Grid.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/Grid.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
         layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(name, url, params, null);
         t.ok( layer instanceof OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, "returns OpenLayers.Layer.Grid object" );
-        t.eq( layer.buffer, 2, "buffer default is 2");
+        t.eq( layer.buffer, 0, "buffer default is 0");
         t.eq( layer.ratio, 1.5, "ratio default is 1.5");
         t.eq( layer.numLoadingTiles, 0, "numLoadingTiles starts at 0");
         t.ok( layer.events.listeners["tileloaded"] != null, "'tileloaded' event added to layer's event types");
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     function test_Layer_Grid_inittiles (t) {
         t.plan( 2 );
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {buffer:2});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),5);
         t.eq( layer.grid.length, 7, "Grid rows is correct." );
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
     function test_Layer_Grid_destroy (t) {
-        t.plan( 7 );
+        t.plan( 8 );
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
         layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Grid(name, url, params);
@@ -608,6 +608,7 @@
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 10);
+        map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(1,1));
         //grab a reference to one of the tiles
@@ -616,6 +617,7 @@
         t.eq( tile.imgDiv, null, "Tile destroyed" ); 
+        t.eq( layer.timerId, null, "Tile loading timeout cleared");
         t.ok( layer.grid == null, "tiles appropriately destroyed")

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/KaMap.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/KaMap.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/KaMap.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
         layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap(name, url, params, units);
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),5);
-        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 8, "KaMap rows is correct." );
-        t.eq( layer.grid[0].length, 6, "KaMap cols is correct." );
+        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 4, "KaMap rows is correct." );
+        t.eq( layer.grid[0].length, 3, "KaMap cols is correct." );

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapGuide.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapGuide.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapGuide.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
         layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapGuide(name, url, paramsTiled);
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,400000),5);
-        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 6, "Grid rows is correct." );
+        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 3, "Grid rows is correct." );
         // t.eq( layer.grid[0].length, 6, "Grid cols is correct." );

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapServer.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapServer.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/MapServer.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
     function test_Layer_MapServer_inittiles (t) {
         t.plan( 2 );
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params, {buffer: 0});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),5);
-        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 7, "Grid rows is correct." );
-        t.eq( layer.grid[0].length, 6, "Grid cols is correct." );
+        t.eq( layer.grid.length, 4, "Grid rows is correct." );
+        t.eq( layer.grid[0].length, 3, "Grid cols is correct." );
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
             var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
             var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google");
-            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params, {isBaseLayer: false, reproject: true});
+            layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params, {isBaseLayer: false, reproject: true, buffer: 2});
             map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 5);
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer(name, url, params, {buffer:2});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 5);
         var tile = layer.grid[0][0];

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/TMS.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/TMS.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/TMS.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
             m = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {'maxExtent':new OpenLayers.Bounds(-122.6579,37.4901,-122.0738,37.8795)});
             layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( "TMS", 
-                    "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py/", {layername: 'basic', type:'png', resolutions:[0.000634956337608418]} );
+                    "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py/", {layername: 'basic', type:'png', resolutions:[0.000634956337608418], buffer: 2} );
             t.eq(layer.getURL(layer.grid[3][3].bounds), "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py/1.0.0/basic/0/1/1.png", "TMS tiles around rounded properly.");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WMS.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WMS.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WMS.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
     function test_Layer_WMS_inittiles (t) {
         t.plan( 2 );
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {buffer:2});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0),5);
         t.eq( layer.grid.length, 7, "Grid rows is correct." );
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
             var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Google("Google");
             var wmslayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params,
-                                                    {isBaseLayer: false, reproject:true});
+                                                    {isBaseLayer: false, reproject:true, buffer: 2});
             map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 5);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
         var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params);
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {buffer: 2});
         map.setCenter(new OpenLayers.LonLat(0,0), 5);
         var tile = layer.grid[0][0];

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WrapDateLine.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WrapDateLine.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/WrapDateLine.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
         t.plan( 3 );
         var url = "http://octo.metacarta.com/cgi-bin/mapserv";
-        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {'wrapDateLine':true,encodeBBOX:true});
+        layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {'wrapDateLine':true,encodeBBOX:true, buffer: 2});
         var m = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
         var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.KaMap( "Blue Marble NG",
              {g: "satellite", map: "world"},
-             {wrapDateLine: true} ); 
+             {wrapDateLine: true, buffer: 2} ); 
         var m = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@
     function test_Layer_WrapDateLine_WMS_Overlay (t) {
         t.plan( 3 );
         var url = "http://octo.metacarta.com/cgi-bin/mapserv";
-        baselayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {'wrapDateLine':true});
+        baselayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(name, url, params, {'wrapDateLine':true, buffer: 2});
         var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "DM Solutions Demo",
             {layers: "bathymetry,land_fn,park,drain_fn,drainage," +
              transparent: "true", format: "image/png"},
-            {wrapDateLine: true, reproject: false,encodeBBOX:true});
+            {wrapDateLine: true, reproject: false,encodeBBOX:true, buffer:2});
         var m = new OpenLayers.Map('map');

