[OpenLayers-Dev] Toolbar Status

Steven M. Ottens steven at minst.net
Fri Mar 9 09:30:47 EST 2007

On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:58 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> So, the goal is to have 3 types of controls:
>>   * Button: A click triggers an action (like zoom in)
>>   * Modal: Turns state on temporarily. Drawing tools  probably use
>>     this.
>>   * Toggles. Auto-pan might fall under this: when it's active, the  
>> map
>>     responds. when it's not, it doesn't.
>> Do these fit all the needs address by buttons?
> Is there a need for something like a radio set for modal buttons that
> are mutually exclusive? It can probably be built from the Modal  
> buttons,
> but it might be nice to provide and easy way to do this in the api.

A radio set would be useful; if you have for instance a series of  
editing buttons; point,line,polygon you want to be able to select on  
of the three buttons and deselect the other 2. Also if they are a  
radio set you can have multiple toolbars with mutually exclusive buttons


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