[OpenLayers-Dev] WMTS Getfeatureinfo request issue

Tobias Reinicke ramotswa at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 04:50:07 EDT 2011

Hello All,

My last question was answered so amazingly quickly, I thought I'd try again.

I am getting some strange behaviour with a wmts request. It seems to
work at certain zoom levels only!

This request works fine:

This doesn't:


The styling of those layers are coming from geoserver and are being
styled with just a circle object, size 8.
Strangely, I don't get any problems doing a GFI request on a layer
that has images as symbols. I am not entirely sure why.

Apologies for not giving server and layername. The information is a
bit sensitive.

I have tried adding &buffer=100 to the request, but that doens't seem
to make any difference!

Any ideas would be much appreciated,

Kind Regards,


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