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/XYZ.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/XYZ.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Layer/XYZ.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
             m = new OpenLayers.Map("map", {'maxExtent':new OpenLayers.Bounds(-122.6579,37.4901,-122.0738,37.8795)});
             layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ( "XYZ", 
-                    url, {layername: 'basic', type:'png', resolutions:[0.000634956337608418]} );
+                    url, {layername: 'basic', type:'png', resolutions:[0.000634956337608418], buffer: 2} );
             t.eq(layer.getURL(layer.grid[3][3].bounds), "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py/1.0.0/basic/0/1/0.png", "XYZ tiles around rounded properly.");

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Map.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Map.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Map.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -352,6 +352,8 @@
         valid = OpenLayers.Map.prototype.isValidZoomLevel.apply(map, [19]);
         t.eq(valid, false, "19 is not a valid zoomLevel when baseLayer has restrictedMinZoom of 1");
+        map.destroy();
     function test_Map_isValidLonLat(t) {
@@ -977,6 +979,8 @@
         map.addControls(controls2, pixels2);
         t.eq(map.controls.length, 5, "three additional controls were added by map.addControls with a px-array");
         t.eq(map.controls[3].position.toString(), pixels2[1].toString(), "control 'fourthctrl' has position set to given px");
+        map.destroy();
     function test_Map_getControl(t) {
@@ -1598,11 +1602,13 @@
         t.eq(map.layers.length, 2, "multiple layers added from options");
         t.ok(map.baseLayer, "map has a base layer");
+        map.destroy();
     function test_center_option(t) {
-        t.plan(6);
+        t.plan(7);
         var map, msg;
@@ -1625,6 +1631,12 @@
+        var log = [];
+        var meth = OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo;
+        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo = function() {
+            log.push(arguments);
+            meth.apply(this, arguments);
+        };
         // set center without zoom
         var center = new OpenLayers.LonLat(1, 2);
@@ -1635,8 +1647,10 @@
         t.ok(center.equals(map.getCenter()), "map center set without zoom");
+        t.eq(log.length, 1, "moveTo called once");
+        OpenLayers.Layer.prototype.moveTo = meth;
         // set center and zoom
         var zoom = 3;
@@ -1667,7 +1681,26 @@
+    function test_pixel_lonlat(t) {
+        t.plan(4);
+        var map = new OpenLayers.Map({
+            div: "map",
+            layers: [
+                new OpenLayers.Layer("name", {isBaseLayer:true})
+            ]
+        });
+        map.zoomToMaxExtent();
+        var px = map.getPixelFromLonLat(map.getLonLatFromPixel(new OpenLayers.Pixel(100, 100)));
+        t.eq(px.x, 100, "x is the same in and ot");
+        t.eq(px.y, 100, "y is the same in and out");
+        var ll = map.getLonLatFromPixel(map.getPixelFromLonLat(new OpenLayers.LonLat(100, 100)));
+        t.ok((ll.lon > (100 -map.getResolution()) && (ll.lon < (100 + map.getResolution()))), "lon is the same in and ot");
+        t.ok((ll.lat > (100 -map.getResolution()) && (ll.lat < (100 + map.getResolution()))), "lat is the same in and ot");
+        map.destroy();
+    }    

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Util.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Util.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/Util.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -1101,6 +1101,12 @@
         t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(b1), OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(b2),
             "toFloat rounds large floats correctly #2");
+    function test_getFormattedLonLat(t) {
+        t.plan(1);
+        var z = 2 + (4/60) - 0.000002 ;
+        t.eq(OpenLayers.Util.getFormattedLonLat(z,"lon"), "02°04'00\"E",
+            "LonLat does not show 60 seconds.");
+    }

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/list-tests.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/list-tests.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/list-tests.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
+    <li>Handler/Pinch.html</li>

