[OpenLayers-Dev] Cluster strategy should not process data when layer is currently disabled (visibility=false)

Ivan Grcic ivan.grcic at geofoto.hr
Wed Nov 12 17:34:24 EST 2008

This post evolved from previous discussion named "bbox strategy and zooming"

Clustering features with cluster strategy takes some time. If there
are many features to cluster, it will take even more time :)

So there are some scenarios where clustering shouldnt be recalculated.

I want to see my cluster layer only after 5th zoom level. No
clustering should be made when i play on zoom level 0-4 with other
 because it slows things down, and the cluster layer is still not
visible at all (its only clustering features in background)

It should only cluster when layer is visible (and the current map
resolution is inside array resolution of clustered layer, if we define
seperate set of resolution)

So if map has:
resolutions: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

and vector layer:
resolutions: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

clustering should occur only on vector layers resolution :5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

I hope you see where im pointing now,

Best regards,

Ivan Grcic

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