[OpenLayers-Dev] my first control

toni hernández tonidelacalle at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 10:54:31 EST 2009


I am trying to create a new control called parallelLine.

When I activate the control I get this error in Openlayers.js line 276

this.events has no properties
[Break on this error]

What am I missing? do I need to create an events variable? Isn't it expanded
from control class?

This is part of the code of my control (created based on ModifyFeature).

OpenLayers.Control.ParallelLine = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {

    geometryTypes: null,
    clickout: true,
    toggle: true,
    layer: null,
    feature: null,
    selectControl: null,
    handlers: null,

    initialize: function(layer, options) {
        this.layer = layer;
        var control = this;

        // configure the select control
        var selectOptions = {
            geometryTypes: this.geometryTypes,
            multiple: false,
            hover: true,
            clickout: this.clickout,
            toggle: this.toggle

        this.selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(
            layer, selectOptions
            "beforefeatureselected": this.beforeSelectFeature,
            "featureselected": this.selectFeature,
            "featureunselected": this.unselectFeature,
            scope: this

        // Regiter the events (sigte)
        this.layer.events.register("mousemove", this, this.mmove );
        this.layer.events.register("mousedown", this, this.mdown );

        // configure the keyboard handler
        var keyboardOptions = {
            keydown: this.handleKeypress
        this.handlers = {
            keyboard: new OpenLayers.Handler.Keyboard(this, keyboardOptions)


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