[OpenLayers-Dev] Start drawing polygon on map with single click, ignore drag & dblclick

Evan James Bowling evan.bowling at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 12:59:25 EDT 2009


  The controls do exist, but they have to be activated separately right
is a link that shows off the features you're looking for:


  Are you trying to make it so that a single click would either start
drawing a polygon or
move the map depending on whether or not the cursor moved before release?


On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Andy Deakin <andy.deakin at pcmend.net> wrote:

> Hi list
> I'm drawing a polygon on a map, but want drag events to move the map,
> double click to zoom in, and a single click to start drawing the polygon.
> I have tried a number of methods, but the click propagation and
> single/double click events make it difficult.
> Is there a handler that does anything like this, or are there any
> suggestions on how it can be done?
> Cheers, Andy
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