[OpenLayers-Dev] Personal 2.6 Goals

Mike Adair madair at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jan 15 10:21:27 EST 2008

>  * Internationalization framework (madair)
>     (Translation is less important to me than having the framework in
>     place.)
I think I have my sandbox fixed up and merged with trunk properly now so 
I'll be preparing a patch for the I18n framework this week.  There is 
some translation done, but not much and only with my rudimentary 
French.  Support for other languages and translation can easily be added 
after the fact.

One other thing I would like to get on the 2.6 list is support for the 
MapGuide Layer type.  This is pretty much ready to go, although I do 
have one question about overriding initGriddedTiles to set th grid 
origin at the upper left (rather than lower right) which I will ask 
about in the ticket.  Again I'm aiming to have a patch by the end of 
this week.

Missing for both of these is test cases which I likely won't get to this 
week, help on writing test code would be gladly accepted.

For the projection stuff,  I'll let others get the support implemented 
within OpenLayers and I'll work on getting proj4js tested and 
completed.  At this point, the projection class code is working and 
tested for lcc, utm, tmerc, merc, stere and sterea (almost) - (this is 
the proj= param in the proj4 init string).


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