[OpenLayers-Dev] GML Layers is no more visible in vector sandbox revision 2823

Christine Spietz spietz at fh-bingen.de
Tue Mar 20 06:48:32 EDT 2007


I updated my OpenLayers libraries to the actual version on 
http://svn.openlayers.org/sandbox/vector/. Now my GML-layers (working in
previous versions) do not work any more.

I set a variable url with the WFS-request of my WFS which provides a 
FeatureCollection and createt my GML-layer:

var myGMLLayer= new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("myGMLLayer",url,
{style: new OpenLayers.Style({
    strokeColor: "rgb(128,0,255)",
    strokeWidth: 3,
    strokeOpacity: 0.5,
    fillColor: "rgb(100,100,255)",
    fillOpacity: 0.1,
    hoverStrokeColor: "red"

>----------------------------------->END OF 

This worked in previos versions of OpenLayers vector-sandbox-lib.

The GML-examples I found on
- http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/vector/examples/ GML.html and 
GMLTasmania.html seem also not to work. They also use the same procedure, 
for example generating a GML-layer with
l1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("Tasmania 
Cities","tasmania/TasmaniaCities.xml", {style: new 
OpenLayers.Style({strokeColor: "green"})});
>----------------------------------->END OF 

Can anybody tell me how to handle GML-Layers/ make them visible again.

Thank you for help!!!!


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