[OpenLayers-Commits] r12351 - in sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers: examples lib/OpenLayers/Format tests/Format

commits-20090109 at openlayers.org commits-20090109 at openlayers.org
Fri Sep 9 05:04:43 EDT 2011

Author: pgiraud
Date: 2011-09-09 02:04:42 -0700 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 12351

First round for a GPX writer, still needs works (manage features attributes)

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/examples/vector-formats.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/examples/vector-formats.html	2011-09-09 09:01:23 UTC (rev 12350)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/examples/vector-formats.html	2011-09-09 09:04:42 UTC (rev 12351)
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
                 gml2: new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2(gmlOptionsIn),
                 gml3: new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3(gmlOptionsIn),
                 kml: new OpenLayers.Format.KML(kmlOptionsIn),
-                atom: new OpenLayers.Format.Atom(in_options)
+                atom: new OpenLayers.Format.Atom(in_options),
+                gpx: new OpenLayers.Format.GPX(in_options)
               'out': {
                 wkt: new OpenLayers.Format.WKT(out_options),
@@ -95,7 +96,8 @@
                 gml2: new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v2(gmlOptionsOut),
                 gml3: new OpenLayers.Format.GML.v3(gmlOptionsOut),
                 kml: new OpenLayers.Format.KML(out_options),
-                atom: new OpenLayers.Format.Atom(out_options)
+                atom: new OpenLayers.Format.Atom(out_options),
+                gpx: new OpenLayers.Format.GPX(out_options)
@@ -199,6 +201,7 @@
                 <option value="gml2">GML (v2)</option>
                 <option value="gml3">GML (v3)</option>
                 <option value="wkt">Well-Known Text (WKT)</option>
+                <option value="gpx">GPX</option>
             <label for="prettyPrint">Pretty print</label>

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/GPX.js
--- sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/GPX.js	2011-09-09 09:01:23 UTC (rev 12350)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Format/GPX.js	2011-09-09 09:04:42 UTC (rev 12351)
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@
      *     be extracted.
     extractAttributes: true,
+    /**
+     * APIProperty: gpxns
+     * {String} GPX namespace to use. Defaults to
+     *   "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"
+     */
+    gpxns: "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1",
      * Constructor: OpenLayers.Format.GPX
@@ -179,6 +186,110 @@
         return attributes;
+    /**
+     * APIMethod: write
+     * Accept Feature Collection, and return a string. 
+     * 
+     * Parameters: 
+     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} List of features to serialize into a string.
+     */
+    write: function(features) {
+        var gpx;
+        features = OpenLayers.Util.isArray(features) ?
+            features : [features];
+        gpx = this.createElementNS(this.gpxns, "gpx");
+        var featuresNodes = this.buildFeaturesNodes(features);
+        for(var i=0, len=featuresNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
+            gpx.appendChild(featuresNodes[i]);
+        }
+        return OpenLayers.Format.XML.prototype.write.apply(this, [gpx]);
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: buildFeaturesNodes
+     * Accept an array of <OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>, and build a array of nodes for it.
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * features - {Array(<OpenLayers.Feature.Vector>)} 
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {Array(DOMElement)}
+     */
+    buildFeaturesNodes: function(features) {
+        var featuresNodes = [],
+            trkNode;
+        // trk node needs to be added only once
+        function createTrkNode() {
+            if (!trkNode) {
+                trkNode = this.createElementNS(this.gpxns, "trk");
+                featuresNodes.push(trkNode);
+            }
+            return trkNode;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0, len=features.length; i < len; i++) {
+            var geometry = features[i].geometry;
+                geometry = geometry.clone();
+            if (this.internalProjection && this.externalProjection) {
+                geometry.transform(this.internalProjection, 
+                                   this.externalProjection);
+            }
+            if (geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point") {
+                featureNode = this.createElementNS(this.gpxns, "wpt");
+                featureNode.setAttribute("lon", geometry.x);
+                featureNode.setAttribute("lat", geometry.y);
+                featuresNodes.push(featureNode);
+            } else {
+                trkNode = createTrkNode.call(this);
+                this.buildTrkSegNode(trkNode, geometry);
+            }
+        }
+        return featuresNodes;
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: buildTrkSegNode
+     * Builds trkseg node(s) given a geometry
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * trkNode - {DOMElement} the node to add the trkseg nodes to
+     * geometry - {OpenLayers.Geometry}
+     */
+    buildTrkSegNode: function(trkNode, geometry) {
+        if (geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString" ||
+            geometry.CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing") {
+            var node = this.createElementNS(this.gpxns, "trkseg");
+            for (var i = 0, len=geometry.components.length; i < len; i++) {
+                var point = geometry.components[i];
+                node.appendChild(this.buildTrkPtNode(point));
+            }
+            trkNode.appendChild(node);
+        } else {
+            for (var i = 0, len=geometry.components.length; i < len; i++) {
+                this.buildTrkSegNode(trkNode, geometry.components[i]);
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    /**
+     * Method: buildTrkPtNode
+     * Builds a trkpt node given a point 
+     *
+     * Parameters:
+     * line - {OpenLayers.Geometry.Point}
+     *
+     * Returns:
+     * {DOMElement} A trkpt node
+     */
+    buildTrkPtNode: function(point) {
+        var node = this.createElementNS(this.gpxns, "trkpt");
+        node.setAttribute("lon", point.x);
+        node.setAttribute("lat", point.y);
+        return node;
+    },
     CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Format.GPX"

