[OpenLayers-Dev] 256x256
Robert Sanson
SansonR at asurequality.com
Sun May 16 17:01:14 EDT 2010
On a related matter, I have discovered that ArcGIS Server default tile cache origin is top left, not bottom left as it is for other cache schemas. Is there any way to tell OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ to work out tiles to request when tile origin is top left? Setting tileOrigin on the map object and the layer property seems to make no difference.
Robert Sanson
>>> aymankoo <ayman_sjo at yahoo.com> 16/05/2010 11:39 p.m. >>>
After several tests, I found that OpenLayers sends request for 2 tiles with
different longlat with the same Row and col.
these tow requests are for tow different tiles, as you can see the bounds
for the tiles are different, but the column, row and Zoom level are the
same, which return the same image for different tiles.
After requsting the tiles from on fly process (not cached tiles) which
create the image based on bounds, every things worked fine.
View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/256x256-tp5060802p5061409.html
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