[OpenLayers-Commits] r11749 - in trunk/openlayers:
lib/OpenLayers/Handler tests/Handler tests/manual
commits-20090109 at openlayers.org
commits-20090109 at openlayers.org
Tue Mar 29 09:44:09 EDT 2011
Author: ahocevar
Date: 2011-03-29 06:44:04 -0700 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 11749
fixed box sizing and positioning. r=sbrunner (closes #2910)
Modified: trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js
--- trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js 2011-03-29 13:28:01 UTC (rev 11748)
+++ trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Handler/Box.js 2011-03-29 13:44:04 UTC (rev 11749)
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
boxDivClassName: 'olHandlerBoxZoomBox',
- * Property: boxCharacteristics
- * {Object} Caches some box characteristics from css. This is used
- * by the getBoxCharacteristics method.
+ * Property: boxOffsets
+ * {Object} Caches box offsets from css. This is used by the getBoxOffsets
+ * method.
- boxCharacteristics: null,
+ boxOffsets: null,
* Constructor: OpenLayers.Handler.Box
@@ -96,7 +96,13 @@
new OpenLayers.Pixel(-9999, -9999));
this.zoomBox.className = this.boxDivClassName;
this.zoomBox.style.zIndex = this.map.Z_INDEX_BASE["Popup"] - 1;
+ var offset = this.getBoxOffsets();
+ var pos = this.dragHandler.start;
+ this.zoomBox.style.left = (pos.x - offset.left) + "px";
+ this.zoomBox.style.top = (pos.y - offset.top) + "px";
this.map.eventsDiv, "olDrawBox"
@@ -111,24 +117,14 @@
var startY = this.dragHandler.start.y;
var deltaX = Math.abs(startX - xy.x);
var deltaY = Math.abs(startY - xy.y);
- this.zoomBox.style.width = Math.max(1, deltaX) + "px";
- this.zoomBox.style.height = Math.max(1, deltaY) + "px";
- this.zoomBox.style.left = xy.x < startX ? xy.x+"px" : startX+"px";
- this.zoomBox.style.top = xy.y < startY ? xy.y+"px" : startY+"px";
- // depending on the box model, modify width and height to take borders
- // of the box into account
- var box = this.getBoxCharacteristics();
- if (box.newBoxModel) {
- if (xy.x > startX) {
- this.zoomBox.style.width =
- Math.max(1, deltaX - box.xOffset) + "px";
- }
- if (xy.y > startY) {
- this.zoomBox.style.height =
- Math.max(1, deltaY - box.yOffset) + "px";
- }
- }
+ var offset = this.getBoxOffsets();
+ this.zoomBox.style.width = (deltaX + offset.width + 1) + "px";
+ this.zoomBox.style.height = (deltaY + offset.height + 1) + "px";
+ this.zoomBox.style.left = (xy.x < startX ?
+ startX - deltaX - offset.left : startX - offset.left) + "px";
+ this.zoomBox.style.top = (xy.y < startY ?
+ startY - deltaY - offset.top : startY - offset.top) + "px";
@@ -159,7 +155,7 @@
removeBox: function() {
this.zoomBox = null;
- this.boxCharacteristics = null;
+ this.boxOffsets = null;
this.map.eventsDiv, "olDrawBox"
@@ -195,34 +191,53 @@
- * Method: getCharacteristics
- * Determines offset and box model for a box.
+ * Method: getBoxOffsets
+ * Determines border offsets for a box, according to the box model.
* Returns:
- * {Object} a hash with the following properties:
- * - xOffset - Corner offset in x-direction
- * - yOffset - Corner offset in y-direction
- * - newBoxModel - true for all browsers except IE in quirks mode
+ * {Object} an object with the following offsets:
+ * - left
+ * - right
+ * - top
+ * - bottom
+ * - width
+ * - height
- getBoxCharacteristics: function() {
- if (!this.boxCharacteristics) {
- var xOffset = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
- "border-left-width")) + parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
- this.zoomBox, "border-right-width")) + 1;
- var yOffset = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
- "border-top-width")) + parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
- this.zoomBox, "border-bottom-width")) + 1;
- // all browsers use the new box model, except IE in quirks mode
- var newBoxModel = OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME == "msie" ?
- document.compatMode != "BackCompat" : true;
- this.boxCharacteristics = {
- xOffset: xOffset,
- yOffset: yOffset,
- newBoxModel: newBoxModel
- };
- }
- return this.boxCharacteristics;
+ getBoxOffsets: function() {
+ if (!this.boxOffsets) {
+ // Determine the box model. If the testDiv's clientWidth is 3, then
+ // the borders are outside and we are dealing with the w3c box
+ // model. Otherwise, the browser uses the traditional box model and
+ // the borders are inside the box bounds, leaving us with a
+ // clientWidth of 1.
