[OpenLayers-Dev] Bug #622 testing and performance issues

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Apr 4 00:15:59 EDT 2007

On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 12:11:51AM -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> >Can anyone else reproduce this? Stephen, can you reproduce this in any
> >other browser?
> I tried IE6 and Opera 9 and it seems to work for these without the huge 
> delays. The display of the zoom tool get weirded out in Opera, but that 
> is probably not related to this problem.
> I tried the Click to Algers and zoom out on my Win XP laptop and it 
> seems to have the same performance problem. with 78.6% in destroy and 
> 16.6% in nodeTypeCompare. Oh, and this system is running FF
> The only thing common about these two systems is that they both have 
> 512MB of Memory. I notice that the memory usage in the task manager has 
> a very strange usage pattern like a saw-tooth that repeats over and over 
> while it is stuck in this state. The pattern follow this:
>                - ~328 MB
>  /|
> / |
>   |         /
>   |---\     |  - ~100 MB
>        \    |
>         \  /
>          \/    - ~46 MB
> And this pattern just keeps repeating about 1-2 secs per interval if I 
> recall correctly.

Okay. This is still insane -- I have no idea why your'e getting that
function called at all, it makes no sense to me -- but I'll open up my
Windows laptop at work tomorrow and get Firefox installed on it, and see
if I can reproduce.

Christopher Schmidt

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