[OpenLayers-Dev] feature event in vector-2.4

Eric Lemoine Eric.Lemoine at camptocamp.com
Mon Mar 12 16:12:12 EDT 2007


I have an application based on previous vector branch that I'm
planning on migrating to 2.4.

In that app I do map.events.register("unknownfeature", null, callback)
to be notified when a feature is added to a vector layer. Being able
to be notified on feature insert is important since most of the time
features are requested asynchronously.

Looking at current vector-2.4 there's no event triggered on feature
insertion. Would a patch that does this be accepted?
Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
Mail : eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com

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