[OpenLayers-Dev] NASA World Wind in Openlayers
Nathan Gerber
ngerber999 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 19:48:29 EST 2010
For using the World Wind WMS layers you referenced this is what you would
add to your map assuming that you are using the default projection for
OpenLayers (EPSG:4326)
var nasa = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("NASA WMS Service",
layers: 'global_mosaic'
, styles: 'visual'
tileSize: new OpenLayers.Size(512,512)
In the link you posted go to the
" When you view the XML take note of the comments in the TilePattern tags.
For example:
In the above example you would take layers=daily_afternoon and use the
daily_afternoon as your layers in the OpenLayers definition. Styles is not
necessary unless you are looking for a specific theme. If so look in the
above example string again and you will see styles=visual, visual is what
you would specify in the styles definition for OpenLayers. Be sure you use
the tileSize definition that matches the width and height from the
TilePattern string.
The WorldWind example you reference is accessing the remote WorldWind server
for the tiles. It is not intended for accessing a copy of the data that you
Nathan Gerber
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:33 PM, <maw269 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have 2 questions:
> 1. Is it possible to show World Wind WMS Layers from OpenLayers as in
> http://onearth.jpl.nasa.gov/tiled.html?
> I can hit their wms from my browser:
> http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi?request=GetMap&layers=global_mosaic&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/jpeg&styles=visual&width=512&height=512&bbox=-180,-166,76,90
> but can't seem to connect to it using any of the openlayers.layer.classes.
> 2. I also downloaded the NLT Landsat 7 Visible Color-Level 0 cache pack
> from http://www.worldwinddata.com/
> How do I use OpenLayers.Layer.WorldWind to show that layer? I looked at
> http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/worldwind.html but was even more
> confused after looking at that page's source.
> The cache pack uzipped to my harddrive as a folder entitled '0'; subfolders
> entitled '0015' through '0075'; and then images such as '0015_0046.jpg'
> Thanks,
> Matt
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