[OpenLayers-Dev] ModifyFeature control comments

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Sep 7 07:57:10 EDT 2007

Comments on use of the current modify feature control:
 * Deleting points does not offer enough feedback to external
   applications to actually make use of it. If we're going to support
   deletion of features, there needs to be a better hook -- something
   like 'onDelete' -- which is passed the feature.
 * Point modifications are iffy at best. Clicking them to select
   typically works, but clicking to unselect doesn't work so well, and 
   after 'deleting' a feature, it seems impossible to get off that
   feature and edit something else.
 * It would be nice if the DragFeature control could be integrated as
   well: if you have a feature selected, and you drag it, the feature
   could move.
 * Current code is lacking an onModification call inside the
   handleKeypress code, so deletes don't trigger onModification. (This
   is a simple one line fix, just writing it down cause I don't have
   time to muck with it at the moment.)

In general, it's looking very nice -- these are just things I came
across when setting up http://labs.metacarta.com/atompub/app-demo.html
-- note that there is no point drawing here, because the point
modification stuff just felt a bit too rough for me to mess with.

Thanks to all the hard work that everyone has been doing on this! I'm
looking forward to Tim getting back and working on getting all this into
trunk for 2.5. 

Christopher Schmidt

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