[OpenLayers-Dev] How to place a map in a position according to coordinates

Ludwig ludwigbrinckmann at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 21:37:15 EDT 2010

Where you get your coordinates for your point for of course depends very
much on what your point is, but I am using zoomToExtent with a Bounds object
to focus the view of my maps.

You can see an example here:


This puts a marker on the map (the bus station icon) and centers the map on
it. Here the point coordinates are supplied by the web server which also has
calculated the bounds around the center point. (The inelegant code layout
comes from the page templating compositing on the server side).

On 23 July 2010 09:12, Leonardo Gaona <leogaona at gmail.com> wrote:

> where I can get the coordinates of a specific place to focus that position
> on my map and where to put these coordinates (setCenter ())??
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