[OpenLayers-Dev] loading maps

Herbert Hackl herbert_hackl81 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 16 07:50:51 EST 2008

i work on a project where I also have to implement the zoom and move function of a card (e.g. Austria) and need some help.
My card (austria) is devided into eight zoom levels. For each Zoomlevel I have tiles in a size of 512x5125 px. For example: When the zoom level is 100% Austria is devided into 2 rows and three columns that means that I have 6 tiles(a tile has the png format).
The tiles lies on the server with den following filestructure:
Ø       Layer 0/Row 0/…
Ø       Layer 0/Row 1/…
In the file folder Row 0 are my tiles (png files); in this example by zoom 100% I have the files : file 0.png, file 1.png, file 2.png
My questions:
Ø       When I use openlayers to implement the card functionality (zoom, move) in which html file I have to change the source code to use my cards?
Ø       When I use a higher zoom, loads “openlayers” the needed tiles automatically? From where does “openlayers” know, which layers from which folder have to be loaded? 
I hope anybody can help me…
Tank you very much.
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