[OpenLayers-Dev] adding markers is slow in IE

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jun 7 13:18:53 EDT 2007

I had a (non-OL) piece of code that really sucked in IE because of  
attaching event handlers to a bunch of small elements in the page -  
replacing it with an event handler on the container and then using  
the target property to determine if one of the smaller elements had  
been clicked solved the problem for me.  I haven't looked at Marker  
but I would check to see how event handling is done.



On 7-Jun-07, at 1:11 PM, Pierre GIRAUD wrote:

> Does anyone has any idea why adding Markers to a Marker layer is much
> slower in IE than in Firefox ?
> The following code takes 3 to 4 secondes and up to 20 secondes or  
> more in IE :
> for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
>                 var x = Math.random() * 100;
>                 var y = Math.random() * 100;
>                 var marker=new OpenLayers.Marker(new  
> OpenLayers.LonLat(x,y));
>                 markers.addMarker(marker);
> }
> Regards
> Pierre
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|Paul Spencer                          pspencer at dmsolutions.ca    |
|Chief Technology Officer                                         |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |

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