[OpenLayers-Commits] r11764 - sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples

commits-20090109 at openlayers.org commits-20090109 at openlayers.org
Tue Mar 29 23:40:23 EDT 2011

Author: cmoullet
Date: 2011-03-29 20:40:22 -0700 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 11764

Remove geoadmin examples

Deleted: sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.html
--- sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.html	2011-03-30 03:18:10 UTC (rev 11763)
+++ sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.html	2011-03-30 03:40:22 UTC (rev 11764)
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-    <head>
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;" />
-    <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
-        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-        <title>GeoAdmin with Sencha Touch</title>
-        <script src="../lib/OpenLayers.js?mobile"></script>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.mobile.css" type="text/css">
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/resources/css/sencha-touch.css">
-        <script src="http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/sencha-touch.js"></script>
-        <script src="http://proj4js.org/lib/proj4js-compressed.js"></script>
-        <script src="http://proj4js.org/lib/defs/EPSG21781.js"></script>
-        <script src="geoadmin.js"></script>
-        <style>
-            .searchList {
-                min-height: 150px;
-            }
-            .close-btn {
-                position: absolute;
-                right: 10px;
-                top: 10px;
-            }
-            img.minus {
-                -webkit-mask-image: url(img/minus1.png);
-            }
-            img.layers {
-                -webkit-mask-image: url(img/list.png);
-            }
-            .gx-layer-item {
-                margin-left: 10px;
-            }
-            #map {
-                width: 100%;
-                height: 100%;
-            }
-            .olControlAttribution {
-                font-size: 10px;
-                bottom: 5px;
-                right: 5px;
-            }
-            #title, #tags, #shortdesc {
-                display: none;
-            }
-        </style>
-        <script>
-        var app = new Ext.Application({
-            name: "ol",
-            launch: function() {
-                this.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
-                    fullscreen: true,
-                    dockedItems: [{
-                        dock: "top",
-                        xtype: "toolbar",
-                        ui: "light",
-                        layout: {
-                            pack: "center"
-                        },
-                        items: [{
-                            xtype: "spacer"
-                        }, {
-                            iconMask: true,
-                            iconCls: "add",
-                            handler: function() {
-                                map.zoomIn();
-                            }
-                        }, {
-                            iconMask: true,
-                            iconCls: "minus",
-                            handler: function() {
-                                map.zoomOut();
-                            }
-                        }]
-                    }],
-                    items: [
-                        {
-                            xtype: "component",
-                            scroll: false,
-                            monitorResize: true,
-                            id: "map",
-                            listeners: {
-                                render: init,
-                                resize: function() {
-                                    if (window.map) {
-                                        map.updateSize();
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    ]
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        </script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <h1 id="title">GeoAdmin</h1>
-        <div id="tags">
-            mobile, sencha touch, geoadmin
-        </div>
-        <p id="shortdesc">
-            Example of GeoAdmin Usage.
-        </p>
-    </body>

Deleted: sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.js
--- sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.js	2011-03-30 03:18:10 UTC (rev 11763)
+++ sandbox/cmoullet/openlayers/examples/geoadmin.js	2011-03-30 03:40:22 UTC (rev 11764)
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// initialize map when page ready
-var map;
-var pixelmap;
-var sm = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:21781");
-var init = function () {
-    var geolocate = new OpenLayers.Control.Geolocate({
-        id: 'locate-control',
-        watch: true,
-        geolocationOptions: {
-            enableHighAccuracy: false,
-            maximumAge: 0,
-            timeout: 7000
-        }
-    });
-    geolocate.events.register("locationupdated", this, function(e) {
-        map.zoomTo(8);
-    });
-    geolocate.activate();
-    var layer_options = {
-        projection: new OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:21781'),
-        units: 'm',
-        serverResolutions: [4000,3750,3500,3250,3000,2750,2500,2250,2000,1750,1500,
-            1250,1000,750,650,500,250,100,50,20,10,5,2.5,2,1.5,1,0.5],
-        format: "image/jpeg",
-        transitionEffect: "resize",
-        buffer: 0,
-        opacity: 1.0
-    };
-    var url = [
-        'http://tile5.geo.admin.ch/geoadmin/',
-        'http://tile6.geo.admin.ch/geoadmin/',
-        'http://tile7.geo.admin.ch/geoadmin/',
-        'http://tile8.geo.admin.ch/geoadmin/',
-        'http://tile9.geo.admin.ch/geoadmin/'
-    ];
-    pixelmap = new OpenLayers.Layer.TileCache("ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe", url, "ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe", layer_options);
-    // create map
-    map = new OpenLayers.Map({
-        div: "map",
-        theme: null,
-        projection: sm,
-        units: "m",
-        maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(420000, 30000, 900000, 350000),
-        resolutions: [650.0, 500.0, 250.0, 100.0, 50.0, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0 ,2.5, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5],
-        controls: [
-            new OpenLayers.Control.Attribution(),
-            new OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation({
-                dragPanOptions: {
-                    interval: 100,
-                    enableKinetic: true
-                }
-            }),
-            geolocate
-        ],
-        layers: [
-            pixelmap
-        ],
-        center: new OpenLayers.LonLat(600000, 200000),
-        zoom: 1
-    });
-    map.zoomToMaxExtent();

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