[OpenLayers-Dev] Heading towards 2.5
Christopher Schmidt
crschmidt at metacarta.com
Sun Jul 22 09:29:12 EDT 2007
I believe in our earlier discussions, we established that we were going
to try for a 2.5 release towards the end of August.
With a 2 week testing period to look forward to, I'd like to start
encouraging people to work on patches for anything that doesn't already
have one.
Specific tickets I personally consider blockers for 2.5:
Treat Google Layer as projected data
Create XML Format for cross-browser generation of namespaced XML docs
add control to drag features
Add control to drag Icons.
IE gets errors on controls.html
When I say "I personally consider blockers", what this means is "I will
do whatever I need to do over the next 3 weeks to make sure they get
There are others that I will do my best to get in, but am not going to
block the release on (personally, not projectwise):
Problem with GML Coordinates
WFS Race Condition
In addition to these, I'm going to make sure in the near-future
timeframe that any tickets that are awaiting review get proper
treatment. In some cases, that means marking the ticket for commit and
getting it in. In some cases, it means reviewing the patch and marking
it for more work. (In some cases, it means begging some other people to
do review work, since about 6 of the patches awaiting review are mine.)
I'd appreciate if other developers who are committed to working on
certain bugs would also add theirs to this list.
However, what this means is that some, and possibly many, tickets are
relatively close to getting cut from the release. *This is not a call
for you to cry out in pain for your favorite bug to be worked on.*
Many of the people on this list have great Javascript knowledge, and a
decent handle on how OpenLayers works. If you look at:
You will find several categories of existing tickets:
* Tickets which need tests.
Usually, these are written by me or some other contributor, and have
a change to the code, but no accompanying test change. These days, I
try very hard not to commit code changes without accompanying test
changes. We have pretty good Unit Tests Writign documentation:
and I would be glad to help anyone who is not entirely comfortable
with writing a test.
The key thing that a unit test should do is:
* Fail before a patch is applied.
* succeed afterwards.
Tests do not have to be complete in every case: simply something that
ensures that we do not regress is what I'm typically looking for.
So! If you look at the list of tickets which need tests, and want to
get involved in getting more fixed into OL 2.5, you can write some
tests. Again, if you don't feel comfortable -- just ask.
* Tickets which need review
All tickets need to be looked over by an OpenLayers committer before
they can be put into trunk. However, if you want to help make this
process easier, you can take existing patches and apply them
yourself, and add a comment to the bug report on whether htey work
for you. In addition, you can browse through the code, looking for
any possible gotchas, and run the tests, and confirm/deny whether
they pass for you. Having more eyes on the code makes for an easier
* Outstanding Tickets
These are tickets which do not have any work currently done on them.
No tests, no patches, and unless a developer takes a serious interest
in them, have a relatively small chance of making the 2.5 cut.
Presenting a serious interest can be done by:
* Investigating.
Find what's going on in the ticket. This sometimes means following
an error message back to its source, and finding why it is
Problem with Layer Grid.js:moveTo() function with Gmap with an
EditingToolbar does not display first segment in VML until 3
points added
* Hacking out a demo:
Cases where a new feature request is made usually just require a
demo of the functionality, if it's small: from there, the code can
be cleaned up and turned into a patch with tests by other users.
(Or you can do it yourself)
overviewmap should display cross when getting too narrow
add controls for adding/removing geometry parts
I think we should plan on having an IRC meeting the first week in August
to establish what is going, and what is staying.
I'll pick 3 dates:
Wed, Aug 1, 2007
Fri, Aug 3, 2007
Mon, Aug 6, 2007
I understand it's difficult to pick a time at which our core developers
are all available -- damn worldwide development! I can typically do any
time betweeen 9am and 8pm -- since Tim and Erik are west of
me, the latter is probably a better target.
Who else is interested in participating in a meeting? Note that
participation indicates at least some level of interest in doing
development on at least one bug over the following two weeks: the goal
here is not to provide an avenue to deluge developers with 'fix my bug'
requests, but to provide a discussion forum for developers to announce
what they plan to finish before a freeze, which I think is appropriate
for mid-August.
Christopher Schmidt
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