[OpenLayers-Dev] WKT support?

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 18:37:27 EDT 2007

I seemed to have missed the development of GeoJSON. What is the state of 
Where is the syntax defined? Is anyone other than OpenLayers using it?
Is it a candidate we should be presenting to the OGC with a 
recommendation that it become standardised?

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> Also, tschaub:  should GeoJSON use WKT?
> No, please God no :) 
>  * GeoJSON is designed such that it can be dropped in a callback with
>    *no parsing* and used to create feature objects in javascript.
>    Parsing coordinate pairs out of long geometries for GML can
>    take up to 30% of the time of working with WFS layers; GeoJSON's
>    coordinate support removes this parsing time. (Up to another 30%
>    can be attribute parsing: this removes that cost as well.) WKT to
>    Javascript is basically unstructured content -- which is harder to
>    parse. GeoJSOn is designed to fix that problem.
>  * The above-mentioned "WKT isn't so well known" possibility still
>    applies.    
> Regards,

Cameron Shorter
Systems Architect, http://lisasoft.com.au
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5011
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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