[OpenLayers-Dev] removeControl not working as expected

Dejung Gewissler dejung.gewissler at oit.state.nj.us
Tue Jul 15 14:59:22 EDT 2008

Hi Devs-

I'm trying to create my own control and extend its functionality like 
shown in the control API documentation [1]. I only ever want one control 
activated on the map at any given time (essentially functionality like 
the panel except with a different layout). I've got three buttons 
(images) that allow the user to designate which control to use (draw 
points, lines or polygons). When no button is active the default map 
navigation should then be active. In my HTML I've got three images that 
have their respective 
onmousedown="javascript:setupInteractiveSelection('Line');" properties 
set. This is the js so far:

OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl = null;

function setupInteractiveSelection(selType){

    if (OGIS.Misc.typeOf(OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl) == "object"){
        if (OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl.OGIS_selectionType == selType){
            OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl = null;
        OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl = null;
    switch (selType){
        case "point":
            $("selectByPoint").src = 
            OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl = new OpenLayers.Control();
            OpenLayers.Util.extend(OGIS.InteractiveSelectionControl, {
                draw: function () {
                    // this Handler.Box will intercept the shift-mousedown
                    // before Control.MouseDefault gets to see it
                    this.box = new OpenLayers.Handler.Point( 
                        {"done": this.notice});
                       // {keyMask: OpenLayers.Handler.MOD_SHIFT});
                notice: function (bounds) {
                    alert(bounds.x + " " + bounds.y);
                OGIS_selectionType : selType
        case "line":
            //line code here
        case "polygon":
          //polygon code here

Switching the control from point to line to polygon and back again works 
fine. I am able to override the drawing end of the control to do my bidding.

My problem lies in the in the first conditional. There I am trying to 
remove the newly created control from the map if the user clicks on the 
same image again and put the default map panning/zoom controls back.

What happens currently when the same button is clicked twice is that the 
control is removed from the map.controls array, but the mousedown 
actions are still of the path handler and vectors are drawn on the map!

[1] - http://dev.openlayers.org/apidocs/files/OpenLayers/Control-js.html

Am I doing this wrong or incompletely or should I file this as a bug?


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