[OpenLayers-Dev] Development regarding WFS layer/protocol

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Tue Oct 7 16:15:57 EDT 2008


  I've added my e-mail in cc to the ticket in trac.  I'll try this patch 
and report any comments.

Best regards,


Tim Schaub wrote:
> Hello-
> Julien-Samuel Lacroix wrote:
>> HI,
>> We work with WFS on a daily basis, but not with transactional. Does that 
>> patch apply to us as well? If so, we would be happy to help.
> Yes, the WFS protocol is of use to anyone using WFS.  You should be able 
> to confirm that a filter added to a layer with the WFS protocol will be 
> serialized in the body of a GetFeature POST (ack).
> Thanks for any help in reviewing/testing.
> Tim
>> Julien
>> Tim Schaub wrote:
>>> Hey-
>>> So, tests are now passing with the WFS protocol.  I think this is 
>>> pretty close and would appreciate any help creating tests, trying it 
>>> out, etc.
>>> The patch [1] includes a very basic Save strategy.  This is a manual 
>>> save strategy (requires that you call save).  It can be used as the 
>>> basis for auto or greedy save strategies, but I think we should keep 
>>> it simple for this patch.
>>> Thanks for any assistance testing/reviewing.
>>> Tim
>>> [1] http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1648
>>> Tim Schaub wrote:
>>>> Hey-
>>>> I put up a patch that represents progress towards a working WFS 
>>>> protocol.
>>>> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1648
>>>> I'll work on it a bit more tomorrow.  Please feel free to pick it up 
>>>> and push it forward (anyone).  The wfs-protocol-transactions.html 
>>>> example is a good place to start with a debugger.  In the end, this 
>>>> example will do inserts, updates, and deletes (with a commit from the 
>>>> save button).
>>>> Tim
>>>> Björn Harrtell wrote:
>>>>> I have been making a serious (relatively? :) attempt at 
>>>>> understanding what is to be done regarding Protocol.WFS and related 
>>>>> classes. I looked at it from the angle in which it would be useful 
>>>>> for me in the case I described before.
>>>>> * the standard WFS-T
>>>>> * Fixed and Save (and perhaps SaveGreedy) strategy
>>>>> From I can gather none of these are far from complete, but what I'm 
>>>>> missing is option to filter the input in Fixed strategy. I noticed 
>>>>> that the trunk version of BBOX strategy looks for additional filters 
>>>>> in the layer and while it might be a good place put the additional 
>>>>> filter I can't see any indication that Layer actually is supposed to 
>>>>> support such a property. If it should it should be documented and 
>>>>> used by fixed strategy also?
>>>>> I would like to to implement this before beeing able to do serious 
>>>>> testing. I nice thing is that I could test stuff directly in a real 
>>>>> world case where I'm using (successfully) the clumsy old Layer.WFS 
>>>>> way with a temp layer. But before that I would like to confirm that 
>>>>> I got the right idea...
>>>>> A question on the side... why are some methods declared "JSONy" i.e 
>>>>> 'read' instead of read?
>>>>> /Björn
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:10 AM, Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org 
>>>>> <mailto:tschaub at opengeo.org>> wrote:
>>>>>    Hey-
>>>>>    Björn Harrtell wrote:
>>>>>     > Hi devs,
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > I'm coding an application that uses OL vector editing and WFS
>>>>>     > transactions quite heavily.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > I use a temporary OpenLayers.Layer.Vector for editing, moving
>>>>>    stuff to a
>>>>>     > OpenLayers.Layer.WFS as the user makes edits. This is a bit
>>>>>    clumsy and
>>>>>     > complicated but works. The reason why I'm doing this is because
>>>>>     > OpenLayers.Layer.WFS only supports GET and is also loading
>>>>>    features on
>>>>>     > demand (hmm is this correct?) which doesn't fit my needs. Note
>>>>>    that I do
>>>>>     > not add the OpenLayers.Layer.WFS to a map, I only use
>>>>>    create/commit the
>>>>>     > WFS transactions.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > I would like to use something like a static/manually triggered 
>>>>> WFS
>>>>>     > (supporting POST and filtering) source to an 
>>>>> OpenLayers.Layer.Vector
>>>>>     > that syncs changes to the WFS source which then can be commited
>>>>>     > programmatically.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Is this sort of what OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS (which I think is 
>>>>> beeing
>>>>>     > worked on?) is supposed to be used for? Or would it be sensible
>>>>>    to make
>>>>>     > something more of OpenLayers.Layer.WFS instead?
>>>>>    Yes, this is exactly the job for a WFS protocol.  As Eric 
>>>>> mentions, the
>>>>>    work is mostly in the vector-behavior sandbox.  I'll make an 
>>>>> effort to
>>>>>    update that and to get a patch ready for the trunk.
>>>>>    My hope is to get the WFS protocol in the trunk before the end of 
>>>>> next
>>>>>    week.  Any help you can contribute would be appreciated.
>>>>>    Watch the WFS protocol ticket [1] for updates from me, and leave any
>>>>>    comments/patches there that you put together.
>>>>>    Tim
>>>>>    [1] http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/1648
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Either way, I'm interested in (trying) to help out if this 
>>>>> seems like
>>>>>     > something you would like to support in OL, and can probably do it
>>>>>    as a
>>>>>     > part of the current project as it would simplify things for me I
>>>>>    think.
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Regards,
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     > Björn Harrtell
>>>>>     > GIS Consultant
>>>>>     > SWECO Position AB
>>>>>     > 
>>>>> <http://www.swecogroup.com/en/Sweco-group/Services/Geographic-IT/>
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >
>>>>>     >
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>>>>>     >
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>>>>>    --
>>>>>    Tim Schaub
>>>>>    OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
>>>>>    Expert service straight from the developers.
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Alexandre Dubé

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