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/run-tests.html
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/run-tests.html	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tests/run-tests.html	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
 	var no_close=document.getElementById( "dont_close_test_windows" );
-	var action={ action_kind: "window", wnd_url: url.toString(), wnd_wnd: null, wnd_fn: fn, wnd_timeout_milliseconds: timeout_seconds*1000, wnd_no_close: no_close.checked };
+	var action={ action_kind: "window", wnd_url: url.toString() + (window.location.search || ""), wnd_wnd: null, wnd_fn: fn, wnd_timeout_milliseconds: timeout_seconds*1000, wnd_no_close: no_close.checked };
 	this.delay_total_milliseconds_left+=Test.AnotherWay._action_estimate_milliseconds( action );
 	this.delay_actions.push( action );
@@ -2410,4 +2410,10 @@
+    if (/noscroll/.test(location.href)) {
+        document.getElementById('scroller').style.height='auto';
+        document.getElementById('right_frame').style.height='auto';
+    }

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/add_point_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/drag-rectangle-off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/drag-rectangle-on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_line_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_line_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_point_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_point_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_polygon_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/draw_polygon_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/editing_tool_bar.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/move_feature_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/move_feature_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/navigation_history.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/pan-panel-NOALPHA.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/pan-panel.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/pan_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/panning-hand-off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/panning-hand-on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/remove_point_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/save_features_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/save_features_on.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/view_next_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/view_previous_off.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/theme/default/img/zoom-panel.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools
Modified: svn:ignore
   - *.pyc

   + *.pyc

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure.py (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/tools/closure.py)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure.py	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import sys
+import os
+import tempfile
+path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "closure-compiler.jar"))
+if not os.path.exists(path):
+    raise Exception("No closure-compiler.jar at %s; read README.txt!" % path)
+def minimize(code):
+    ntf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    ntf.write(code)
+    ntf.flush()
+    ntf2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+    os.system("java -jar %s --js %s --js_output_file %s" % (path, ntf.name, ntf2.name))
+    ntf2.seek(0)
+    data = ntf2.read()
+    ntf.close()
+    ntf2.close()
+    return data

Copied: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure_ws.py (from rev 11499, trunk/openlayers/tools/closure_ws.py)
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure_ws.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/closure_ws.py	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import httplib, urllib, sys
+import time
+# Define the parameters for the POST request and encode them in
+# a URL-safe format.
+def minimize(code):
+    params = urllib.urlencode([
+        ('js_code', code),
+        ('compilation_level', 'SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS'),
+        ('output_format', 'text'),
+        ('output_info', 'compiled_code'),
+      ])
+    t = time.time()
+    # Always use the following value for the Content-type header.
+    headers = { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
+    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('closure-compiler.appspot.com')
+    conn.request('POST', '/compile', params, headers)
+    response = conn.getresponse()
+    data = response.read()
+    conn.close()
+    if data.startswith("Error"):
+        raise Exception(data)
+    print "%.3f seconds to compile" % (time.time() - t) 
+    return data

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/release.sh
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/release.sh	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/release.sh	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -2,13 +2,22 @@
+wget -c http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip
+unzip compiler-latest.zip 
 svn export http://svn.openlayers.org/tags/openlayers/release-$VERSION OpenLayers-$VERSION
 cd OpenLayers-$VERSION/build
-./build.py full
+mv ../../compiler.jar ../tools/closure-compiler.jar
+./build.py -c closure full
 cp OpenLayers.js ..
+rm ../tools/closure-compiler.jar
 cd ..
+for i in google ie6-style style; do
+    csstidy theme/default/$i.css --template=highest theme/default/$i.tidy.css
 mkdir doc/devdocs
 mkdir doc/apidocs
 rm tools/*.pyc

Modified: sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/update_dev_dir.sh
--- sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/update_dev_dir.sh	2011-02-25 13:51:33 UTC (rev 11499)
+++ sandbox/jennier/openlayers/tools/update_dev_dir.sh	2011-02-25 14:14:52 UTC (rev 11500)
@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@
     cd /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/tools/ 
     python exampleparser.py
     cd /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/build
-    ./build.py tests.cfg
+    ./build.py -c closure tests.cfg
     cp OpenLayers.js ..
     cd ..
+    for i in google ie6-style style; do
+        csstidy theme/default/$i.css --template=highest theme/default/$i.tidy.css
+        cp theme/default/$i.tidy.css theme/default/$i.css
+    done
     sed -i -e 's!../lib/OpenLayers.js!../OpenLayers.js!' examples/*.html
     naturaldocs -i /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/lib -o HTML /osgeo/openlayers/dev/apidocs -p /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/apidoc_config -s Default OL >/dev/null
     naturaldocs -i /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/lib -o HTML /osgeo/openlayers/dev/docs -p /osgeo/openlayers/docs/dev/doc_config -s Default OL >/dev/null

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