[OpenLayers-Dev] Feature.style doesn't support contexts

Alexandre Dube adube at mapgears.com
Mon Jan 18 08:23:55 EST 2010

Andreas, Eric, Cédric,

  Thanks to all of you for your support.  Your answers are very clear 
and well detailed.  I'll make the changes according to what you proposed 
and come back if I have any more questions.

  Thanks again,


Andreas Hocevar wrote:
> Hi,
> Alexandre Dube wrote:
>>   I want to be able to save a OpenLayers.Style object or hash to a 
>> vector feature.  Currently, in code, feature.style exists but you 
>> must define a hash or else it doesn't work.
> That's correct and expected. Let's call your hash "symbolizer".
>>   My problem is that I want to be able to draw features to be used as 
>> labels (floating text on the map).  To be able to do so, I need to 
>> define a StyleMap with a context to display the label (I manually set 
>> feature.isLabel on "featureadded") [1]
> You can evaluate the symbolizer from the context before setting 
> feature.style:
> feature.style = myStyleMap.styles["default"].createSymbolizer(feature);
>>   That works well, but as soon as I want to "bind / save" the style 
>> to the feature, I mean set feature.style, I need to set a hash and 
>> the feature will be rendered without the contexts.
> The above snippet creates a symbolizer from the default style of the 
> style map, and evaluates everything from the context.
>>   I don't fully understand how the contexts, symbolizers, etc. work, 
>> but my first guess would be to support OpenLayers.Style object 
>> directly in the feature object.  Does that make sense ?
> No. Context-based styling and symbolizers-per-feature are two 
> different things.
>>   Or maybe I'm doing it wrong and their's an other way of "labeling" 
>> features.  My goal is to create features on a "cosmetic" layer with a 
>> default style, then to be able to change the style of the features 
>> and bind it to them (I mean without using rules on the layer level, 
>> but by defining directly the feature style)
> That makes sense, and the snippet above is the solution. You start 
> with a layer with a StyleMap, and to override the evaluated style for 
> a specific feature, you set feature.style with the symbolizer you get 
> from Style::createSymbolizer.
> Note that if you want to change the label for such a feature later, 
> you need to set symbolizer.label, not feature.attributes.name.
> Also note that if you want a point feature with just a label and 
> without the geometry rendered, it is better to set the graphic: false 
> symbolizer property instead of pointRadius: 0.
> Regards,
> Andreas.
>> Many many thanks,
>> Alexandre
>> // [1] START
>>             var labelStyle = {
>>                 label: "${name}",
>>                 labelSelect: true,
>>                 pointRadius: "${radius}"
>>             };
>>             var styleOptions = {
>>               context: {
>>                   'name': function(feature) {
>>                       var szValue;
>>                       if (feature.attributes['name'] && 
>> feature.isLabel === true) {
>>                           szValue = feature.attributes['name'];
>>                       } else {
>>                           szValue = "";
>>                       }
>>                       return szValue;
>>                   },
>>                   'radius': function(feature) {
>>                       return (feature.isLabel === true) ? 0 : 6;
>>                   }
>>               }
>>             };
>>             var style = new OpenLayers.Style(
>>                 OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(
>> labelStyle,OpenLayers.Feature.Vector.style["default"]),
>>                 styleOptions
>>             );
>>             var styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
>>                 "default": style
>>             });
>>                   layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(
>>                 "Cosmetic", {'styleMap': styleMap});
>> // [1] END

Alexandre Dubé

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