[OpenLayers-Dev] Draw boxes on the image pressing shift key

Moiz Bhukhiya moiz.bhukhiya at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 14:31:25 EDT 2010

Hello Devs,

I am using Openlayers to display images from Djatoka Image server. I am
using two different layers.
1. To draw boxes on an image which is OpenLayers.Layer.Boxes
2. To dynamically draw boxes on images I am using OpenLayers.Control()

Using Control() functionality I can draw boxes on the image pressing shift
key and on mouse down, and on mouse up I can get the coordinates of the box
on the image. On mouse up the box disappears and I get the coordinates. My
problem is I do not want this box to disappear until I invoke it. I want to
draw the box and resize it if required (like we do in Jquery crop plugin Eg:
http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect )

It would be of great help if you could guide me how do I achieve this

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