[OpenLayers-Dev] List of Layers

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu Mar 15 17:53:13 EDT 2007

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 08:27:53AM +1100, bradleyspencer wrote:
> If the site were an OGC compliant site he could use the getCapabilities
> request to generate a XML file and parse it to determine all the layers at a
> particular OGC Server? Binding that with the particular request would not be
> too hard inside JS.

The problem is that when you're running a service from a remote server
-- for example, when I'm running a map on crschmidt.net talking to
labs.metacarta.com -- I can't *get* the GetCapabilities doc.

Because of that problem, OpenLayers has taken the role of building an
API with which such tools can be built, but left the parsing of
GetCapabilities -- or configuration of layers outside manual Javascript
-- to projects outside OpenLayers core.

> I assume he would like this feature as a OL service that say produced a
> select box of layers from that site. Many OGC clients do this.

Yep. OpenLayers is unlikely to become one.

Christopher Schmidt

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