[OpenLayers-Dev] Return Popup Map Click latlon Values to Parent Page

Brian Krebs bkrebs at korterra.com
Mon Apr 2 12:43:49 EDT 2007

I'm working with C# and ASP.Net and am wondering if anyone else has had
to figure out the following scenario:


I'm opening up the map in a popup page using the following code from a
linkbutton click.


    protected void lbMap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        lblMapWarning.Visible = false;

        if (txtLocateCity.Text.Trim() == "")


            lblMapWarning.Visible = true;



        string street = txtHouseNumber.Text + " " + ddStreetPrefix.Text
+ " " + txtStreetName.Text + " " + ddStreetType.Text + " ";

        street += ddStreetSuffix.Text;

        string city = txtLocateCity.Text;

        string stateCode = "OK";

        //string zipCode = txtZipCode.Text;


        GeoAddress address = geoAPI.GeoEncodeAddress(street.Trim(),
city.Trim(), stateCode);


        string sLat = address.Latitude;

        string sLon = address.Longitude;

        string sZoom = address.Precision;

        if (address.Precision == "address")

            sZoom = "8";


            sZoom = "7";

        string page = "Mapping/MapServer.aspx?lat=" + sLat + "&lon=" +
sLon + "&zoom=" + sZoom;

        string scriptString = buildMapPopupScript(page);


        if (!Page.IsStartupScriptRegistered("Startup"))

            Page.RegisterStartupScript("Startup", scriptString);


    static public string buildMapPopupScript(string url)


        return buildPopupScript(url, 200, 200, 40, 20, 675, 900);


    static public string buildPopupScript(string url,

        int screenX, int screenY, int left, int top, int height, int


        string s = "";

        s += "<script language=javascript>\n";

        s += "window.open('" + url + "',";

        s += "'_blank',";

        s += "'menubar=no,";

        s += "resizable=yes,";

        s += "location=no,";

        s += "directories=no,";

        s += "status=yes,";

        s += "copyhistory=no,";

        s += "screenX=" + Convert.ToString(screenX) + ",";

        s += "screenY=" + Convert.ToString(screenY) + ",";

        s += "left=" + Convert.ToString(left) + ",";

        s += "top=" + Convert.ToString(top) + ",";

        s += "scrollbars=yes,";

        s += "toolbar=yes,";

        s += "height=" + Convert.ToString(height) + ",";

        s += "width=" + Convert.ToString(width) + "');\n";

        s += "</script>";


        return s;



I'm registering a click event in the MappingFuncs.js with this code to
try to return the lat/lon values back to the parent page:


    openLayersMap.events.register("click", openLayersMap, function(e) 


        var lonlat = openLayersMap.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);

        var markersLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Locate");

        var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(new
OpenLayers.LonLat(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat), new
OpenLayers.Icon("http://openlayers.org/api/img/marker.png", new

        alert("You clicked " + lonlat.lon + ", " + lonlat.lat);



//        var txtLat =

//        txtLat.innerHTML = lonlat.lat;

//        var txtLon =

//        txtLon.innerHTML = lonlat.lon;     



I found the commented code on www.asp.net <http://www.asp.net/>  to use
window.opener, but my vars txtLat and txtLon are always coming back as
null.  Does anyone know a good way to return the lonlat values back to
my textboxes in the parent page?  Also, is there anyway to not have the
click event called when panning or zooming?



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