[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers.Format.KML.write()
Damien Corpataux
damien.corpataux at camptocamp.com
Wed Sep 5 06:27:09 EDT 2007
Hi Christopher,
Thanks for the stub! It got me into writing the tests (very quick).
Everything's fine on ff2, but a problem occurs on IE7 (only when running
the tests, not on using the component within OL).
I put all the information and patch into the ticket, which I now wonder
whether it's a good idea, http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/927#comment:5
Anybody might have ran into a similar problem with test.anotherway?
Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 05:21:53PM +0200, Damien Corpataux wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> I think you mean unit tests... Glurp, I never played around with
>> testanotherway. Although I'm interested in doing it when I get to have a
>> little time, here is the test code I ran in firebug, using the
>> openlayers/examples/vector-features.html example:
> Okay, I've put together a stub for you in the tests/Format/test_KML.html
> file. What I would do here is very similar to what you have below:
> * Create a KML parser.
> * Create a feature -- point, line, polygon, whatever.
> * In Firebug or elsewhere, create a text string which you can copy
> paste with the expected output KML: set that as the expectedOut
> variable.
> * Create kmlOut against that feature:
> kmlOut = kml.write([myFeature]);
> * Test that expectedOut matches KML Out:
> t.eq(expectedOut, kmlOut, "KML output matches given point feature");
> * If you feel up to it, add a test to write, which reads the output
> KML (as below) and test things like:
> t.eq(outputFeatures.length, 1, "Got correct number of features
> back");
> t.eq(outputFeatures[0].geometry.CLASS_NAME, "OpenLayers.Geometry.Point",
> "Correct geom type returned.");
> etc.
> If you don't get a chance, I'll bang something out soon, since we're
> trying not to shove things in without at least some tests -- but thanks
> for the patch regardless!
>> ---8<-------------------------------------------------------------------
>> var kml = new OpenLayers.Format.KML();
>> var kmlOut = kml.write(map.layers[1].features);
>> map.layers[1].eraseFeatures(map.layers[1].features);
>> map.layers[1].features = [];
>> var features = kml.read(kmlOut);
>> features;
>> map.layers[1].addFeatures(features);
>> ---8<-------------------------------------------------------------------
Camptocamp SA
Damien Corpataux
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