[OpenLayers-Dev] Status of vector creation and editing tools

Arnd Wippermann arnd.wippermann at web.de
Sun Sep 30 12:44:04 EDT 2007

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Has anyone put together a application that allows for the creation, 
> storing and editing of geometry based on these tools? Beyond the 
> examples. What are you using for the backend storage? It seems like the 
> two backends that I have seen mentioned are geoserver and feature 
> server, others? do either of these support postGIS as the data store?

I have build an application, that uses a database with WKT-geometry (Access
DB, SQLite). Mapserver can (via OGR) show the geometry and with serverside
scripting I'm able to write the WKT-string and attributes.

With the editingtools of OpenLayers it's possible to create or modify the
geometry without great skills (support for WKT!). 

To modify a geometry, i use a WMS GetFeatureRequest to get the WKT-string
from the database and draw it on a vectorlayer. After changing the geometry
with the modifing tool I get the WKT-string and update the database.
Deleting a recordset is only based on a WMS GetFeatureRequest. 

It's also possible to add the editingtools to a WFS-layer. Then you can
direct change the geometry! But this works only, when you not zoom while you
edit a selected geometry (zoom updates the WFS-layer).

With the new features in OpenLayers (Google SphericalMercartor projection,
WFS-layer with support for points, lines, polygons etc., modifing tool) it's
easy to digitize data on top of google layers and for small datasets to
store the data as WKT.

Many thanks to all, who made OpenLayers possible. Easy understandable but
although powerful. I enjoy to work with it.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Arnd Wippermann


View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Status-of-vector-creation-and-editing-tools-tf4531907.html#a12967471
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