Modified: sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/tests/Format/GPX.html
--- sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/tests/Format/GPX.html	2011-09-09 09:01:23 UTC (rev 12350)
+++ sandbox/camptocamp/gpx/openlayers/tests/Format/GPX.html	2011-09-09 09:04:42 UTC (rev 12351)
@@ -34,6 +34,77 @@
         t.eq(features[2].attributes['name'], "Mark", "Text attribute node read correctly.");
         t.eq(features[2].attributes['sym'], "Flag", "CDATA attribute node read correctly.");
+    function test_Format_GPX_serialize_points(t) { 
+        t.plan(1);
+        var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GPX();
+        var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-111.04, 45.68);  
+        var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-112.04, 45.68); 
+        var features = [
+            new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point),
+            new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point2)
+        ];
+        var data = parser.write(features);
+        t.xml_eq(data, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"><wpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/><wpt lon="-112.04" lat="45.68"/></gpx>', 'GPX serializes points correctly');
+    }
+    function test_Format_GPX_serialize_line(t) { 
+        t.plan(1);
+        var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GPX();
+        var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-111.04, 45.68);  
+        var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-112.04, 45.68); 
+        var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point, point2]);
+        var f = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line);
+        var data = parser.write(f);
+        t.xml_eq(data, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"><trk><trkseg><trkpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/><trkpt lon="-112.04" lat="45.68"/></trkseg></trk></gpx>', 'GPX serializes line correctly');
+    }
+    function test_Format_GPX_serialize_lines(t) { 
+        t.plan(1);
+        var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GPX();
+        var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-111.04, 45.68);  
+        var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-112.04, 45.68); 
+        var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point, point2]);
+        var point3 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 2);  
+        var point4 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(3, 4); 
+        var line2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point3, point4]);
+        var f = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line);
+        var f2 = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(line2);
+        var data = parser.write([f, f2]);
+        t.xml_eq(data, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"><trk><trkseg><trkpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/><trkpt lon="-112.04" lat="45.68"/></trkseg><trkseg><trkpt lon="1" lat="2"/><trkpt lon="3" lat="4"/></trkseg></trk></gpx>', 'GPX serializes lines correctly');
+    }
+    function test_Format_GPX_serialize_multiline(t) { 
+        t.plan(1);
+        var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GPX();
+        var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-111.04, 45.68);  
+        var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-112.04, 45.68); 
+        var line = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point, point2]);
+        var point3 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(1, 2);  
+        var point4 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(3, 4); 
+        var line2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([point3, point4]);
+        var multiline = new OpenLayers.Geometry.MultiLineString([line, line2]);
+        var f = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(multiline);
+        var data = parser.write([f]);
+        t.xml_eq(data, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"><trk><trkseg><trkpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/><trkpt lon="-112.04" lat="45.68"/></trkseg><trkseg><trkpt lon="1" lat="2"/><trkpt lon="3" lat="4"/></trkseg></trk></gpx>', 'GPX serializes multiline correctly');
+    }
+    function test_Format_GPX_serialize_polygon(t) { 
+        t.plan(1);
+        var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GPX();
+        var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-111.04, 45.68);  
+        var point2 = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-112.04, 45.68); 
+        var linearRing = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing([point, point2, point.clone()]);
+        var polygon = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([linearRing]);
+        var f = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(polygon);
+        var data = parser.write([f]);
+        t.xml_eq(data, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><gpx xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"><trk><trkseg><trkpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/><trkpt lon="-112.04" lat="45.68"/><trkpt lon="-111.04" lat="45.68"/></trkseg></trk></gpx>', 'GPX serializes polygon correctly');
+    }

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