[OpenLayers-Dev] How to add multiple measure geometry

Vidal, Antoni antoni.vidal at icc.cat
Tue Dec 2 11:21:10 EST 2008



The Measure example i OL 2.7 only add a geometry on the map. If you draw a line and then you draw another line or a polygon, the first geometry is deleted. I would like to change this behavior and to maintain geometries drawn by user.


Any example or idea will be thankful.


Thank's in advance


Antoni Vidal

Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya    Tel: +34-93 567 1500 Ext. 3228

Parc de Montjuïc                             Fax: +34-93 567 1567

08038 Barcelona                            http://www.icc.cat <http://www.icc.cat/> 



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