[OpenLayers-Dev] mobile sprint prep

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Feb 8 09:37:02 EST 2011


Suggestions . . . (i'm interested in implementing any and all of these
scenarios BTW . . .) 


Multi-touch operation: 

** Pinching in/out = Zoom in/out   
          Seems to be the easiest to relate to a user. Although it's
not obvious to everyone (yet) this this type of functionality is/should
be in every touch mapping interface. 
** Touch drag = drag the map 

DEFAULT operation (Single touch/tap mode): 

I'm going to suggest a push to get a single touch interface as far as
possible before addressing the multi-touch side.  Reason being that the
results would be useful on everything.   Should this be considered the
DEFAULT (failover) design, when nothing else works? 

** Touch drag = drags the map 
** Tap  "+" symbol = Zoom in 
** Tap "-" symbol = Zoom out 
** ALTERNATE Zoom in/out - Could use a slider bar along an edge for
in/out zooming, could use the same function(s) for map dragging to zoom
with, would make code smaller. 

Auto-track operation: 

** GPS (or tracking point) data stream reading. = Centers the map on
current location 
** Should be configurable for use with either the Multi-touch and/or
DEFAULT operation modes for zooming above. 


** I would personally like to be able to turn on / off any of the tools
in the interface above both as a developer, and as an end user, and have
all of these controls available all of the time if feasible, possibly
via some user settings, either at the session level and/or via some sort
of server side storage mechanism, maybe all that's needed is a standard
for storing the data, and let the developers decide where the settings
come from. 

I've got more ideas, but I'll sit quiet for a while. 


>>> Benoit Quartier <benoit.quartier at camptocamp.com> wrote:

Hi All,

At Camptocamp, we talked a lot, internally and with our customers,
about what would be expected from a mobile version of OpenLayers.
Let me share our thoughts and feel free to comment. and discuss them:

- Pan performance enhancement
In mobile devices, resources (network bandwidth, CPU, memory) are very
limited and pan performances is an important part of the user

- Touch Screen Interface
Most mobile devices are touch enabled. There are different levels of
touche support, which are mostly vendor dependant.
Depending on the device OS/browser capabilities, different level of
touch support could be provided.
1. Monotouch (these should work on all touch enable devices):
1. Pan by sliding the finger on the screen
2. Zoom In by double taping
3. Zoom Out ?by triple taping? (triple taping seems bad, but what
2. Multitouch Simple
1. Zoom In by taping with two fingers
2. Zoom Out by double clicking with two fingers
3. Multitouch Gesture
1. Pinch to zoom out and zoom in

(In most of the current Android phones, multitouch is not supported in
the browser)

- Use of Mobile Device Hardware
Access to the mobile device hardware is described by some w3c proposal

1. Localisation API: access the device position. (giving a way to
easyliy update it while the user is moving would be interesting)
2. Orientation API: keep the north up (ref: Proposal for orientation
API (from magnetometer):
http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source-orientation.html )

- Use of HTML5 offline storage capabilities

1. Local storage of part of the map for offline use
(2. Offline edition of features for later synchronisation (dependant on
the above point)

Camptocamp already did work on the pan performance enhancement, touch
navigation and basic use of the localisation API.
Our work is published on the osgeo trac:
http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/ticket/3000; it can hopefully serve as
a basis for further development.
@Jennie Fletcher: do you plan to publish your work on offline mode?
I also read on the list that someone did implement “gesture zoom” on
Apple devices; is there any plan to make this work public?


2011/2/8 Cédric
 MOULLET <cedric.moullet at gmail.com>

I forward an email that Jennie Fletcher, who will attend the mobile
code sprint, tried to send to this list.

As this is my first mail I should probably introduce myself, I'm Jennie
and I'm a Software Engineer for Edina and have been making use of
OpenLayers for many years, along with MapFish, ExtJS etc.

Recently I have been working on a mobile mapping application, adapting
the HTML5 local browser caching in the TouchMapLite Framework (using
PanoJS for animation) and was wondering if this functionality might be
useful for OpenLayers.

The ability to be able to access mapping offline is really important
for some of the use cases we support, for example school field trips in
areas where 3G connectivity is poor. Given the cost and unreliability of
mobile networks I think offline access is a compelling feature to
include. It also increases the kinds of device that the application can
run on, for example, wifi devices such as iPod and non 3G iPad models.

I have implemented examples using Web SQL Database
(http://dev.w3.org/html5/webdatabase/) and Web Storage
(http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/). There are advantages and
disadvantages to both these. My overall impression was that the Web SQL
Database provided more flexibility and greater functionality and better
mobile browser support (but is unsupported in ie and ff for example),
while Web Storage was more restrictive but had better support in
non-mobile browsers.

For mobile application development we have decided to go with Web SQL
Database, however the spec for this is no longer being maintained and it
looks likely that the IndexedDB standard will take it's place in future
versions, however there isn't currently any support for this in current

I'll be coming to the code sprint in Lausanne and I'm keen to discuss
where I might be able to help.

Jennie Fletcher.

2011/2/3 Cédric MOULLET <cedric.moullet at gmail.com> 

I collected the requirements of various swiss OpenLayers users and I
created a "wish" feature list here:
Some aspects are directly related to OpenLayers and other are related
more to UI components. So, this will be probably necessary to also
discuss the usage of mobile UI libraries like Sencha Touch or JQuery
All these points have not the same priority and I consider as mandatory
the points Map Navigation, Map Layers, Geolocate, Layer Selector,
Multilingual and Multiple coordinate system.
Swisstopo will deliver before the code sprint a mockup describing the
future mobile version of http://map.geo.admin.ch/ in order to give an
idea of what we would like to reach.
I'm happy to discuss these points and don't hesitate other points or
your point of view.
Best regards.

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Bob Basques
<Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us> wrote:


I'm sure there are folks already thinking like this, but I just wanted
to make sure that HTML5 and CSS3 are looked at hard for making things
that will be compatible. There are some interesting capabilities there
already. Lot's of new and potentially very interesting products to come
out of all this. 


>>> Tim Schaub <tschaub at opengeo.org> wrote:


As you may already know a code sprint on mobile development will take
place in Lausanne Switzerland from feb 21 to feb 25 [1].

Lots of people have shown interest in mobile support in OpenLayers,
interesting discussions already occurred on the mailing lists [2].

This email aims to encourage further discussions on the topic, to get
ideas and directions for the code sprint. Everyone is invited to
and participate in discussions. This is a rather new topic so any
experience to share, or code to show, can benefit the code sprint and
the OpenLayers project.

Tickets and patches have recently been created [3]. These patches
a starting point for the sprint, so now is probably 
a good time to
provide comments and feedback on them.

A page has been created on the OpenLayers wiki [4]. This is where
be collecting information regarding the sprint content. Feel free to
edit it, and add information you deem useful.

We're looking forward to discussions.


[1] <http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Lausanne_Code_Sprint_2011>
[3] <http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/ticket/3000>
[4] <http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/mobile>

Tim Schaub
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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Home sweet home:



Political blog: http://cedricmoullet.blogspot.com/
Welcome to my world: http://www.cedricmoullet.com/
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/cedricmoullet 

Home sweet home:

Dev mailing list
Dev at lists.osgeo.org


Benoît Quartier

Camptocamp SA
PSE-A, Parc Scientifique EPFL
CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel: +41 21 619 10 40
Fax: +41 21 619 10 00

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