[OpenLayers-Dev] {} or new Object()
Jeff Yutzler
jeff.yutzler at ionicenterprise.com
Tue Jul 24 16:24:32 EDT 2007
I vote for {} and [] rather than new Object() and new Array().
They are completely equivalent so I see no reason not to use the shorter
dev-request at openlayers.org wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:43:09 -0500
> From: "Erik Uzureau" <erik.uzureau at metacarta.com>
> Subject: [OpenLayers-Dev] {} or new Object()
> To: "dev at openlayers" <dev at openlayers.org>
> Message-ID:
> <6ae3fb590707241243m4f03d543x26cc524fd4a0197d at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Paul has just gone vocal with his preference for using {} instead of
> "new Object()" for the instantantiation of a new object.
> We do not currently have any policy for this. Do people feel strongly
> one way or the other?
> Obviously it's not a big issue, but if there is broad support for
> doing it one way or the other, we might as well attempt to standardize
> a bit.
> Erik
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