[OpenLayers-Dev] Custom Layer

Roald de Wit rdewit at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 28 18:12:08 EST 2008

Hey Matt,

You might find that Layer.WMS is sufficient for you. I don't know what
your parameters look like, but you can quite easily build a request URL
doing something like this:

var params  = {
  foo: bar,
  ping: pong

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( 
  "Custom Layer", 
  {singleTile: true}

This will automatically request your web service. You don't need to give
it a lat/long yourself as this will be done for you!

Btw: I assumed that your layer is a baseLayer. If it isn't and the
projection of your layer is different from the baseLayer one, you'll
need to do some more work. 

Good luck!


On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 16:48 +0000, Matt Brailsford wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I’m working on a project where I need to offer a google style map
> interface to some maps we are being provided by a 3rd party. The 3rd
> party basically has some webservices which I can query for a map given
> a number of criteria (one being a lat/lng boundary).
> My idea is to create a wrapper around the webservice which would allow
> me to request an image via a defined url with querystring. From
> looking through the code, I believe I would need write a custom Layer
> to do use this as it is not a standard protocol.
> Could anyone offer my some starting points on writing a custom layer
> for this? The image being returned would be an image for the whole map
> are (not tiled). Could I just extend the OpenLayers. Layer.Image class
> and override the moveTo and getUrl methods to return the dynamic
> image?
> Could you also let me know how I would integrate this? Could I just
> create a js file for my custom class and import this on the page and
> import the OpenLayers js file remotely?
> And finaly, I tend to use jQuery for my javascript development
> purposes, will using OpenLayers cause any conflicts what with it being
> based on prototype?
> Many thanks
> Matt
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Roald de Wit
Software Engineer
roald.dewit at lisasoft.com

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