[OpenLayers-Dev] Vector feat. from WKT fucked up in IE but fine in Firefox, and Chrome

hauxon hrannar at loftmyndir.is
Thu Oct 22 07:52:52 EDT 2009

I'm doing a map where I draw a feature by using the DrawFeature control and
then store it in a DB as WKT.  Then I'm calling the feature back by quering
the DB and parsing the WKT string to a feature.  Works correctly with
Firefox and Chrome but the vector renders shifted few meters and rotated in
Internet Explorer (both IE7 and IE8).  I does not matter if in witch browser
I draw the feature, the WKT saves correctly and the same way from IE and
Firefox.  But when rendering the feature back IE gets it wrong.  I have
projection suspected but can't find anything wrong, the map has EPSG:3057. 
I do harvest the bounds from the feature after reading it from WKT and all
browsers zoom in and set center correctly.

Here's an image to illustrate the problem:


Here's how I'm reading and inserting the feature:

	//Create an array of features from WKT
	var wkt = new OpenLayers.Format.WKT();
	arr = new Array(wkt.read(xmlHttp.responseText));
	// Create a vector feature from wktArray (only one element for LINESTRING
used here)
	var feat = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector();
	feat = wkt.read(xmlHttp.responseText);//arr[0];
	// Add feature to Drawings layer
	// Lets zoom down to the feature
	var drawingBounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
	drawingBounds = feat.geometry.getBounds();


Hrannar Hauksson

hrannar at loftmyndir.is
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Vector-feat-from-WKT-fucked-up-in-IE-but-fine-in-Firefox-and-Chrome-tp3871781p3871781.html
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