[OpenLayers-Dev] SVG flip Y value

Erik Uzureau erik.uzureau at metacarta.com
Mon Jul 9 16:08:20 EDT 2007

I have created ticket for this and marked it for 2.6:

On 6/29/07, Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2007 at 12:05:20PM +0200, Domenico Febbo wrote:
> > Into SVG.js @ row 241 you have this method:
> > "
> >  createRoot: function() {
> >         var id = this.container.id + "_root";
> >
> >         var root = this.nodeFactory(id, "g");
> >
> >         // flip the SVG display Y axis upside down so it
> >         // matches the display Y axis of the map
> >         root.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "scale(1, -1)");
> >
> >         return root;
> >     },
> > "
> > I don't understand what means the flip transformation for every Y value.
> > This trasformation flips every Y value of an SVG object and you don't
> > have bat effect on a circle or a point because that are "simmetric" on
> > Y axis, but for a "text" element (see spech here [1])
> These days, we probably don't have to. In the past, we actually used
> geographic coordinates -- meaning that when we draw a line from -180,-90
> to 180,90 we were going up and to the right, between those two
> coordinates. Now, we could do the flipping outside of this space, since
> we're calculating pixel locations anyway, but the code has not yet been
> changd.
> Can you add a transform on text elements as well? Would that solve the
> problem temporarily
> Erik, can you open a ticket to track this? Probably for the 2.6 release,
> we should try and reevaluate whether this makes sense, unless the text
> element flipping isn't possible, in which case doing it sooner makes
> sense.
> Regards,
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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