[OpenLayers-Dev] Pb with IE - Events click and mousedown

Sylvain Beorchia sylvain.beorchia at makina-corpus.com
Tue Mar 20 13:14:31 EDT 2007


Using events in OpenLayers, i'm setting these settings :

   map.events.register("click", map, queryMap);
   map.events.register("mousedown", map, clickOnMap);

It works fine on firefox. When i click, querymap is called, and not
clickOnMap. When i start to drag the map clickOnMap is called ok.

But under IE, queryMap is always called. I mean, when i start to grad
the map and then release the mouse button, the "click" event is fired.

a bug ?


Sylvain Beorchia.
Makina Corpus.

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