[OpenLayers-Dev] Multipolygon and KML
Tim Schaub
tschaub at openplans.org
Fri Nov 9 13:48:08 EST 2007
Benoit PESTY wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently trying to play with the KML Format and I have in the data
> I'm using some Multipolygon objects.
Thanks for trying this out.
> I know that its not completely supported yet and that I should submit a
> patch with a real test case but I'm very short on time on my projet and
> I've done a few ugly hacks that make things work with Firefox (but not
> IE yet).
At this point, I'm still not completely clear on what issue you may be
referring to. Even if you can't create a ticket, fix the issue, make
tests, and create a patch, it would help to clearly spell out the
problem. For example, if I were reading your mind, I might describe the
problem as this:
"The OpenLayers.Format.KML fails to write an
> So, I'm just posting this in case someone have more time than me to look
> at this subject.
Nobody has any more time than you do :)
> For the export, the "buildGeometry.collection" method in the KML format
> is not working because "this" is refering to the "buildGeometry" object
> instead of the "KML" object.
> I've added an ugly "var obj = new OpenLayers.Format.KML();" to make
> things work, but it's probably not the best way to do.
Ok, I think I'm following. Though when I see all that code below, I go
a bit crosseyed and stop reading.
However, if the problem you're referring to is the one I guessed above,
please see http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1132.
And let me know if the attach patch fixes your problem. If you are
having more issues with the KML format, please write back.
And a very short email with a concise description of the issue - without
a lot of inline code and long narrative - is a bit easier to start with
(for me at least). Unless attached as a patch, I typically disregard
code modifications that are described inline (in an email).
> /**
> * Method: buildGeometry.collection
> * Given an OpenLayers geometry collection, create a KML
> MultiGeometry.
> *
> * Parameters:
> * geometry - {<OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection>} A geometry
> collection.
> *
> * Returns:
> * {DOMElement} A KML MultiGeometry node.
> */
> collection: function(geometry) {
> var obj = new OpenLayers.Format.KML();
> var kml = obj.createElementNS(obj.kmlns, "MultiGeometry");
> var child;
> for(var i=0; i<geometry.components.length; ++i) {
> child = obj.buildGeometryNode.apply(obj,
> [geometry.components[i]]);
> if(child) {
> kml.appendChild(child);
> }
> }
> return kml;
> }
> },
> For the import, the parser doesn't seems to support the presence of the
> "id" attribute in the Placemark tag, i've commented the following line
> of the "createPlacemarkXML" method :
> placemarkNode.setAttribute("id", feature.fid);
> And last thing, the "MultiGeometry" node is not found by the parser,
> i've put the node names in lowercase in the "parseFeature" method :
> var order = ["multigeometry", "polygon", "linestring", "point"];
> I'll try to correct this for Internet Explorer too and to give more
> informations ...
> Best Regards,
> Benoit Pesty.
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