[OpenLayers-Dev] WKT support?

Tim Schaub noreply at geocartic.com
Mon Mar 26 12:07:06 EDT 2007


John R. Frank wrote:
> Mostly out of curiousity, what, if any, support exists in the vector code
> for loading Well-Known Text?  I mean strings like this:
> 	"POINT ( -71.060280 42.358330 )"
> 	"MULTIPOLYGON (((-70.82057189941406 42.87516784667969, ...

There is currently no WKT support in OpenLayers.  It wouldn't be hard to 
write an OpenLayers/Format/WKT.js that could read WKT and return a 
geometry or take a geometry and write WKT.

> Also, tschaub:  should GeoJSON use WKT?

This sort of gets away from the benefits of JSON - in particular the 
ability to deserialize data structures into objects that are immediately 
useful.  If GeoJSON used WKT, something would still have to parse the 
WKT string and make sense of it.

And, since I don't think GeoJSON has been mentioned here before, see 
http://geojson.org if you're interested.  My proposal for the format is 
demonstrated here:



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