+ var testDiv = document.createElement("div");
+ testDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ testDiv.style.position = "absolute";
+ testDiv.style.border = "1px solid black";
+ testDiv.style.width = "3px";
+ document.body.appendChild(testDiv);
+ var w3cBoxModel = testDiv.clientWidth == 3;
+ document.body.removeChild(testDiv);
+ var left = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
+ "border-left-width"));
+ var right = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
+ this.zoomBox, "border-right-width"));
+ var top = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(this.zoomBox,
+ "border-top-width"));
+ var bottom = parseInt(OpenLayers.Element.getStyle(
+ this.zoomBox, "border-bottom-width"));
+ this.boxOffsets = {
+ left: left,
+ right: right,
+ top: top,
+ bottom: bottom,
+ width: w3cBoxModel === false ? left + right : 0,
+ height: w3cBoxModel === false ? top + bottom : 0
+ };
+ }
+ return this.boxOffsets;
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Handler.Box"
Modified: trunk/openlayers/tests/Handler/Box.html
--- trunk/openlayers/tests/Handler/Box.html 2011-03-29 13:28:01 UTC (rev 11748)
+++ trunk/openlayers/tests/Handler/Box.html 2011-03-29 13:44:04 UTC (rev 11749)
@@ -2,6 +2,49 @@
<script src="../OLLoader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
+ function test_Handler_Box_constructor(t) {
+ t.plan(4);
+ var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+ control.id = Math.random();
+ var callbacks = {done: "bar"};
+ var options = {bar: "foo"};
+ var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Box(control, callbacks, options);
+ t.eq(handler.control.id, control.id, "handler created with the correct control");
+ t.eq(handler.callbacks.done, "bar", "handler created with the correct callback");
+ t.eq(handler.bar, "foo", "handler created with the correct options");
+ t.ok(handler.dragHandler instanceof OpenLayers.Handler.Drag, "drag handler created");
+ }
+ function test_Handler_Box_draw(t) {
+ t.plan(12);
+ var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
+ var control = new OpenLayers.Control();
+ map.addControl(control);
+ var handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Box(control, {done: function(e) {
+ t.ok(e.equals(new OpenLayers.Bounds(5, 11, 11, 5)), "box result correct");
+ }});
+ handler.activate();
+ handler.dragHandler.start = {x: 5, y: 5};
+ handler.startBox({x: 5, y: 5});
+ var offset = handler.getBoxOffsets();
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.left), 5 - offset.left, "x position of box correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.top), 5 - offset.top, "y position of box correct");
+ handler.moveBox({x: 10, y: 10});
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.left), 5 - offset.left, "x position of box still correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.top), 5 - offset.top, "y position of box still correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.width), 5 + offset.width + 1, "x dimension of box correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.height), 5 + offset.height + 1, "y dimension of box correct");
+ handler.moveBox({x: 0, y: 0});
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.left), 0 - offset.left, "new x position of box correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.top), 0 - offset.top, "new y position of box correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.width), 5 + offset.width + 1, "x dimension of box still correct");
+ t.eq(parseInt(handler.zoomBox.style.height), 5 + offset.height + 1, "y dimension of box still correct");
+ handler.endBox({x: 11, y: 11});
+ t.eq(handler.zoomBox, null, "box removed after endBox");
+ }
function test_Handler_Box_destroy(t) {
var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map');
@@ -21,6 +64,6 @@
- <div id="map" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"/>
+ <div id="map" style="width: 300px; height: 150px;"></div>
Added: trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-quirks.html
--- trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-quirks.html (rev 0)
+++ trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-quirks.html 2011-03-29 13:44:04 UTC (rev 11749)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+ <head>
+ <title>Box Handler Quirks Mode Test</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../examples/style.css" type="text/css" />
+ <style type="text/css">
+ /* simulate quirks mode (traditional box model) in browsers other than IE */
+ div {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -ms-box-sizing: border-box;
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
+ }
+ .olHandlerBoxZoomBox {
+ border: 20px solid red;
+ border-left-width: 10px;
+ border-bottom-width: 30px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script src="../../lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var map, layer;
+ function init(){
+ map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );
+ layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
+ "http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0",
+ {layers: 'basic'} );
+ map.addLayer(layer);
+ map.zoomToMaxExtent();
+ }
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body onload="init()">
+ <h1 id="title">Box handler Quirks Mode Test</h1>
+ <div id="shortdesc">Test the correct appearance of the ZoomBox in quirks mode</div>
+ <div id="map" class="smallmap"></div>
+ <div id="docs">
+ <p>For the box to be positioned correctly, we need to know the
+ width of the borders.</p>
+ <p>Shift-click on the map. A red box should be visible around the mouse
+ cursor position, with 20 pixels to the top and right, 10 pixels to
+ the left and 30 pixels to the bottom edge of the box.</p>
+ <p>Drag the box both to the top-left and the bottom-right. The cursor
+ should always be at the top-left or bottom-right inner corner of
+ the box.</p>
+ </div>
+ </body>
Added: trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-strict.html
--- trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-strict.html (rev 0)
+++ trunk/openlayers/tests/manual/box-strict.html 2011-03-29 13:44:04 UTC (rev 11749)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+ <head>
+ <title>Box Handler Strict Mode Test</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../theme/default/style.css" type="text/css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../examples/style.css" type="text/css" />
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .olHandlerBoxZoomBox {
+ border: 20px solid red;
+ border-left-width: 10px;
+ border-bottom-width: 30px;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script src="../../lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ var map, layer;
+ function init(){
+ map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map' );
+ layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "OpenLayers WMS",
+ "http://vmap0.tiles.osgeo.org/wms/vmap0",
+ {layers: 'basic'} );
+ map.addLayer(layer);
+ map.zoomToMaxExtent();
+ }
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body onload="init()">
+ <h1 id="title">Box Handler Strict Mode Test</h1>
+ <div id="shortdesc">Test the correct appearance of the ZoomBox in strict mode</div>
+ <div id="map" class="smallmap"></div>
+ <div id="docs">
+ <p>For the box to be positioned correctly, we need to know the
+ width of the borders.</p>
+ <p>Shift-click on the map. A red box should be visible around the mouse
+ cursor position, with 20 pixels to the top and right, 10 pixels to
+ the left and 30 pixels to the bottom edge of the box.</p>
+ <p>Drag the box both to the top-left and the bottom-right. The cursor
+ should always be at the top-left or bottom-right inner corner of
+ the box.</p>
+ </div>
+ </body>
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