[OpenLayers-Dev] OpenLayers 2.5 RC1 Available!

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Mon Sep 17 00:46:47 EDT 2007

OpenLayers 2.5 Release Candidate Announcement
The OpenLayers Development Team is proud to announce the first release
candidate of OpenLayers 2.5.  This release features a number of major
developments, including:
 * Date Line Wrapping: Tiles wrap around the earth (#487)
 * New/Improved Formats: 
   * KML (#927)
   * GeoRSS Simple (#973)
   * GeoJSON (#915)
 * New/Improved Feature Digitization:
   * Control to Drag Features (#638)
   * Control to Modify Features (#941)
   * RegularPolygon drawing/creation Support (#828)
 * SphericalMercator support on commercial layers (#686) 
 * Tons and tons of bug fixes!

We have also begun to move towards deprecating some of our outdated
functionality. For information on that, and other important changes to
the library before updating your applications, please refer to the
Release Notes, at http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Release/2.5/Notes.

As of 2.5-RC1, the OpenLayers 2.5 release closes 164 outstanding
tickets, more than any other OpenLayers release to date! For this we
are indebted to the many members of the community, and especially the
hard work of organizations like The Open Planning Project via Tim Schaub
and a number of developers like Pierre Giraud, Eric Lemoine, and Fred
Junrod of the Camptocamp team, as well as continued support from Chris
Schmidt and Erik Uzureau of MetaCarta.

We invite you to help us test the 2.5 release candidate! To test 2.5 in
your applications, include the following tag in your !OpenLayers-powered
  <script src="http://openlayers.org/api/2.5-rc1/OpenLayers.js"></script>

As always, the source is available at http://openlayers.org/download/.
Bug reports can be filed in Trac, under the 2.5 version and milestone.

We look forward to your feedback!


The OpenLayers Team

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