[OpenLayers-Dev] layer class for ArcGIS Server MapServer Object web service

Brian Hatchl brian.r.hatchl at saic.com
Thu Nov 30 01:42:17 EST 2006

Thanks for the quick reply Chris.  I'm happy to submit my code to an OL SVN
sandbox.  I'm not aware of any public ArcGIS Servers out on the web, so I'll
have to see about moving my dev server out to our DMZ.  Then I can offer a
working (or not working as the case may be ;-) sample to you and others.

I actually hacked around some more and achieved a bit more success by moving
the calls to my AGS layer getURL() method (that posts the SOAP request) to
within the draw() method for my AGS tiles.  I then had to move the actual
"drawing" code contained in draw() (updates to the imgDiv.src) to within the
callback method for the Ajax SOAP request.  Panning and zooming on the AGS
layer now work, though I'm getting pretty regular HTTP 502 Errors,
"Unhandled request return Bad Gateway".  A google search tells me that is an
error between my proxy server (apache on my localhost) and the upstream
server (my ArcGIS Server box).  My initial though is this might be a result
of malformed SOAP requests, though it could be totally unrelated.  BTW, I'm
using an apache Rewrite rule in lieu of the python cgi script you guys
provided to get around the javascript cross-domain security restriction.  I
couldn't get the python proxy to work with my SOAP requests for some reason
(though it did work with the WFS I tried).

The big reason that I'm endeavoring with the AGS layer is that I need to be
able to dynamically apply ad hoc filter expressions to the features within
layers in the AGS map service.  I'm not an OGC expert, but looking at the
specs, it didn't appear that WMS could do this.  WFS can, but the
potentially large number of features each layer returns seems like it might
not perform well when managed/rendered client-side like WFS.

Thanks again,

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