[OpenLayers-Dev] Testing for equivalence in XML with xml_eq
Tim Schaub
tschaub at openplans.org
Fri Feb 22 18:37:11 EST 2008
Erik Uzureau wrote:
> Tim, this is a nice new addition to the testing suite. Great work!
> a) do you think you could put a copy of this email in a wiki
> somewhere? It would probably be nice to be able to refer back to this
> in the future
Sure. Without a more appropriate place (but wiki's aren't really about
appropriate places are they?) to put it, I've added some stuff to the
WritingUnitTests page:
If anybody else wants to document any other changes to testing stuff
[1], it could be tacked on there.
> b) have you contacted the Test.Anotherway people to see if they would
> be interested in a patch?
Well, let's see how it works for us before we go trying to sell it.
> Erik
> On 2/22/08, Tim Schaub wrote:
>> Hey-
>> So, I assume that the people for whom this is relevant already read
>> commit messages, but I thought I'd document an addition to our testing
>> framework here anyway.
>> If you're writing tests for anything that does parsing of XML, I've
>> added a method to Test.AnotherWay test objects that will be useful. The
>> new xml_eq method is similar to html_eq except it works for generic xml
>> (and works in Safari and FF3 where html_eq fails).
>> Use is pretty straightforward. You can compare element nodes to element
>> nodes, nodes to strings, or strings to strings.
>> I added a single script to our run-tests.html page that extends
>> Test.AnotherWay:
>> http://trac.openlayers.org/browser/trunk/openlayers/tests/xml_eq.js
>> Though I grimace when I see this much code in email, I'll paste a couple
>> examples:
>> // Pretend we're on a test page in a test function
>> var format = new OpenLayers.Format.XML();
>> var doc, got, exp;
>> // Create a doc and check that root is equivalent to some string
>> doc = format.read(
>> "<chicken>soup</chicken>"
>> );
>> got = doc.documentElement;
>> exp = "<chicken>soup</chicken>";
>> t.xml_eq(got, exp, "passes");
>> // See what happens with bad expectations
>> exp = "<chicken>fat</chicken>";
>> t.xml_eq(got, exp, "fails");
>> // Fails with the following message:
>> // Bad child 0 for element chicken: Node value mismatch: got soup
>> // but expected fat
>> // Test xml with different namespace aliases
>> got = "<foo:chicken xmlns:foo='namespace'>soup</foo:chicken>";
>> exp = "<bar:chicken xmlns:bar='namespace'>soup</bar:chicken>";
>> t.xml_eq(got, exp, "passes");
>> // Assert that prefixes are equal
>> t.xml_eq(got, exp, "fails", {prefix: true});
>> // Fails with the following message:
>> // Node name mismatch: got foo:chicken but expected bar:chicken
>> Etc.
>> Tim
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