[OpenLayers-Dev] WMSManager closer to beta version

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Jun 6 10:44:19 EDT 2007

> Right now, a hardcoded list in the script is a simple way to restrict
> fetches only to servers with OGC services, so miscreants cannot use the
> server running the proxy to hide.

Chris is right, I can use the proxy without security filter to implement 
the function but I'll not leave my server with such a service on
I'll be patient to see a different service as it's a not a priority I have.

> Another question for you:  now that Browser History support is on its way
> (thanks Erik!), what do you think of making the WMS Manager allow a site
> builder to click around constructing a set of layers, and then export it
> as a string like what the Browser History support uses?
> That string could then be pasted into a page or .js file for configuring a
> (static) nicely configured LayerSelector.  Instead of manually
> constructing the JavaScript for a complex list of Layers, the WMS Manager
> would generate it.  This would make the WMS Manager the power user's tool
> and also the creator of polished LayerSelectors.  Perhaps you have already
> thought of this.
Permalink is something like you're saying. Actually you need a 
tinyurl.com to make it something decent.

*for the moment I'll use just this but I've though at a solution like 
you say to create an "export Openlayers file" function in the future.
would be cool and not that difficult to prepare


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