[OpenLayers-Dev] [OpenLayers 3] code sprint summary, and request for comments

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 17 09:01:35 EDT 2010

I'm hoping this is a semi-appropriate thread to make this 
suggestion/recommendation.  Please feel free to use corporal punishment if it is 

For layers like WMS, which can actually have multiple "sub layers" it would be 
nice to have the ability to provide some level of control.  In my two primary 
applications (LEHD OnTheMap and GeoMOOSE) we have to do some work-arounds to 
make this happen cleanly.  The two best use cases for this are:
1) Putting many of the labels into a single WMS image request.  With MapServer 
this has a significant effect on how cleanly the labels render.  At the same 
time, the user may not want to see all the labels for every layer all of the 
2) Variable basemaps.  Again, if a basemap has 10-12 layers in it and the user 
wishes to turn one of them off it's not efficient to transfer 10-12 separate 
images "just in case" the user decides to turn one of these layers off.

Of course, triggering an event when one of these "layers" is turned on or off is 
even better. :-)

I'm certainly willing to contribute some code as I do have a fairly clean 
implementation for doing this.  It was written "under fire" and as my own class 
for my own application.

I should maybe g'head and try and sign that code contribution form.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Eric Lemoine <eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com>
> To: dev at openlayers.org
> Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 6:33:41 AM
> Subject: [OpenLayers-Dev] [OpenLayers 3] code sprint summary, and request for 
> Hi all.
> A few days ago I wrote a blog post [1] to present what some of  us
> worked on for OpenLayers 3 during the FOSS4G code sprint in  Barcelona.
> We didn't write any code during the code sprint, but just  discussed
> new APIs and design. With this email I'd like to provide  more
> technical details, and hopefully generate discussions, and get  ideas
> and opinions.
> My apologies for the lengthy email. Feel free to  create new discussion
> threads for specific topics if you find it more  appropriate. And all
> this is to be discussed, so any comments, questions,  criticisms are
> very welcome.
> [1]  <http://www.camptocamp.com/fr/blog/2010/09/2181/>
> OL 2.x  issues
> ===========
> Baselayers and  overlays
> ----------------------------------
> We currently have  baselayers and overlays. Baselayers are mutually
> exclusive, and the map must  have at least one. The current baselayer
> is where the resolutions, maxExtent  and projection are set, so the map
> always gets the resolutions, maxExtent and  projection from the current
> baselayer when it needs them.
> This  baselayer/overlay paradigm can be problematic. For example, for a
> given set  of layers, the user may want to be able to turn on any
> number of them  (including none), and to display them in any order. To
> be able to do that  people have been using a fake base layer, which
> isn't intuitive, at  best.
> The allOverlays option can help, but there are still cases where  it
> doesn't, because there still is one layer (the one at index 0)  with
> more priviledge than the others.
> Another issue is that we  initialize/calculate resolutions for any
> layer added to the map, because any  layer can potentially be a
> baselayer, that is especially true when  allOverlays is set (the layer
> at index 0 is the current baselayer from the  map perspective).
> Map  reprojection
> ------------------------
> OpenLayers 2.x doesn't support  reprojecting the map, and lots of
> people have been asking for it. Some  efforts have been done towards
> this ([2] [3]), but simple and convenient APIs  do not exist.
> [2]  
> [3] 
> Complex x APIs
> ---------------------
> Creating a simple map with a layer may  require quite some code and
> knowledge from the application developer. This is  particularly true
> when working with spherical mercator layers, where (a) the  map must be
> configured with an EPSG:900913 projection and a maxExtent  expressed in
> that projection, and (b) the layer must have sphericalMercator  set to
> true.
> Proposal for OL 3.x
> ================
> Removing  baselayer/overlay  dichotomy
> -------------------------------------------------------
> We've  been thinking about removing the baselayer/overlay paradigm.
> Essentially,  the map would be the place where the projection,
> resolutions, and maxExtent  are set, and all the layer would be equal.
> In this way, any layer could be  turned on/off, and layers could be
> arranged in any order. In this design the  map is the central place,
> and layers are "secondary" objects that adapt to  the map.
> Map reprojection
> ------------------------
> Regarding  map reprojection we've talked about introducing a
> setProjection method to the  map. setProjection would reconfigure the
> map with the new projection, and  gives each layer present in the map a
> chance to adapt (for example WMS layers  would request new images from
> their WMS servers). Layers that cannot adapt  would be turned off.
> Note: we may want to have "reconfigure" instead of  "setProjection", as
> not only does map reprojection involve setting a new  projection, it
> also involves setting new resolutions. I'm thinking about  something
> like map.reconfigure({projection: "EPSG:4326",  maxResolution:
> 1.40625});
> Simpler  APIs
> -------------------
> For example, to create and display a map with  a Google layer, we would
> like to be able to just do this:
> new  OpenLayers.Map({
>     div: "map",
>     layers: new  OpenLayers.Layer.Google()
>     center: [0, 0]
> });
> Likewise, to  create and display an EPSG:4326 map with a WMS layer we'd like:
> new  OpenLayers.Map({
>     div: "map",
>     layers: new  OpenLayers.Layer.WMS()
>     center: [0, 0]
> });
> Comments and code  design
> =======================
> In the proposed design, for layers to  be turned on and off based on
> the current projection, layers advertize the  projections they support.
> For example, Google layers advertize "EPSG:900913",  vector layers
> advertize no projection, meaning they support all  projections.
> In most cases the projection would be configured and set in  the map,
> and application developers would be encouraged to configure a map  with
> a projection. But, to be able to support
> new  OpenLayers.Map({
>     div: "map",
>     layers: new  OpenLayers.Layer.Google()
>     center: [0, 0]
> });
> we could  introduce a kind of fallback mechanism, where the map gets
> the projection  from the first layer (the one at index 0 in the layers
> array) when it has no  projection itself.
> So, the Map class would use this.getProjection() to  get the current
> projection, and getProjection would be something like  this:
>     getProjection: function() {
>          return this.projection ||
>                   (this.layers.length > 0 && this.layers[0].projection)  ||
>                   this.defaultProjection;
>     }
> (with defaultProjection being  set to "EPSG:4326" in the map).
> The above design would require taking  action when the layer at index 0
> is removed or replaced. For example, if we  have
> new OpenLayers.Map({
>     div: "map",
>      layers: [
>         new  OpenLayers.Layer.Google(),
>         new  OpenLayers.Layer.WMS()
>     ],
>     center: [0,  0]
> });
> and if the Google layer is removed, a reprojection from EPSG:900913  to
> EPSG:4326 will need to occur.
> But again, I think that the case  where no projection is set in the map
> should the exception rather than the  rule, it should be seen as a
> convenience for creating a map with a minimum of  configuration. So,
> typically, the above example would look like  this:
> new OpenLayers.Map({
>     div: "map",
>      projection: "EPSG:900913",
>     layers: [
>          new OpenLayers.Layer.Google(),
>         new  OpenLayers.Layer.WMS()
>     ],
>     center: [0,  0]
> });
> And in that case removing the Google layer wouldn't lead to  a
> reprojection, the projection will remain EPSG:900913 until an  explicit
> setProjection to some other projection is performed by the  application
> code.
> Okay, that's all for today.
> --
> Eric  Lemoine
> Camptocamp France SAS
> Savoie Technolac, BP 352
> 73377 Le  Bourget du Lac, Cedex
> Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
> Mail : eric.lemoine at camptocamp.com
> http://www.camptocamp.com
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