[OpenLayers-Dev] how to calculate BBOX for tiles

Kevin Kempfer mail at kevinkempfer.de
Mon Apr 6 05:28:58 EDT 2009


to make it more clear, I do have a BBOX of a feature and I want to have 
the URLs for map tiles in that area.
Is this possible?

Thanks for any hints,


Kevin Kempfer schrieb:
> Hi List!
> I am trying to selectivly delete tiles from TileCache for specific 
> BBOXes in order to regenerate parts of the map. I am using this script 
> which Tim posted two years ago:
> http://n2.nabble.com/locating-bad-tiles...-td1836476.html
> Supplying the URL which OpenLayers generates for a specific tile 
> refreshes this tile in the TileCache.
> So I need to know how OpenLayers calculates the BBOXes for the tiles to 
> be requested. Can someone point me to this piece of code?
> Here is what should happen:
> - I have the BBOX of the part of the map that should be regenerated
> - calculate the corresponding tiles in all zoom levels
> - pass these tiles' BBOX to Tim's script that regenerates the matching 
> tiles in the TileCache
> Thanks for any hints - or even better approaches.
> Kevin
> P.S.: CC to the tilecache list, maybe someone there has a better method 
> for deleting parts of the tilecache?!
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